There are plenty of reasons why you might need to download something using Chrome on Android. Maybe you found an image that you want to use as a wallpaper, or you need to download a PDF for work and you’re not near a computer. Whatever the case may be, it’s easy to do.
有很多原因可能导致您可能需要在Android上使用Chrome浏览器下载某些内容。 也许您找到了要用作墙纸的图像,或者需要下载PDF才能工作,而您不在计算机旁。 无论是哪种情况,都很容易做到。
Open the Chrome web browser on your Android phone or tablet and go to the webpage where you want to download a file.
To download an image, simply long-press on the image until the menu pops up.

From the menu, tap “Download Image.”

The download progress will be shown at the bottom of the screen. When completed, you can tap “Open” to view the image.
下载进度将显示在屏幕底部。 完成后,您可以点击“打开”以查看图像。

Chrome will also show the download progress in a notification, which you can tap to open the file.

Downloading other files can be done in the same way, or you can tap the “Download” button or icon if one is available. For example, the button below can be long-pressed…
下载其他文件可以用相同的方式完成,或者您可以点击“下载”按钮或图标(如果有)。 例如,下面的按钮可以长按…

…to bring up this menu. Tap “Download Link” to download the file.
…调出此菜单。 点击“下载链接”以下载文件。

Tapping the button directly will also start the download.

Whether you’re downloading an image, audio file, PDF, or anything else, Chrome will always allow you to open it immediately after downloading.

An easy way to see all of your downloads is to tap the three-dot menu icon in the top bar.

Select “Downloads” from the menu.

This will bring up a chronological list of everything you have downloaded in Chrome.

Downloads from Chrome are stored in the “Downloads” folder on your device. You can view this folder with a file manager. Most Android devices come with a file manager app pre-installed, usually simply called “Files” or “My Files.” If not, the “Files by Google” app is available for free in the Play Store.
从Chrome下载的文件存储在设备上的“下载”文件夹中。 您可以使用文件管理器查看此文件夹。 大多数Android设备都预先安装了文件管理器应用程序,通常简称为“文件”或“我的文件”。 如果没有,则可以在Play商店中免费使用“ Files by Google ”应用程序。
Open your file manager of choice and look for the “Downloads” folder. This is what it looks like in the “Files by Google” app.
打开您选择的文件管理器,然后找到“下载”文件夹。 这就是“ Google提供的文件”应用程序中的外观。

Regardless of the Android device you have, there will be a “Downloads” folder on it. The majority of things you download on your device, not just from Chrome, can be found in this folder.
无论您使用的是哪种Android设备,其上都将存在一个“下载”文件夹。 您可以在此文件夹中找到大部分在设备上下载的内容,而不仅仅是从Chrome下载的内容。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687700/how-to-download-files-in-chrome-on-android/