
时间:2022-01-21 23:52:40

Should files be named something-with-hyphens.js, camelCased.js, or something else?


I didn't find the answer to this question here.


5 个解决方案



One possible naming convention is to use something similar to the naming scheme jQuery uses. It's not universally adopted but it is pretty common.



where the product-name + plugin pair can also represent a namespace and a module. The version and filetype are usually optional.


filetype can be something relative to how the content of the file is. Often seen are:


  • min for minified files
  • 分钟缩小的文件
  • custom for custom built or modified files
  • 自定义构建或修改的文件



  • jquery-1.4.2.min.js
  • jquery-1.4.2.min.js
  • jquery.plugin-0.1.js
  • jquery.plugin-0.1.js
  • myapp.invoice.js
  • myapp.invoice.js



I'm not aware of any particular convention for javascript files as they aren't really unique on the web versus css files or html files or any other type of file like that. There are some "safe" things you can do that make it less likely you will accidentally run into a cross platform issue:


  1. Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems.
  2. 使用所有小写文件名。有一些操作系统对文件名不区分大小写,并且使用所有小写都可以避免在无意中使用两个文件,这些文件只在某些操作系统上可能无法使用时不同。
  3. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems.
  4. 不要在文件名中使用空格。虽然这在技术上是可行的,但是文件名中的空格可能导致问题的原因有很多。
  5. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator.
  6. 连字符对于单词分隔符来说是可以的。如果您想要对多个单词使用某种分隔符,而不是在不同的脚本中使用空格或camelcase。连字符是一种安全、有用、常用的分隔符。
  7. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.
  8. 考虑在文件名中使用版本号。当您想要升级脚本时,请考虑浏览器或CDN缓存的影响。最简单的方法使用长期缓存(速度和效率),但直接和安全升级,当你升级一个JS文件包含版本号在已部署的文件名或路径(像jQuery jquery-1.6.2.js)然后你撞/当你改变版本号升级/修改文件。这将保证从缓存中不会为请求更新版本的页面提供旧版本。



There is no official, universal, convention for naming JavaScript files.


There are some various options:


  • scriptName.js
  • scriptName.js
  • script-name.js
  • script-name.js
  • script_name.js
  • script_name.js

are all valid naming conventions, however I prefer the jQuery suggested naming convention (for jQuery plugins, although it works for any JS)


  • jquery.pluginname.js
  • jquery.pluginname.js

The beauty to this naming convention is that it explicitly describes the global namespace pollution being added.


  • foo.js adds window.foo
  • foo。js window.foo补充道
  • foo.bar.js adds window.foo.bar
  • foo.bar。js window.foo.bar补充道

Because I left out versioning: it should come after the full name, preferably separated by a hyphen, with periods between major and minor versions:


  • foo-1.2.1.js
  • foo-1.2.1.js
  • foo-1.2.2.js
  • foo-1.2.2.js
  • ...
  • foo-2.1.24.js
  • foo-2.1.24.js



The question in the link you gave talks about naming of JavaScript variables, not about file naming, so forget about that for the context in which you ask your question.


As to file naming, it is purely a matter of preference and taste. I prefer naming files with hyphens because then I don't have to reach for the shift key, as I do when dealing with camelCase file names; and because I don't have to worry about differences between Windows and Linux file names (Windows file names are case-insensitive, at least through XP).


So the answer, like so many, is "it depends" or "it's up to you."


The one rule you should follow is to be consistent in the convention you choose.




I generally prefer hyphens with lower case, but one thing not yet mentioned is that sometimes it's nice to have the file name exactly match the name of a single module or instantiable function contained within.


For example, I have a revealing module declared with var knockoutUtilityModule = function() {...} within its own file named knockoutUtilityModule.js, although objectively I prefer knockout-utility-module.js.

例如,我有一个用var knockoutUtilityModule = function(){…在它自己的名为knockoutUtilityModule的文件中。虽然客观上我更喜欢淘汰制-模块。

Similarly, since I'm using a bundling mechanism to combine scripts, I've taken to defining instantiable functions (templated view models etc) each in their own file, C# style, for maintainability. For example, ProductDescriptorViewModel lives on its own inside ProductDescriptorViewModel.js (I use upper case for instantiable functions).




One possible naming convention is to use something similar to the naming scheme jQuery uses. It's not universally adopted but it is pretty common.



where the product-name + plugin pair can also represent a namespace and a module. The version and filetype are usually optional.


filetype can be something relative to how the content of the file is. Often seen are:


  • min for minified files
  • 分钟缩小的文件
  • custom for custom built or modified files
  • 自定义构建或修改的文件



  • jquery-1.4.2.min.js
  • jquery-1.4.2.min.js
  • jquery.plugin-0.1.js
  • jquery.plugin-0.1.js
  • myapp.invoice.js
  • myapp.invoice.js



I'm not aware of any particular convention for javascript files as they aren't really unique on the web versus css files or html files or any other type of file like that. There are some "safe" things you can do that make it less likely you will accidentally run into a cross platform issue:


  1. Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems.
  2. 使用所有小写文件名。有一些操作系统对文件名不区分大小写,并且使用所有小写都可以避免在无意中使用两个文件,这些文件只在某些操作系统上可能无法使用时不同。
  3. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems.
  4. 不要在文件名中使用空格。虽然这在技术上是可行的,但是文件名中的空格可能导致问题的原因有很多。
  5. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator.
  6. 连字符对于单词分隔符来说是可以的。如果您想要对多个单词使用某种分隔符,而不是在不同的脚本中使用空格或camelcase。连字符是一种安全、有用、常用的分隔符。
  7. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.
  8. 考虑在文件名中使用版本号。当您想要升级脚本时,请考虑浏览器或CDN缓存的影响。最简单的方法使用长期缓存(速度和效率),但直接和安全升级,当你升级一个JS文件包含版本号在已部署的文件名或路径(像jQuery jquery-1.6.2.js)然后你撞/当你改变版本号升级/修改文件。这将保证从缓存中不会为请求更新版本的页面提供旧版本。



There is no official, universal, convention for naming JavaScript files.


There are some various options:


  • scriptName.js
  • scriptName.js
  • script-name.js
  • script-name.js
  • script_name.js
  • script_name.js

are all valid naming conventions, however I prefer the jQuery suggested naming convention (for jQuery plugins, although it works for any JS)


  • jquery.pluginname.js
  • jquery.pluginname.js

The beauty to this naming convention is that it explicitly describes the global namespace pollution being added.


  • foo.js adds window.foo
  • foo。js window.foo补充道
  • foo.bar.js adds window.foo.bar
  • foo.bar。js window.foo.bar补充道

Because I left out versioning: it should come after the full name, preferably separated by a hyphen, with periods between major and minor versions:


  • foo-1.2.1.js
  • foo-1.2.1.js
  • foo-1.2.2.js
  • foo-1.2.2.js
  • ...
  • foo-2.1.24.js
  • foo-2.1.24.js



The question in the link you gave talks about naming of JavaScript variables, not about file naming, so forget about that for the context in which you ask your question.


As to file naming, it is purely a matter of preference and taste. I prefer naming files with hyphens because then I don't have to reach for the shift key, as I do when dealing with camelCase file names; and because I don't have to worry about differences between Windows and Linux file names (Windows file names are case-insensitive, at least through XP).


So the answer, like so many, is "it depends" or "it's up to you."


The one rule you should follow is to be consistent in the convention you choose.




I generally prefer hyphens with lower case, but one thing not yet mentioned is that sometimes it's nice to have the file name exactly match the name of a single module or instantiable function contained within.


For example, I have a revealing module declared with var knockoutUtilityModule = function() {...} within its own file named knockoutUtilityModule.js, although objectively I prefer knockout-utility-module.js.

例如,我有一个用var knockoutUtilityModule = function(){…在它自己的名为knockoutUtilityModule的文件中。虽然客观上我更喜欢淘汰制-模块。

Similarly, since I'm using a bundling mechanism to combine scripts, I've taken to defining instantiable functions (templated view models etc) each in their own file, C# style, for maintainability. For example, ProductDescriptorViewModel lives on its own inside ProductDescriptorViewModel.js (I use upper case for instantiable functions).
