
We often find ourselves creating the same sets of slides for different presentations—weekly presentations for company meetings, for example. Using slides from another PowerPoint presentation is a great way to save time and effort while still giving your presentation the professional appeal it requires.
我们经常发现自己为不同的演示文稿创建了相同的幻灯片集,例如,公司会议的每周演示文稿。 使用其他PowerPoint演示文稿中的幻灯片是节省时间和精力的一种好方法,同时仍可以使演示文稿具有所需的专业吸引力。
Importing slides can save a ton of time. Not only does it keep all the animations and other settings when imported, but you can also have the imported slide adopt the theme of the presentation you’re working on.
导入幻灯片可以节省大量时间。 导入时,它不仅保留所有动画和其他设置,而且还可以使导入的幻灯片采用您正在处理的演示文稿的主题。
First, go ahead and open the PowerPoint presentation that you’re working on—the one into which you want to import slides. Next, select the correct location on your presentation where you’d like your imported slide to appear. For example, if you want the imported slide to appear as slide number three, you’ll need to click the space between the existing slides two and three.
首先,继续并打开您正在处理的PowerPoint演示文稿—您要将幻灯片演示文稿导入其中。 接下来,在演示文稿上选择要在其中显示导入的幻灯片的正确位置。 例如,如果希望导入的幻灯片显示为第三张幻灯片,则需要单击现有的第二张和第三张幻灯片之间的空格。

Next, switch to the “Home” tab and click the arrow under the “New Slide” button.

On the drop-down menu that appears, click the “Reuse Slides” command.

The Reuse Slides pane opens at the right side of your window. This is where you can browse your computer (or network) for another PowerPoint presentation. Do so by selecting either the “Browse” button or the “Open a PowerPoint File” link and navigating to the presentation that has the slides you want to import.
“重用幻灯片”窗格在窗口的右侧打开。 在这里您可以浏览计算机(或网络)以查找另一个PowerPoint演示文稿。 为此,请选择“浏览”按钮或“打开PowerPoint文件”链接,然后导航至包含要导入的幻灯片的演示文稿。

After selecting the file, you’ll see all of the slides from that presentation appear in Reuse Slides pane. Click any slide to insert it into your new presentation. You can’t select multiple slides at once to import; you’ll have to click them one at a time.
选择文件后,您将看到该演示文稿中的所有幻灯片都显示在“重用幻灯片”窗格中。 单击任何幻灯片将其插入到您的新演示文稿中。 您不能一次选择多张幻灯片导入。 您必须一次单击它们。

When you import a slide, it automatically takes on the theme of the current presentation. You can, however, choose to keep the original theme of the slide or even apply that theme to all of the slides by right-clicking one of the slides in the “Reuse Slide” pane and selecting “Apply theme to selected slides” or “Apply theme to all slides,” respectively.
导入幻灯片时,它会自动采用当前演示文稿的主题。 但是,您可以选择保留幻灯片的原始主题,甚至在“重用幻灯片”窗格中右键单击其中一张幻灯片,然后选择“将主题应用于选定的幻灯片”或“将主题分别应用于所有幻灯片”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370266/how-to-reuse-or-import-slides-from-another-powerpoint-presentation/