当redirectMode = ResponseRewrite时,为什么HttpContext.Session为null

时间:2022-05-23 21:58:09

As is suggested elsewhere, I am using redirectMode = ResponseRewrite in my custom error configuration so my custom error page can access the exception info. This has worked like a charm for some time.

正如其他地方所建议的那样,我在自定义错误配置中使用redirectMode = ResponseRewrite,因此我的自定义错误页面可以访问异常信息。这有点像魅力一段时间了。

In adding some more "help the user recover from an error" type functionality, we need a piece of info that has been previously stored in Session. When implementing this, I found that the various avenues to Session end in null when redirectMode=ResponseRewrite, but they are all populated when redirectMode=ResponseRedirect (or isn't defined).

在添加更多“帮助用户从错误中恢复”类型功能时,我们需要一段先前存储在Session中的信息。实现这一点时,我发现当redirectMode = ResponseRewrite时,Session的各种途径以null结尾,但是当redirectMode = ResponseRedirect(或未定义)时,它们都被填充。

Anyone know why? It seems odd that we'd have to choose between having exception info (ResponseRewrite) or having Session (ResponseRedirect).


The MSDN article on Rich Custom Error handling tells me that Session is only available when the control passing method is Server.Transfer, which is what I assumed ResponseRewrite used under the hood. Evidently that isn't the case.

关于Rich Custom Error处理的MSDN文章告诉我,Session只有在控制传递方法是Server.Transfer时才可用,这是我假设在引擎盖下使用的ResponseRewrite。显然事实并非如此。

1 个解决方案



I don't know the answer to the question yet, but to get past it, I took the redirectMode attribute out of my web config and put custom logic in the Global.asax Application_Error handler to do what I wanted. I am replacing the exception with a "user friendly" message exception, but essentially the transfer logic is:

我还不知道这个问题的答案,但是为了解决这个问题,我从我的web配置中取出了redirectMode属性,并将自定义逻辑放在Global.asax Application_Error处理程序中以完成我想要的操作。我用“用户友好”消息异常替换异常,但基本上转移逻辑是:


if(Context.IsCustomErrorEnabled){Server.Transfer(“〜/ Error.aspx”); }

Then the Error.aspx page has Page_Load code to pull the error out of context and display the message.




I don't know the answer to the question yet, but to get past it, I took the redirectMode attribute out of my web config and put custom logic in the Global.asax Application_Error handler to do what I wanted. I am replacing the exception with a "user friendly" message exception, but essentially the transfer logic is:

我还不知道这个问题的答案,但是为了解决这个问题,我从我的web配置中取出了redirectMode属性,并将自定义逻辑放在Global.asax Application_Error处理程序中以完成我想要的操作。我用“用户友好”消息异常替换异常,但基本上转移逻辑是:


if(Context.IsCustomErrorEnabled){Server.Transfer(“〜/ Error.aspx”); }

Then the Error.aspx page has Page_Load code to pull the error out of context and display the message.
