
时间:2022-04-01 20:30:59


There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.

You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:

  • Each child must have at least one candy.
  • Children with a higher rating get more candies than their neighbors.

What is the minimum candies you must give?

Runtime: 392 ms

这道题跟Leetcode 一道contain water的题很像,思想很简单,可以把每个小朋友单独考虑,看下每个小朋友左边有紧邻的小朋友rate降序的个数,再看下该小朋友右边紧邻的小朋友降序的个数,然后就能确定本小朋友的最小“高度”(两降序个数中较大值),即为小朋友应得的糖果。


public class Solution {

public int candy(int[] ratings) {

if(ratings.length==0) return 0;

if(ratings.length==1) return 1;

int[] lowleft=new int[ratings.length];

int[] lowleft=new int[ratings.length];

int ret=0;


for(int i=1;i<ratings.length;i++){

if(ratings[i-1]<ratings[i]) lowleft[i]=lowleft[i-1]+1;

//else if(ratings[i-1]==ratings[i]) lowleft[i]=lowleft[i-1];

else lowleft[i]=0;



for(int j=ratings.length-2;j>=0;j--){

if(ratings[j+1]<ratings[j]) lowright[j]=lowright[j+1]+1;

//else if(ratings[j+1]==ratings[j]) lowright[j]=lowleft[j+1];

else lowright[j]=0;


for(int i=0;i<ratings.length;i++){



return ret;




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