如何使用HTML::FormFu进行jQuery AJAX表单验证?

时间:2021-12-01 08:08:40

Are there any examples I can look at that use HTML::FormFu with AJAX form validation and submission? I would really not like to write my validation routines three times (once in JS, once in FormFu constraints, and once in DBIC models), so I'd really like a way that's integrated with HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC if possible.


1 个解决方案



Use JQuery Validation Engine that submits form to PHP and returns the fancy error boxes if there is any validation required. Have a look at this link: JQuery Validation




Use JQuery Validation Engine that submits form to PHP and returns the fancy error boxes if there is any validation required. Have a look at this link: JQuery Validation
