@Select("select count(*) from issues where issue_type = #{type}")
String getIssueCount(String type);
"select id,committername,type,count,projectname,file,line,message,creationdate,updatedate from issue",
"where creationdate BETWEEN #{startDate} AND #{endDate}",
"<if test='committer != null and committer.length > 0'>",
"AND committername IN",
"<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='committer' open='(' close=')' separator=','>",
"<if test='type != null and type.length > 0'>",
"AND type IN",
"<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='type' open='(' close=')' separator=','>",
"<if test='project != null and project.length > 0'>",
"AND projectname IN",
"<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='project' open='(' close=')' separator=','>",
List<IssueModel> getDetailIssue(@Param("startDate") String startDate, @Param("endDate")String endDate,
@Param("committer") String[] committer, @Param("type") String[] type,
@Param("project") String[] project);
(2)实现IN查询中 > 符号需要转义为 > ,其中foreach的collection直接写成@param中的值即可。