
时间:2021-11-05 08:15:47

I am using library of Form Validation in CodeIgniter. Below config try to include all Number, English words, Chinese words and space. But it's not work.


$config = array(
                       'field' => 'keywords',
                       'label' => 'keywords',
                       'rules' => 'regex_match[/[a-zA-Z0-9 \u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/]'

However, if I deduce '\u4e00-\u9fa5', it's work.

但是,如果我推断'\ u4e00- \ u9fa5',它就可以了。

$config = array(
                           'field' => 'keywords',
                           'label' => 'keywords',
                           'rules' => 'regex_match[/[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$/]'

2 个解决方案



There are three issues in the regex you have:


  • The validation regex should start matching at the start of the string, thus, you need the start of string anchor ^ or \A. Also, it is advisable to replace $ with the very end of the string anchor \z (as $ also matches before the final newline symbol in a string).
  • 验证正则表达式应该在字符串的开头匹配,因此,您需要字符串锚点^或\ A的开头。另外,建议用字符串anchor \ z的末尾替换$(因为$也匹配字符串中的最后换行符号之前)。
  • Revo is right, \uXXXX notation is not supported by PHP regex engine. However, you do not have to specify the range of Unicode code points here. Chinese characters in PHP PCRE regex can be defined with a Unicode property \p{Han}.
  • Revo是对的,PHP正则表达式引擎不支持\ uXXXX表示法。但是,您不必在此处指定Unicode代码点的范围。 PHP PCRE正则表达式中的中文字符可以使用Unicode属性\ p {Han}定义。
  • For a PCRE regex to become Unicode aware, you need to use the /u modifier.
  • 要使PCRE正则表达式能够识别Unicode,您需要使用/ u修饰符。

So, use



Or (a tiny bit less secure),





PCRE does not support the \uFFFF syntax. Use \x{FFFF} instead.

PCRE不支持\ uFFFF语法。请改用\ x {FFFF}。

/[a-zA-Z0-9 \x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+$/



There are three issues in the regex you have:


  • The validation regex should start matching at the start of the string, thus, you need the start of string anchor ^ or \A. Also, it is advisable to replace $ with the very end of the string anchor \z (as $ also matches before the final newline symbol in a string).
  • 验证正则表达式应该在字符串的开头匹配,因此,您需要字符串锚点^或\ A的开头。另外,建议用字符串anchor \ z的末尾替换$(因为$也匹配字符串中的最后换行符号之前)。
  • Revo is right, \uXXXX notation is not supported by PHP regex engine. However, you do not have to specify the range of Unicode code points here. Chinese characters in PHP PCRE regex can be defined with a Unicode property \p{Han}.
  • Revo是对的,PHP正则表达式引擎不支持\ uXXXX表示法。但是,您不必在此处指定Unicode代码点的范围。 PHP PCRE正则表达式中的中文字符可以使用Unicode属性\ p {Han}定义。
  • For a PCRE regex to become Unicode aware, you need to use the /u modifier.
  • 要使PCRE正则表达式能够识别Unicode,您需要使用/ u修饰符。

So, use



Or (a tiny bit less secure),





PCRE does not support the \uFFFF syntax. Use \x{FFFF} instead.

PCRE不支持\ uFFFF语法。请改用\ x {FFFF}。

/[a-zA-Z0-9 \x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+$/