
时间:2021-08-28 23:22:56

I have a global variable which I need to update after http get call. After update I need to pass this updated variable to other function. I can't understand what is the best way to do this. Here is my code:

我有一个全局变量,需要在http get调用之后更新它。更新后,我需要将更新后的变量传递给其他函数。我不明白做这件事最好的办法是什么。这是我的代码:

    app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
     var data = '';
       .then(function(response) {
        data = response.data;
     vm.mapOptions = {
        controls: {
            navigator: false
        center: [40, -35],
        zoom: 3,
        layers: [{
            style: {
                fill: {
                    color: '#1996E4'
                stroke: {
                    color: '#FFFFFF'
            type: 'shape',
            dataSource: data
        shapeCreated: onShapeCreated,
        shapeFeatureCreated: onShapeFeatureCreated

Is it possible at all to update global variable after http call?


Thank you for help in advance.


1 个解决方案



When you do a http request, it takes some time to send the request and get the response, specially when you send the request to a API on a server,but in meanwhile the execution continues immediately and the statement after your http call is executed and if you have something that depends on the response, most properly will be failed.


in your case vm.mapOptions have dependency to data, which is a local variable getting the respnse from get request. so what can you do?


Step 1 :


make a function for all codes that are involve with your response :


$scope.myCallBack = function(data){
  vm.mapOptions = {
    controls: {
        navigator: false
    center: [40, -35],
    zoom: 3,
    layers: [{
        style: {
            fill: {
                color: '#1996E4'
            stroke: {
                color: '#FFFFFF'
        type: 'shape',
        dataSource: data
    shapeCreated: onShapeCreated,
    shapeFeatureCreated: onShapeFeatureCreated


Step 2 : Call the myCallBack function inside your $http.get right after getting the response


var data = '';
   .then(function(response) {
    data = response.data;



When you do a http request, it takes some time to send the request and get the response, specially when you send the request to a API on a server,but in meanwhile the execution continues immediately and the statement after your http call is executed and if you have something that depends on the response, most properly will be failed.


in your case vm.mapOptions have dependency to data, which is a local variable getting the respnse from get request. so what can you do?


Step 1 :


make a function for all codes that are involve with your response :


$scope.myCallBack = function(data){
  vm.mapOptions = {
    controls: {
        navigator: false
    center: [40, -35],
    zoom: 3,
    layers: [{
        style: {
            fill: {
                color: '#1996E4'
            stroke: {
                color: '#FFFFFF'
        type: 'shape',
        dataSource: data
    shapeCreated: onShapeCreated,
    shapeFeatureCreated: onShapeFeatureCreated


Step 2 : Call the myCallBack function inside your $http.get right after getting the response


var data = '';
   .then(function(response) {
    data = response.data;