如何使用RSS:Maker在RSS 2.0提要中生成元素?

时间:2021-12-18 00:59:24

I'm using Ruby 1.9.3 RSS::Maker module to generate a RSS 2.0 feed for a podcast. I'd like to start including a <content:encoded> element for show notes. This is my code for generating the RSS.

我正在使用Ruby 1.9.3 RSS :: Maker模块为播客生成RSS 2.0源。我想开始为show notes添加 元素。这是我生成RSS的代码。

s3_bucket = AWS::S3::Bucket.find(options[:bucket])

content = RSS::Maker.make(version) do |m|
        m.channel.title = options[:title]
        m.channel.link = options[:link]
        m.channel.description = options[:desc]
        m.channel.language = options[:language]
        m.channel.itunes_image = options[:image]
        m.items.do_sort = true

        s3_bucket.select{|object| object.key =~ /[\s\w]+\.(m4b|mp3|m4a|ogg|aac)/}.each do |audio|
                i = m.items.new_item
                i.link = audio.url(:authenticated => false)  
                i.title = audio.key.split(".")[0]
                i.author = options[:author]
                i.pubDate = audio.last_modified
                i.guid.content = audio.etag
                i.enclosure.url = i.link
                i.enclosure.length = audio.content_length
                i.enclosure.type = audio.content_type
                # Insert content:encoded code here

For generating the <content:encoded> element I've tried:

为了生成 元素,我尝试过:

i.encoded :content audio.metadata[:content]

i.encoded:content audio.metadata [:content]

i.encoded :content, audio.metadata[:content]

i.encoded:content,audio.metadata [:content]

i.content = audio.metadata[:content]

i.content = audio.metadata [:content]

i.content.encoded = audio.metadata[:content]

i.content.encoded = audio.metadata [:content]

i.encoded = audio.metadata[:content]

i.encoded = audio.metadata [:content]

i.encoded.content = audio.metadata[:content]

i.encoded.content = audio.metadata [:content]

None of these work and most throw a NoSuchMethod exception - which is not surprising based on the documentation of the RSS::Maker module.

这些都不起作用,并且大多数都会抛出NoSuchMethod异常 - 根据RSS :: Maker模块的文档,这并不奇怪。

Is there a way using RSS::Maker to add arbitrary elements with a namespace?

有没有办法使用RSS :: Maker添加名称空间的任意元素?

1 个解决方案



You’re looking for i.content_encoded.


The documentation isn’t too great, so I used i.methods to get a list of methods I can use on feed items. methods works on all objects.


The list is quite long, so you most likely only want to show methods you can write to, i.e. something like this:


RSS::Maker.make("2.0") do |ma|
  puts ma.items.new_item.methods.keep_if { |m|



You’re looking for i.content_encoded.


The documentation isn’t too great, so I used i.methods to get a list of methods I can use on feed items. methods works on all objects.


The list is quite long, so you most likely only want to show methods you can write to, i.e. something like this:


RSS::Maker.make("2.0") do |ma|
  puts ma.items.new_item.methods.keep_if { |m|