I've added this entry into the context menue of an USB stick via autorun.inf
shell\pageant=Activate SSH Key
shell\pageant\command=PuTTY\pageant.exe PuTTY\davids.ppk
Both PuTTY\pageant.exe
and PuTTY\davids.ppk
are files on the USB stick and should be picked up from there.
PuTTY \ pageant.exe和PuTTY \ davids.ppk都是USB记忆棒上的文件,应该从那里拿起来。
When I run this in a shell from the root of the stick it works as intended. But starting it from the menu it tries to load the key from C:\Windows\system32\PuTTY\davids.ppk
(checked with Process Monitor).
当我从棒的根部运行它时它按预期工作。但是从菜单启动它会尝试从C:\ Windows \ system32 \ PuTTY \ davids.ppk加载密钥(使用Process Monitor检查)。
Trying to use a simple cmd script resulted in this output:
C:\Windows\system32>cd PuTTY Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\Windows\system32>pageant.exe davids.ppk Der Befehl "pageant.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Is there a way to get this working properly? I guess it should be able to pass the drive letter or get the explorer to use the stick as working directory, but I don't know how. Since I want to use the stick on the go, I'd rather avoid hardcoding my local drive letter.
2 个解决方案
I think the easiest solution would be to create a batch file to do this for you. Something named activatekey.cmd
like this:
REM switch to the directory containing this script
for %%a in (%0) do cd /D %%~da%%~pa
cd PuTTY
pageant.exe davids.ppk
Place the file activatekey.cmd
in your USB stick, and change the autorun.inf
to be:
shell\pageant=Activate SSH Key
It seems it reads "Path" system variable. :( You may add the drive to path but getting the Drive letter is the problem. :-(
它似乎是“Path”系统变量。 :(您可以将驱动器添加到路径,但获取驱动器号是问题。:-(
Update 1 : You can get the drive letter using a VB script.
Update 2 : Yes, I think you can do that. Check this page.
Update 3 : I tested the script. It works great.
Dim oDrive
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each oDrive In oFSO.Drives
WScript.Echo "Drive Letter" , oDrive.DriveLetter
WScript.Echo "Drive Type" , oDrive.DriveType
Use some file existance check method to differenciate multiple USB drives.
I think the easiest solution would be to create a batch file to do this for you. Something named activatekey.cmd
like this:
REM switch to the directory containing this script
for %%a in (%0) do cd /D %%~da%%~pa
cd PuTTY
pageant.exe davids.ppk
Place the file activatekey.cmd
in your USB stick, and change the autorun.inf
to be:
shell\pageant=Activate SSH Key
It seems it reads "Path" system variable. :( You may add the drive to path but getting the Drive letter is the problem. :-(
它似乎是“Path”系统变量。 :(您可以将驱动器添加到路径,但获取驱动器号是问题。:-(
Update 1 : You can get the drive letter using a VB script.
Update 2 : Yes, I think you can do that. Check this page.
Update 3 : I tested the script. It works great.
Dim oDrive
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each oDrive In oFSO.Drives
WScript.Echo "Drive Letter" , oDrive.DriveLetter
WScript.Echo "Drive Type" , oDrive.DriveType
Use some file existance check method to differenciate multiple USB drives.