分析Crystal Reports的最佳方法是什么?

时间:2021-12-12 22:46:12

If you have two versions of the same report (.rpt) and you want to establish what the exact differences are, what is the best way to go about this? I've seen some commercial tools to do this, but I'm not too interested in forking out cash for something that should be relatively straight forward. Can I hook into the Crystal API and simply list all of the properties of every field or something? Please someone tell me that there's an Open Source project somewhere that does this... @:-)

如果您有相同报告的两个版本(.rpt),并且您想确定具体的差异,那么最好的方法是什么?我已经看到了一些商业工具来做到这一点,但我并不太愿意花钱买一些应该相对直接的东西。我可以挂钩到Crystal API并简单列出每个字段的所有属性吗?请有人告诉我,某个地方有一个开源项目可以做到这一点...... @ :-)

@Kogus, wouldn't diffing the outputs as text hide any formatting differences?


@ladoucep, I don't seem to be able to export the report without data.


3 个解决方案



Can I hook into the Crystal API and simply list all of the properties of every field or something? Please someone tell me that there's an Open Source project somewhere that does this... @:-)

我可以挂钩到Crystal API并简单列出每个字段的所有属性吗?请有人告诉我,某个地方有一个开源项目可以做到这一点...... @ :-)

There is in fact, such an API. I wrote a VB6 application to do just what you asked and more. I think I even migrated it to VB.Net. As it was for my own use, I didn't spend much time making it 'polished'. I've been intending to release it, but I haven't had the time...


Another approach that I've used in the past is to create an Access application to help manage large, report-development projects. One of it's many features includes the ability to extract the tables that are used by the report, and the SQL statements used by its Commands and SQL Expressions. It's intent is to give one a global perspective of which reports use which tables. I probably still have it somewhere...


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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (R?) has a feature named 'Meta Manager'. It will periodically examine the contents of the Repository and save the results to a database. It uses the Report-Application Service (RAS) to generate the meta data. It's an additional, 5-figure license, of course.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI(R?)具有名为“Meta Manager”的功能。它将定期检查存储库的内容并将结果保存到数据库中。它使用Report-Application Service(RAS)生成元数据。当然,这是一个额外的5位数的许可证。

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Consider using PowerShell to do the work: PsCrystal.




One helpful technique is to output both versions of the report to plain text, then diff those outputs.


You could write something using the crystal report component to describe every property of the report, like you described. Then you could output that to text, and diff those. I'm not aware of any open source tool that does it for you, but it would not be terribly hard to write it.

您可以使用crystal report组件编写一些内容来描述报告的每个属性,就像您描述的那样。然后你可以将它输出到文本,然后区分它们。我不知道有任何开源工具为你做这件事,但编写它并不是非常难。

@question in the post: Diffing the outputs would only show formatting changes if the relative positions had changed. For example, if i had this:


before: First name, last name, addresss


after: Last Name, First Name, Address


Then that would show up as a difference.


But if I had just bumped the address column over a few pixels, or changed it from plain text to bold, then you are right, that would not show up.




One technique I have used to great effect in the past is to print out reports from both versions based on the same data. I then take the first page from each version, lay one on top of the other (it is important not to mix them up) and hold them up to a window. It is generally quite easy to see any differences, and these differences can be manually annotated with a suitable writing instrument such as a pencil. Repeat for each page in the report.


Admittedly, for large reports this can be quite time consuming and error prone, but these limitataions can be overcome with patience and care.




Can I hook into the Crystal API and simply list all of the properties of every field or something? Please someone tell me that there's an Open Source project somewhere that does this... @:-)

我可以挂钩到Crystal API并简单列出每个字段的所有属性吗?请有人告诉我,某个地方有一个开源项目可以做到这一点...... @ :-)

There is in fact, such an API. I wrote a VB6 application to do just what you asked and more. I think I even migrated it to VB.Net. As it was for my own use, I didn't spend much time making it 'polished'. I've been intending to release it, but I haven't had the time...


Another approach that I've used in the past is to create an Access application to help manage large, report-development projects. One of it's many features includes the ability to extract the tables that are used by the report, and the SQL statements used by its Commands and SQL Expressions. It's intent is to give one a global perspective of which reports use which tables. I probably still have it somewhere...


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BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (R?) has a feature named 'Meta Manager'. It will periodically examine the contents of the Repository and save the results to a database. It uses the Report-Application Service (RAS) to generate the meta data. It's an additional, 5-figure license, of course.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI(R?)具有名为“Meta Manager”的功能。它将定期检查存储库的内容并将结果保存到数据库中。它使用Report-Application Service(RAS)生成元数据。当然,这是一个额外的5位数的许可证。

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Consider using PowerShell to do the work: PsCrystal.




One helpful technique is to output both versions of the report to plain text, then diff those outputs.


You could write something using the crystal report component to describe every property of the report, like you described. Then you could output that to text, and diff those. I'm not aware of any open source tool that does it for you, but it would not be terribly hard to write it.

您可以使用crystal report组件编写一些内容来描述报告的每个属性,就像您描述的那样。然后你可以将它输出到文本,然后区分它们。我不知道有任何开源工具为你做这件事,但编写它并不是非常难。

@question in the post: Diffing the outputs would only show formatting changes if the relative positions had changed. For example, if i had this:


before: First name, last name, addresss


after: Last Name, First Name, Address


Then that would show up as a difference.


But if I had just bumped the address column over a few pixels, or changed it from plain text to bold, then you are right, that would not show up.




One technique I have used to great effect in the past is to print out reports from both versions based on the same data. I then take the first page from each version, lay one on top of the other (it is important not to mix them up) and hold them up to a window. It is generally quite easy to see any differences, and these differences can be manually annotated with a suitable writing instrument such as a pencil. Repeat for each page in the report.


Admittedly, for large reports this can be quite time consuming and error prone, but these limitataions can be overcome with patience and care.
