if i make an ellipse bounded by a rectangle. how can i rotate it ? as in if i have rx,ry,cx,cy,topleft x,toplefy, bottomrightx,bottomrighty
如果我做一个由矩形限定的椭圆。我怎么旋转它?如果我有rx,ry,cx,cy,topleft x,toplefy,bottomrightx,bottomrighty
iused the formula
angle=taninverse(ry/rx) and i keep adding the angle that is angle=angle + taninverse(ry/rx)
angle = taninverse(ry / rx)并且我继续添加角度=角度=角度+ taninverse(ry / rx)
the angle is too small to see the difference. please provide another formula to calctulate teh angle with the given parmeteres
to have a look at the ellipse with the bounded rectangle frame http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/branches/2.5.1/editor/svg-editor.html
2 个解决方案
Have you tried rotating by a larger angle to see what happens? Do the values of rx and ry change?
您是否尝试过更大的角度旋转以查看会发生什么? rx和ry的值是否会改变?
If not, you probably should compute 'atan(ry/rx)' and store the result in a variable like so:
如果没有,你可能应该计算'atan(ry / rx)'并将结果存储在一个变量中:
double delta = Math.atan(ry / rx);
Then when you rotate
angle += delta; // or angle = angle + delta --- these are equivalent
Alternatively, rather than calculating the angle from ry and rx, you may wish to simply keep a value such as
double delta = Math.PI / 6;
This simply gives the angle to rotate through without a calculation. The advantage is that you can simply set this delta
variable to any value you wish, large or small. As above, you can increment angle
by this delta
There are some animation classes in Android. The package android.animation is available since API 11 and provides the ability animate object properties. android.view.animation is available from API 1 and provides animations for resizing, moving, and rotating. Both also offer XML attributes so you can also set you animation in XML. The main classes to check out are android.view.animation.Animation and android.animation.Animator.
Android中有一些动画类。 android.animation包自API 11开始提供,并提供动画对象属性的功能。 android.view.animation可从API 1获得,并提供用于调整大小,移动和旋转的动画。两者都提供XML属性,因此您还可以使用XML设置动画。要检查的主要类是android.view.animation.Animation和android.animation.Animator。
Have you tried rotating by a larger angle to see what happens? Do the values of rx and ry change?
您是否尝试过更大的角度旋转以查看会发生什么? rx和ry的值是否会改变?
If not, you probably should compute 'atan(ry/rx)' and store the result in a variable like so:
如果没有,你可能应该计算'atan(ry / rx)'并将结果存储在一个变量中:
double delta = Math.atan(ry / rx);
Then when you rotate
angle += delta; // or angle = angle + delta --- these are equivalent
Alternatively, rather than calculating the angle from ry and rx, you may wish to simply keep a value such as
double delta = Math.PI / 6;
This simply gives the angle to rotate through without a calculation. The advantage is that you can simply set this delta
variable to any value you wish, large or small. As above, you can increment angle
by this delta
There are some animation classes in Android. The package android.animation is available since API 11 and provides the ability animate object properties. android.view.animation is available from API 1 and provides animations for resizing, moving, and rotating. Both also offer XML attributes so you can also set you animation in XML. The main classes to check out are android.view.animation.Animation and android.animation.Animator.
Android中有一些动画类。 android.animation包自API 11开始提供,并提供动画对象属性的功能。 android.view.animation可从API 1获得,并提供用于调整大小,移动和旋转的动画。两者都提供XML属性,因此您还可以使用XML设置动画。要检查的主要类是android.view.animation.Animation和android.animation.Animator。