多个模型 - 一个通用主键(Django)

时间:2021-10-25 22:08:04

I wish a nice day to everyone. As I've mentioned in title, I would like to join multiple models and identify one of them with one global ID, so the ID would determine which model it is and I would access all of its fields.


Currently I'm fighting with multi-table inheritance and I have a problem. I would like to have one parent model and several child models which would inherit some of parent's fields.


class Parent(models.Model):

class Child1(Parent):
    fieldX = models.CharField()

class Child2(Parent):
    fieldY = models.CharField()

However I would like to access the childs by parent model using primary key. So...



should return Child1 and Child2 objects with their fields (fieldX, fieldY) as well.


(Let assume that Parent record with pk=1 is Child1 model)

(假设pk = 1的父记录是Child1模型)

Though when I try to access child fields by parent model


child = Parent.objects.get(pk=1)

django returns an AttributeError: 'Parent' object has no attribute 'fieldX'


My goal is to create something like one primary key for all child models. Is that possible in Django? Respectively, is there any similar solution or suggestion? I have been searching in related topics like contenttype or GUID, UUID, but I suppose that's not what I'm looking for. Thank you for your help!

我的目标是为所有子模型创建一个主键。 Django有可能吗?分别是否有类似的解决方案或建议?我一直在搜索相关的主题,如contenttype或GUID,UUID,但我想这不是我正在寻找的。谢谢您的帮助!

1 个解决方案



When you make Parent.objects.get(pk=1) you are getting Child1 and Child2 rows alright, but django ORM is returning you Parent instances, since it's only retrieving the data stored on the parent table.

当您创建Parent.objects.get(pk = 1)时,您将获得Child1和Child2行,但是django ORM将返回Parent实例,因为它只检索存储在父表上的数据。

To get an instance of the children model, you have to do parent_instance.childmodelname.


This can get messy real quick if you have multiple child classes, since you have to know exactly to which child model the parent instance belongs to, to be able to access it (if you try, for example, to access parent.child1 being a Child2 instance, it will raise an exception).


I recommend you use the django-model-utils app, which defines a custom manager called InheritanceManager which you can use on your model and will take care of retrieving and returning the corresponding child model instance, making the whole process a lot easier.

我建议你使用django-model-utils app,它定义了一个名为InheritanceManager的自定义管理器,你可以在你的模型上使用它,它将负责检索和返回相应的子模型实例,使整个过程变得更加容易。



When you make Parent.objects.get(pk=1) you are getting Child1 and Child2 rows alright, but django ORM is returning you Parent instances, since it's only retrieving the data stored on the parent table.

当您创建Parent.objects.get(pk = 1)时,您将获得Child1和Child2行,但是django ORM将返回Parent实例,因为它只检索存储在父表上的数据。

To get an instance of the children model, you have to do parent_instance.childmodelname.


This can get messy real quick if you have multiple child classes, since you have to know exactly to which child model the parent instance belongs to, to be able to access it (if you try, for example, to access parent.child1 being a Child2 instance, it will raise an exception).


I recommend you use the django-model-utils app, which defines a custom manager called InheritanceManager which you can use on your model and will take care of retrieving and returning the corresponding child model instance, making the whole process a lot easier.

我建议你使用django-model-utils app,它定义了一个名为InheritanceManager的自定义管理器,你可以在你的模型上使用它,它将负责检索和返回相应的子模型实例,使整个过程变得更加容易。