
时间:2021-08-01 09:13:39

Hi So I created this function called runloopg(x,y,z) that produces a list but I can't call an item on the list:


<generator object rtpairs at 0x000000000BAF1F78>
[(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1), (-0.00222521,0.00974928,0,0,0,1), (-0.00900969,0.00433884,0,0,0,1), (0.0549583,-0.0712712,0,0,0,1), (0.0627244,-0.0645419,0,0,0,1), (0.0696727,-0.0569711,0,0,0,1), (0.0757128,-0.0486577,0,0,0,1), (0.0807659,-0.0397099,0,0,0,1), (0.084766,-0.0302444,0,0,0,1), (0.0876611,-0.0203847,0,0,0,1), (0.0894134,-0.0102592,0,0,0,1)]

However when I call an item on my list as so:


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-240-a69904524460> in <module>()
----> 1 p[0]

TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

This is the code for runloopg:


import numpy
import raytracer29

def rtpairs(R, N):
    for i in range(len(R)):
        for j in range(n):
            t = j*2*numpy.pi/n
            yield r,t

def rtuniform(n, rmax, m):
    N=numpy.arange(1, n*m, m)
    return rtpairs(R, N)

def runloopg(n, rmax, m):
    #print  rtuniform(n, rmax, m)
    bund = []
    for r,t in rtuniform(n, rmax, m):
        myRay = raytracer29.Ray(r * numpy.cos(t), r * numpy.sin(t),0,0,0,1)        
    return bund

4 个解决方案



A generator object is returned. Once you used a generator, it's exhausted and you can't use it again.


But you can take all of it's values as a list:


p = list(runloopg(10,0.1,6))



You didn't post the relevant code - your function's definition - but very obviously this function returns None.


edit: Ok from the snippet you posted runloopg does indeed return a list so the problem is elsewhere. I see that your snippet starts with a commented out print statement printing the return value of a call to rtuniform, and this matches what you posted of your interactive session. My guess is that you were executing an older version of the function that just printed and exited immediatly (implicitely returning None), then you edited your code but failed to properly reload your function.




Since your method is returning a generator, you need to consume it:


for i in runloopg(10,0.1,6):

p = list(runloopg(10,0.1,6))

# If you just want the first item:

first_item = next(runloopg(10,0.1,6))



It looks like your runloopg function is missing a return. So, it does something like this:


def runloopg():
   [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

or this:


def runloop():
    x = [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

instead of this:


def runloopg():
    return [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

In the first version, that line is run, its result is then immediately discarded, and the function continues. In the second, the result is stored in a variable, and the function continues. In both cases, the function then falls off the end - and Python will return None for you when that happens. In the last version, the result you've calculated is returned, and ends up being assigned to p - so p will be a list, and p[0] will work.

在第一个版本中,该行运行,其结果随即被丢弃,函数继续。在第二种情况下,结果存储在一个变量中,函数继续。在这两种情况下,函数都会掉到最后,而当发生这种情况时,Python会为您返回None。在最后一个版本中,您计算的结果被返回,最后被分配到p - so p将是一个列表,而p[0]将会起作用。



A generator object is returned. Once you used a generator, it's exhausted and you can't use it again.


But you can take all of it's values as a list:


p = list(runloopg(10,0.1,6))



You didn't post the relevant code - your function's definition - but very obviously this function returns None.


edit: Ok from the snippet you posted runloopg does indeed return a list so the problem is elsewhere. I see that your snippet starts with a commented out print statement printing the return value of a call to rtuniform, and this matches what you posted of your interactive session. My guess is that you were executing an older version of the function that just printed and exited immediatly (implicitely returning None), then you edited your code but failed to properly reload your function.




Since your method is returning a generator, you need to consume it:


for i in runloopg(10,0.1,6):

p = list(runloopg(10,0.1,6))

# If you just want the first item:

first_item = next(runloopg(10,0.1,6))



It looks like your runloopg function is missing a return. So, it does something like this:


def runloopg():
   [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

or this:


def runloop():
    x = [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

instead of this:


def runloopg():
    return [(0,0,0,0,0,1), (0.01,0,0,0,0,1), (0.0062349,0.00781831,0,0,0,1)] # and the rest

In the first version, that line is run, its result is then immediately discarded, and the function continues. In the second, the result is stored in a variable, and the function continues. In both cases, the function then falls off the end - and Python will return None for you when that happens. In the last version, the result you've calculated is returned, and ends up being assigned to p - so p will be a list, and p[0] will work.

在第一个版本中,该行运行,其结果随即被丢弃,函数继续。在第二种情况下,结果存储在一个变量中,函数继续。在这两种情况下,函数都会掉到最后,而当发生这种情况时,Python会为您返回None。在最后一个版本中,您计算的结果被返回,最后被分配到p - so p将是一个列表,而p[0]将会起作用。