
It might be impolite to unfollow a new co-worker on Instagram. If you don’t want to see someone’s Stories and posts, but you want to continue messaging, try muting them. Here’s how to mute someone on Instagram.
在Instagram上关注新同事可能是不礼貌的。 如果您不想看到某人的故事和帖子,但想继续发送消息,请尝试将其静音。 这是在Instagram上静音某人的方法。
When you mute a profile, Instagram doesn’t notify them about your action. There are a couple of ways to mute someone’s posts or Stories (or both). Here’s the first.
当您使个人资料静音时,Instagram不会通知他们您的操作。 有两种方法可以使某人的帖子或故事 (或两者)都静音。 这是第一个。
如何在Instagram上静音 (How to Mute Someone on Instagram)
From the Instagram app for iPhone or Android, navigate to the profile of the person or page that you want to mute.
Here, tap the “Following” button found near the top of the profile.

From the menu that appears, tap the “Mute” button.

Now, tap on the toggle next to “Posts” and “Stories.” You won’t see their posts on your feed and their Instagram Stories will be hidden by default.
现在,点击“帖子”和“故事”旁边的切换按钮。 您不会在Feed上看到他们的帖子,并且默认情况下,他们的Instagram故事将被隐藏。

If you only want to mute someone’s Stories, you can tap and hold their profile icon from the Instagram Stories row at the top of the mobile app to open a menu.

From here, tap the “Mute” button. Their Stories will be muted and hidden instantly.
在此处,点击“静音”按钮。 他们的故事将被静音并立即隐藏。

If you want to mute someone when you come across their post on your feed, tap the three-dot Menu button found near the top of the image.

Here, you can choose the “Mute” option from the menu.

Now, if you only want to mute their posts, select the “Mute Posts” option. If you want to mute both their posts and Stories, select the “Mute Posts And Story” option.
现在,如果您只想静音他们的帖子,请选择“静音帖子”选项。 如果要同时静音他们的帖子和故事,请选择“静音帖子和故事”选项。

如何在Instagram上取消静音 (How to Unmute Someone on Instagram)
Even when you’ve muted someone, you can always go to their profile to see their posts and Stories. If you want to unmute them, tap the “Following” button from their profile again, and then from the menu, select the “Mute” option.
即使您已将某人设为静音,也可以随时转到他们的个人资料以查看他们的信息和故事。 如果要取消静音,请再次从其配置文件中点击“关注”按钮,然后从菜单中选择“静音”选项。
Now, tap on the toggles next to “Posts” and “Stories” to unmute the Instagram profile.

Is muting the profile not helping? You can block them on Instagram instead.
使个人资料静音对您没有帮助吗? 您可以改为在Instagram上阻止它们 。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672555/how-to-mute-someone-on-instagram/