KDE 4.10 现已对Windows可用

时间:2024-04-14 10:50:47
KDE 的Plasma是GNU/Linux 世界上最受欢迎的桌面环境 之一。其社区同样致力于 KDE应用 的Windows移植,以使Windows用户可以利用起KDE的优势。该Windows项目之前很长一段时间出于limbo(前途未卜,迷失域)状态,现在终于已经对Windows可用了。

KDE 4.10 现已对Windows可用 

可以通过 KDEWin Installer 下载安装该发行套件,并安装KDE SE for Windows可用的任何软件。

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英文原文: KDE 4.10 now available for Windows | Muktware
Posted by BHUSHAN SHAH on May 03, 2013
KDE 4.10 now available for Windows
KDE’s Plasma is one of the most popular desktop environment in the GNU/Linux world. The community was also working on a Windows port of KDE applications so that these users can also take advantage of KDE’s technologies. The Windows project was in the state of limbo for quite some time and now KDE SC 4.10.2 is available for Windows.
