
时间:2021-10-01 01:05:09

Since I moved from python3.5 to 3.6 the Parallel computation using joblib is not reducing the computation time. Here are the librairies installed versions: - python: 3.6.3 - joblib: 0.11 - numpy: 1.14.0

自从我从python3.5移到3.6后,使用joblib的并行计算并没有减少计算时间。以下是安装了librairies的版本: - python:3.6.3 - joblib:0.11 - numpy:1.14.0

Based on a very well known example, I give below a sample code to reproduce the problem:


import time
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def square_int(i):
    return i * i

ndata = 1000000 
ti = time.time()
results = []    
for i in range(ndata):

duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
print(f"standard computation: {duration} s" )

for njobs in [1,2,3,4] :
    ti = time.time()  
    results = []
    results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, backend="multiprocessing")\
        (delayed(square_int)(i) for i in range(ndata))
    duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
    print(f"{njobs} jobs computation: {duration} s" )

I got the following ouput:


  • standard computation: 0.2672 s
  • 标准计算:0.2672秒

  • 1 jobs computation: 352.3113 s
  • 1个工作计算:352.3113 s

  • 2 jobs computation: 6.9662 s
  • 2个工作量计算:6.9662秒

  • 3 jobs computation: 7.2556 s
  • 3个工作量计算:7.2556秒

  • 4 jobs computation: 7.097 s
  • 4个工作量计算:7.097秒

While I am increasing by a factor of 10 the number of ndata and removing the 1 core computation, I get those results:


  • standard computation: 2.4739 s
  • 标准计算:2.4739 s

  • 2 jobs computation: 77.8861 s
  • 2个工作量计算:77.8861秒

  • 3 jobs computation: 79.9909 s
  • 3个工作量计算:79.9909秒

  • 4 jobs computation: 83.1523 s
  • 4个工作量计算:83.1523秒

Does anyone have an idea in which direction I should investigate ?


1 个解决方案



I think the primary reason is that your overhead from parallel beats the benefits. In another word, your square_int is too simple to earn any performance improvement via parallel. The square_int is so simple that passing input and output between processes may take more time than executing the function square_int.

我认为主要原因是你的并行开销会带来好处。换句话说,square_int太简单了,无法通过并行获得任何性能提升。 square_int非常简单,在进程之间传递输入和输出可能比执行square_int函数花费更多时间。

I modified your code by creating a square_int_batch function. It reduced the computation time a lot, though it is still more than the serial implementation.


import time
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def square_int(i):
    return i * i

def square_int_batch(a,b):
    for i in range(a,b):
    return results

ndata = 1000000 
ti = time.time()
results = []    
for i in range(ndata):

# results = [square_int(i) for i in range(ndata)]

duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
print(f"standard computation: {duration} s" )

batch_num = 3

for njobs in [2,3,4] :
    ti = time.time()  
    results = []
    a = list(range(ndata))
#     results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, )(delayed(square_int)(i) for i in range(ndata))
#     results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, backend="multiprocessing")(delayed(
    results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs)(delayed(
        square_int_batch)(i*batch_size,(i+1)*batch_size) for i in range(batch_num))
    duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
    print(f"{njobs} jobs computation: {duration} s" )

And the computation timings are


standard computation: 0.3184 s
2 jobs computation: 0.5079 s
3 jobs computation: 0.6466 s
4 jobs computation: 0.4836 s

A few other suggestions that will help reduce the time.


  1. Use list comprehension results = [square_int(i) for i in range(ndata)] to replace for loop in your specific case, it is faster. I tested.
  2. 使用list comprehension results = [square_int(i)for i in range(ndata)]来替换你的特定情况下的循环,它更快。我测试过。

  3. Set batch_num to a reasonable size. The larger this value is, the more overhead. It started to get significantly slower when batch_num exceed 1000 in my case.
  4. 将batch_num设置为合理的大小。该值越大,开销越大。在我的情况下,当batch_num超过1000时,它开始显着变慢。

  5. I used the default backend loky instead of multiprocessing. It is slightly faster, at least in my case.
  6. 我使用默认的后端loky而不是多处理。它稍微快一点,至少在我的情况下。

From a few other SO questions, I read that the multiprocessing is good for cpu-heavy tasks, for which I don't have an official definition. You can explore that yourself.




I think the primary reason is that your overhead from parallel beats the benefits. In another word, your square_int is too simple to earn any performance improvement via parallel. The square_int is so simple that passing input and output between processes may take more time than executing the function square_int.

我认为主要原因是你的并行开销会带来好处。换句话说,square_int太简单了,无法通过并行获得任何性能提升。 square_int非常简单,在进程之间传递输入和输出可能比执行square_int函数花费更多时间。

I modified your code by creating a square_int_batch function. It reduced the computation time a lot, though it is still more than the serial implementation.


import time
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def square_int(i):
    return i * i

def square_int_batch(a,b):
    for i in range(a,b):
    return results

ndata = 1000000 
ti = time.time()
results = []    
for i in range(ndata):

# results = [square_int(i) for i in range(ndata)]

duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
print(f"standard computation: {duration} s" )

batch_num = 3

for njobs in [2,3,4] :
    ti = time.time()  
    results = []
    a = list(range(ndata))
#     results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, )(delayed(square_int)(i) for i in range(ndata))
#     results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, backend="multiprocessing")(delayed(
    results = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs)(delayed(
        square_int_batch)(i*batch_size,(i+1)*batch_size) for i in range(batch_num))
    duration = np.round(time.time() - ti,4)
    print(f"{njobs} jobs computation: {duration} s" )

And the computation timings are


standard computation: 0.3184 s
2 jobs computation: 0.5079 s
3 jobs computation: 0.6466 s
4 jobs computation: 0.4836 s

A few other suggestions that will help reduce the time.


  1. Use list comprehension results = [square_int(i) for i in range(ndata)] to replace for loop in your specific case, it is faster. I tested.
  2. 使用list comprehension results = [square_int(i)for i in range(ndata)]来替换你的特定情况下的循环,它更快。我测试过。

  3. Set batch_num to a reasonable size. The larger this value is, the more overhead. It started to get significantly slower when batch_num exceed 1000 in my case.
  4. 将batch_num设置为合理的大小。该值越大,开销越大。在我的情况下,当batch_num超过1000时,它开始显着变慢。

  5. I used the default backend loky instead of multiprocessing. It is slightly faster, at least in my case.
  6. 我使用默认的后端loky而不是多处理。它稍微快一点,至少在我的情况下。

From a few other SO questions, I read that the multiprocessing is good for cpu-heavy tasks, for which I don't have an official definition. You can explore that yourself.
