
时间:2022-03-13 08:04:17

I want to define my own validation routine for a particular field of a Django model. I want the error message to be displayed in the admin form but I also want the same validation to take place if the entity is saved by own python code. Is there a way to do this without breaking the DRY principle?


1 个解决方案



If you want to validate an individual field, you can write a validator and add it to your model field.


The validator will be run for the field whenever the model's full_clean method is called. It will be run whenever a model form is validated (including in the Django admin), but it will not automatically run when the model instance is saved - you must call full_clean manually in python code.

只要调用模型的full_clean方法,就会为该字段运行验证器。它将在验证模型表单时运行(包括在Django管理员中),但在保存模型实例时不会自动运行 - 您必须在python代码中手动调用full_clean。

m = MyModel(x=20)
m.full_clean() # may raise ValidationError

If you wanted to force the validator to run whenever the model is saved, then you could override the save method and call full_clean there. Note that this would cause the validation to run twice when using model forms and the django admin.

如果您想在保存模型时强制验证器运行,那么您可以覆盖save方法并在那里调用full_clean。请注意,这将导致验证在使用模型表单和django admin时运行两次。



If you want to validate an individual field, you can write a validator and add it to your model field.


The validator will be run for the field whenever the model's full_clean method is called. It will be run whenever a model form is validated (including in the Django admin), but it will not automatically run when the model instance is saved - you must call full_clean manually in python code.

只要调用模型的full_clean方法,就会为该字段运行验证器。它将在验证模型表单时运行(包括在Django管理员中),但在保存模型实例时不会自动运行 - 您必须在python代码中手动调用full_clean。

m = MyModel(x=20)
m.full_clean() # may raise ValidationError

If you wanted to force the validator to run whenever the model is saved, then you could override the save method and call full_clean there. Note that this would cause the validation to run twice when using model forms and the django admin.

如果您想在保存模型时强制验证器运行,那么您可以覆盖save方法并在那里调用full_clean。请注意,这将导致验证在使用模型表单和django admin时运行两次。