outlook 签名
There are many people who live in Microsoft Outlook a good percentage of the day. You might want or need to change your email signature regularly depending upon the person you are emailing or the account you are using, and there’s a really simple way to do this that might not be obvious.
有很多人每天大部分时间都生活在Microsoft Outlook中。 您可能希望或需要根据要发送电子邮件的人员或所使用的帐户定期更改电子邮件签名,并且有一种非常简单的方法来实现此目的,这可能并不明显。
This is especially useful if you email personal contacts and business contacts on the same account. If you haven’t already setup a signature, you can refer to our previous article on creating a signature in Outlook 2007.
如果您在同一帐户中通过电子邮件发送个人联系人和业务联系人,则此功能特别有用。 如果尚未设置签名,则可以参考我们以前的有关在Outlook 2007中创建签名的文章。
Switching Your Email Signature
Open Outlook and compose the email message. After you have your email completed, right click the default signature and select the one you wish to use.
打开Outlook并撰写电子邮件。 填写完电子邮件后,右键单击默认签名,然后选择要使用的签名。

That is all there is to it! The signature you selected will now be displayed. Simple!
这就是全部! 现在将显示您选择的签名。 简单!

Another cool shortcut with this is being able to quickly create a new signature easier than going through the other process we previously described. Again simply right click on the current default signature and this time select Signatures.
另一个很酷的捷径是,比经历前面描述的其他过程更容易快速创建新签名。 再次简单地右键单击当前默认签名,然后选择“签名”。

This opens up Signatures and Stationery, where you can easily create a new signature. Simply click the New button, give it a name, the type in and format the signature to your liking and click OK.
这将打开“签名和信纸”,您可以在其中轻松创建新的签名。 只需单击“新建”按钮,为其命名,输入并按照您的喜好格式化签名,然后单击“确定”。

For extra credit, you can also create an Electronic Business Card, which you you can add to an email whenever you need to.
为了获得额外的信用,您还可以创建电子名片 ,您可以在需要时将其添加到电子邮件中。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80047/quick-tip-switch-between-signatures-in-outlook-2007-the-easy-way-2/
outlook 签名