- 对领域内有标签数据的过分依赖:虽然有了预训练+精调的两段式框架,但还是少不了一定量的领域标注数据,否则很难取得不错的效果,而标注数据的成本又是很高的。
- 对于领域数据分布的过拟合:在精调阶段,因为领域数据有限,模型只能拟合训练数据分布,如果数据较少的话就可能造成过拟合,致使模型的泛华能力下降,更加无法应用到其他领域。
最重要的是,GPT-3的few-shot还在部分NLU任务上超越了当前SOTA。该论文长达72页(Google T5是53页),第10页之后都是长长的实验结果与分析。
抛开 GPT-3 这项工作的具体发现不谈,简单说一说这项工作给我带来的担忧:
1、AI 领域的科研垄断似乎正在形成
刚听说了 OpenAI 出了 1700 亿参数的 GPT-3 时,给我的感受就好像是,我们还在琢磨怎么用好 100 nm 工艺线研发芯片时,别人已经宣布跑通 9 nm 工艺线了。这种震惊相信芯片领域的同学有切身的感受。 保守估计,GPT-3 的训练费用在数百万美金到千万美金之间,显然这样的花销国内很难有团队可以承受。那么在算力这个层面,科研垄断已经形成了。
记得五年前,我在知乎上分享了一项有关世界上第一款光电混合CPU的研究,这个工作由 UC Berkeley, MIT & University of Colorado Boulder 研究人员共同完成,在当年的 Nature 上进行了报道。简而言之,他们第一次在微电子标准 CMOS 工艺下,利用IBM商用的 45 nm 工艺线实现了光电混合集成的 CPU。然而,五年过去,依然没有听到国内有哪家单位在做。而对方已经创业,开始尝试将这一技术应用到数据中心中。
如果接下来几年类似 GPT-3 这样的超大规模模型依然只是被少数几家强 AI 机构垄断,那么芯片领域的当下局面很有可能出现在 AI 领域。
可能有一些同学会说,上面说的未免有点杞人忧天,毕竟这么重的 GPT-3 在实际中连拿来 inference 都不太可能。 但是我们看 GPT-3 的文章会发现,这是一项系统工程。前面
答主也提到,单是作者贡献就单独列了一页。显然,GPT-3 是一项很有挑战的工程项目。一项有挑战的工程项目的完成,不论本身是否具有重要用途,在完成挑战过程中所突破的种种技术问题,就是一笔巨大的财富。比如,在训练过程中,如何在集群上实现超大规模参数的高效更新,如何处理梯度传播等等。
GPT-3 仅仅只是一个开始,随着这类工作的常态化开展,类似 OpenAI 的机构很可能形成系统性的AI技术垄断。
英伟达副总裁 Bryan Catanzaro :computation power make human ingenuity the limiting factor for AI research & development
中文:计算力 让人工智能研究 只有想不到,没有做不到
- GPT-3可能还是无法帮助OpenAI盈利,也无法直接上线显著造福网民,但是从中积累的大模型训练经验是OpenAI和他背后的微软Azure一笔巨大的财富。这就像,人类登上火星/月球可能并不能带来直接的资源收益,但是从中积累的科学技术却可以推动人类社会的发展。
- 我个人很喜欢大力出奇迹的工作,现在的NLP预训练如同中国的古话“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。我希望大家不要“看不上”这样的工作,并觉得给我卡我上我也行。NLP大规模预训练至少面临着:模型大了容易训崩(虽然我也不知道为什么,但是大Transformer就是会在某一个点突然模型Loss骤增)、模型并行容易有坑、训着训着机器坏了的容错问题。
- 我的回答一直强调,NLP的同学们,尤其是年轻的同学们,要去大厂、有资源的地方。虽然有了资源不一定行,但是没有资源现在肯定是不行了。
第一次看挂这么多名字的论文详细地写Author contributions
Tom Brown, Ben Mann, Prafulla Dhariwal, Dario Amodei, Nick Ryder, Daniel M Ziegler, and Jeffrey Wu implemented the large-scale models, training infrastructure, and model-parallel strategies.
Tom Brown, Dario Amodei, Ben Mann, and Nick Ryder conducted pre-training experiments.
Ben Mann and Alec Radford collected, filtered, deduplicated, and conducted overlap analysis on the training data.
Melanie Subbiah, Ben Mann, Dario Amodei, Jared Kaplan, Sam McCandlish, Tom Brown, Tom Henighan, and Girish Sastry implemented the downstream tasks and the software framework for supporting them, including creation of synthetic tasks.
Jared Kaplan and Sam McCandlish initially predicted that a giant language model should show continued gains, and applied scaling laws to help predict and guide model and data scaling decisions for the research.
Ben Mann implemented sampling without replacement during training.
Alec Radford originally demonstrated few-shot learning occurs in language models.
Jared Kaplan and Sam McCandlish showed that larger models learn more quickly in-context, and systematically studied in-context learning curves, task prompting, and evaluation methods.
Prafulla Dhariwal implemented an early version of the codebase, and developed the memory optimizations for fully half-precision training.
Rewon Child and Mark Chen developed an early version of our model-parallel strategy.
Rewon Child and Scott Gray contributed the sparse transformer.
Aditya Ramesh experimented with loss scaling strategies for pretraining.
Melanie Subbiah and Arvind Neelakantan implemented, experimented with, and tested beam search.
Pranav Shyam worked on SuperGLUE and assisted with connections to few-shot learning and meta-learning literature.
Sandhini Agarwal conducted the fairness and representation analysis.
Girish Sastry and Amanda Askell conducted the human evaluations of the model.
Ariel Herbert-Voss conducted the threat analysis of malicious use.
Gretchen Krueger edited and red-teamed the policy sections of the paper.
Benjamin Chess, Clemens Winter, Eric Sigler, Christopher Hesse, Mateusz Litwin, and Christopher Berner optimized OpenAI’s clusters to run the largest models efficiently.
Scott Gray developed fast GPU kernels used during training.
Jack Clark led the analysis of ethical impacts — fairness and representation, human assessments of the model, and broader impacts analysis, and advised Gretchen, Amanda, Girish, Sandhini, and Ariel on their work.
Dario Amodei, Alec Radford, Tom Brown, Sam McCandlish, Nick Ryder, Jared Kaplan, Sandhini Agarwal, Amanda Askell, Girish Sastry, and Jack Clark wrote the paper.
Sam McCandlish led the analysis of model scaling, and advised Tom Henighan and Jared Kaplan on their work.
Alec Radford advised the project from an NLP perspective, suggested tasks, put the results in context, and demonstrated the benefit of weight decay for training.
Ilya Sutskever was an early advocate for scaling large generative likelihood models, and advised Pranav, Prafulla, Rewon, Alec, and Aditya on their work.
Dario Amodei designed and led the research.
1. 炼丹师们以后连自黑调参侠也不敢了。
GPT-2 (参数15 亿)、Megatron-BERT(80 亿参数)、Turing NLG(170 亿参数),而GPT-3直接1700亿个参数。
2. 当下入坑DL建议:穷搞理论,富搞预训练。(雾)
Unfortunately, a bug in the filtering caused us to ignore some overlaps, and due to the cost of training it was not feasible to retrain the model.
3. GPT-3对NLP和DL的意义还是非常重大的。
- 建立GPT-3尺度的双向模型。
- 使双向模型能在少样本、零样本学习上工作。
4. 数据、模型、算力,三大要素,缺一不可,但算力还是王道:
GPT-3总体上来说,写的故事还是不错了。看起来比较真实,读起来也很有感觉。以下我仔细分析了GPT-3的几篇文章。第一篇讲中国的文章中,拿中国治安很好和美国枪支泛滥做对比,读起来好像作者真的是美国人似的。第三篇的推特爱情故事,真实地展现了Brandon Flowers几天的推文。虽然日期有些杂乱,但是大体上的内容非常真实。除了情情爱爱的套话之外,还刻画了邀请朋友来婚礼等生活细节,看起来饶有趣味。
- GPT-3也是个“中吹”
Trixie Textured - My cat licked my thumb.
Join Date: Nov 2006 Posts: 4,592
I have not been to China, though I have been to Japan and love it.
I have friends in China who have also been to Japan, and they both love it, and neither of them think of it as a \"poor\" country. In fact, a lot of people who have been there say that China is much nicer.
China is not a poor country. They have tons of money and resources. Their problem is that they do not spend enough on infrastructure and don't value education as highly as they could. So their people do not make as much money as they could. And they don't have nice things. It is much nicer than India, but not as good as Japan. I would like to visit it, because I do not think I would be disappointed, but I don't expect it to be better than Japan.
They have a different mindset than us, and do things differently. Their government is not a democracy. It is a * government. I think that is not a bad thing, and has it's benefits. They have much fewer guns and gun crime than we do. They are, for the most part, more honest than we are. Their infrastructure, while not as nice as ours, is very good. They spend more on infrastructure than we do. They have much more public transportation, and better public transportation. They are working on their environmental problems, and they have made more progress than we have. They have fewer social problems, and less crime than we do. They have a very good education system, especially compared to India.
They spend more money on schools and education, and invest more in their future, than we do.
China is a country that is far more well developed than many people in the US would think.
The fact that they have fewer guns, and better education and fewer social problems is probably why they have fewer school shootings than we do. I think we have way too many guns in this country, and that is a big part of the problem.
Just my thoughts.
乍一看挺流畅的,不过仔细琢磨还是能看出不少前后不一致的地方。例如一开始讲到中国和日本两个国家时,指代有些杂乱。第一次讲"poor country"指代日本,第二次讲的时候不知怎么又拿来指代中国了。后面讲到infrastructure和education,前面一顿贬,后面竟然又自相矛盾地跨起来了。说明GPT-3虽然有一千多亿参数,但是文字功底还是只停留在符号层面,逻辑基础比较差。
2. GPT-3也会Arduino
The Arduino is a small microcontroller, the key component for any hardware project. It allows you to interact with the real world with the help of sensors.
As you might know, the Arduino doesn’t come alone, it needs a small piece of hardware called the USB/serial converter to be able to interact with your computer and communicate with the Arduino.
By default the Arduino only comes with an Atmega328. This is a pretty good chip, as it can run up to 20MHz, has lots of RAM (32kB), lots of IO pins (20) and lots of serial ports (4).
We can still upgrade the Arduino with a more powerful chip, like the Atmega2560 (60MHz, lots of RAM, lots of IO pins and serial ports), the Atmega1280 (80MHz, lots of RAM, lots of IO pins and serial ports) or the Atmega2561 (62.5MHz, lots of RAM, lots of IO pins and serial ports).
As you can see, the difference between these chips is the speed (Mhz) and the amount of RAM.
The choice between the other 3 chips depends on the project you’re going to use the Arduino for. If you need a high speed for something like an audio or video streaming application, you should go for the Atmega2560 or Atmega2561. If you need a lot of IO pins for some digital inputs and outputs, you should go for the Atmega1280.
The first Arduino board I have made has a Mega2560 on it, so that’s what we’re going to be using. The pins can be easily set in a manner that suits the hardware project, and there are lots of examples and examples on the internet for lots of projects.
If you plan to use the Arduino to connect your hardware projects to a PC, you will need an extra cable. One that has the 2 signals to use with the Arduino (I2C or SPI) and another one to use with your PC (serial). This is what I will be using for this project, and I highly recommend it to anyone else who plans to do the same.
Here is an example of such a cable.
That’s it for today, stay tuned for the next part in which I will be adding code to control the LEDs and adding more control buttons.
但是写出“lots of examples and examples”这种赘余的文字就不应该了(我专门去谷歌搜了一下,并没有examples and examples这种写法)。这也是语言模型的一个通病了吧,之前用GPT-2的时候。跑出来的结果中出现通篇重复文字的概率不小(即相同的一个或几个单词无限循环输出)。GPT-3也有少量通篇重复的,我这里就不放出来了。
3. GPT-3也会虐狗
There’s nothing more adorable than a real life couple who gush over one another on social media and share the same love story. What’s even more adorable is when you know that they found each other through social media.
Take Brandon Flowers and his wife, Tana. The two met on Twitter and now, they’re celebrating their five year anniversary. If you follow either of their social media accounts, you may have noticed some cute posts from them about their relationship. We want to thank them for allowing us to have a look into their love story, because they’re too cute!
As fans of The Killers, we love hearing about their adventures.
They’re pretty cute!
There’s nothing more adorable than a real life couple who gush over one another on social media and share the same love story. What’s even more adorable is when you know that they found each other through social media.
Take Brandon Flowers and his wife, Tana. The two met on Twitter and now, they’re celebrating their five year anniversary. If you follow either of their social media accounts, you may have noticed some cute posts from them about their relationship. We want to thank them for allowing us to have a look into their love story, because they’re too cute!
As fans of The Killers, we love hearing about their adventures.
They’re pretty cute!
I'd just like to say that my wife is everything. — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 5, 2017
Wedding Day. Not on social media. So I don't know what people think. I know my wife is everything. That's all I need. — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 5, 2017
On the last night of a tour, getting some wife-y kisses. And in case anyone was wondering. This is how we roll. pic.twitter.com/zSXlfUgKXd — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 7, 2017
Oh yeah. Still be on tour, still be making music. Not yet a father, but that's coming. Still have some things left to do. https://t.co/CJ1vOs8lYA — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 7, 2017
Yes. It's true. I am getting married. And I'm marrying my best friend. And my favorite person. https://t.co/uOe3DjtMtQ — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 5, 2017
The next night, he admitted that he has not yet become a father, but he is working on it.
Didn't say I was a father yet. Wasn't pregnant before. Wasn't even married. But I love my wife and my future kids. pic.twitter.com/uVEXZHScGz — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 6, 2017
Yep. Only day two and already love you so much more than I did yesterday. No, that's not enough. Still not enough. pic.twitter.com/cItd8b8HxY — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 8, 2017
You are a goddamn genius. No one can make me laugh like you. — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 8, 2017
The next day, Brandon shared the first picture of the newlyweds.
Tana and I on our wedding day. pic.twitter.com/6R5xT0P5zT — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 7, 2017
I can't wait to see you two together at our wedding. — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 7, 2017
I love my wife and I'm going to spend the rest of my life loving her. https://t.co/2h7LXqHxjC — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 7, 2017
Brandon gave a shout out to his brother and the rest of the band for not spoiling their special day.
This is how much I love my wife. I would've wanted to come here tonight. But I didn't. https://t.co/ox7XY3sPGO — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 8, 2017
Just a normal day. A normal day with my wife. She is my favorite person in the world. We have no plans. pic.twitter.com/vNNkIOCcUQ — Brandon Flowers (@flowerboy) August 8, 2017
Curious to see the rest of their love story?
Happy 5 years to the love of my life, my best friend and my favorite person. I still feel like I'm the luckiest"..............
这篇文章一开头就把同样的文字重复了两遍,不知道是不是因为训练语料没洗干净,也有相同的情况。后面的推文也没有按照时间顺序排,出现了8月7日-8月5日-8月6日这样的奇怪顺序。"Wasn't pregnant before. Wasn't even married."这两句也很奇怪。怎么会讨论一个大男人怀不怀孕呢,而且不是已经结婚了吗?
CloseAI(不好意思打错了,我是说OpenAI)不久前“释出”(之所以打引号是因为目前我们只能看不能用)了GPT-3模型。在language model竞赛中,它也就“又大了一点点”吧:1750亿参数、31位作者、72页论文,训练下来大约花了1200万刀[1]。(望向脚边机箱里的2080Ti:“要认清自己的能力,不要总还想着在NLP上搞个大新闻,EPIC Games每周限免他不香吗?”
Epic Games Store | Official Sitewww.epicgames.com
- 2018年6月 GPT-1:大量数据(约5GB文本)上无监督训练,然后针对具体任务在小的有监督数据集上做微调;关键词:“scalable, task-agnostic system”;8个GPU上训练一个月;预训练模型(1.1亿参数)可下载;
Improving Language Understanding with Unsupervised Learningopenai.com
- 2019年2月 GPT-2:大量数据(约40GB文本)上无监督训练,然后针对具体任务在小的有监督数据集上做微调,尝试在一些任务上不微调(即使结果离SOTA还远);关键词“without task-specific training”;据说在256个Google Cloud TPU v3上训练,256刀每小时,训练时长未知[2];预训练模型(15亿参数)最终公开可下载;
- 2020年5月 GPT-3:大量数据(499B tokens)上无监督训练,不微调就超越SOTA;关键词“zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot”;训练据说话费1200万刀;1750亿参数,将会开放付费API。
GPT-3, a Giant Step for Deep Learning and NLPanotherdatum.com
说点感性上的感受:词嵌入、语义等的核心我认为是context,context可以翻译成“上下文”,这个翻译用来理解word2vec或language modeling等都非常直观。当然context也可以翻译为“语境”,语境是一个更宏大的词,是一种对更宽泛环境的理解能力。对于人来说,能感知并理解语境需要强大的能力,往往基于广泛的阅读,但人的阅读能力总是有极限的。GPT想证明的事情,像是人类对基于广泛阅读的语境理解能力的极限探索。
- 2015年10月 创立;非盈利
- 2018年2月 Musk退出董事会
- 2019年3月 成立OpenAI LP[3],他们自己所谓的“a hybrid of a for-profit and nonprofit”,这不重要,重要的是他们开始需要为投资人的钱负责了
- 2019年7月 微软投资10亿刀[4]
Due to our concerns about malicious applications of the technology, we are not releasing the trained model.[5]
我们看下GPT-2推出的时间,2019年2月。OpenAI 一个月后就改变架构、成立以盈利为目的OpenAI LP,5个月后获得微软投资。
到了GPT-3的时代,OpenAI选择将其作为一个付费API(或者说一种服务)来让大家使用,这是OpenAI LP获得微软投资后的一步重要商业化实践。背靠微软这棵大树,用Azure云计算技术训练模型,基于Azure提供API服务,甚至连注册API的线上问卷也用的是Microsoft Forms。
BTW,目前这个API服务还未上线,感兴趣的朋友可以通过填写这个线上问卷加入OpenAI API Waitlist。
OpenAI API Waitlistforms.office.com
- ^https://venturebeat.com/2020/06/01/ai-machine-learning-openai-gpt-3-size-isnt-everything/
- ^https://www.theregister.com/2019/02/14/open_ai_language_bot/
- ^https://openai.com/blog/openai-lp/
- ^https://openai.com/blog/microsoft/
- ^https://openai.com/blog/better-language-models/
GPT-3我还没申请到试用。最近PR一把火了。其实GPT-2已经算是Few-shot learner了,GPT-3把这个再次扩展到极致。效果方面我不多做赘述,但我想说说这里面,设计Few-shot learner,或者Meta Learner的路线之争,也就是
Recurrence Based Meta Learning 和 Gradient Based Meta Learning的路线之争
Gradient Based Meta Learning,以MAML[1]为代表, 指的是,针对不同的任务,它的Adaption过程,是通过少量样本的梯度迭代, 实现对新任务的适配
Recurrence Based Meta Learning, 以SNAIL[2] 为代表, 它针对不同的任务,不需要梯度迭代,只需要Forward, 或者将样本Encoding进去就能学习。
也许有的朋友说,我没看到 GPT-3做了什么Meta Learning的事情啊?它就是个Language Model啊?
不了解的朋友可以先看下Recurrence based Meta Learning的鼻祖。它就是一个LSTM,把 就这么一个个Encode进去,它就是一个Meta Learner了
过去一段时间,MAML一直牢牢占据Meta Learning的主流,因为Recurrence based一直效果不好
如果GPT-3和BERT刚好代表Recurrence based和Gradient based两种方法
那GPT-3证明了,只要模型够大,Recurrence based meta learning也是可以的!
最后,我广告下这篇文章,在18年开始我就很看好recurrence based meta learning
[1]Finn, Chelsea, Pieter Abbeel, and Sergey Levine. "Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks."arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03400(2017).
[2] Mishra, Nikhil, et al. "A simple neural attentive meta-learner."arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.03141(2017).
所有人都喜欢 / 希望deep learning学会真正的“知识”,希望deep learning可解释。
然而,deep learning一直希望看齐的人脑不也是一团混沌?人脑可解释了吗?人脑无数神经元一团乱麻,只能非常heuristic地解释一下(其实deep learning也可以非常heuristic地解释),这就算是可解释了吗?人脑也没有像deep learning学者一直希望的那样,具有某种特殊的结构来“学习知识”,人脑就不能学习知识了吗?
大家对待deep learning的态度和对待大脑的态度很不一样;大家都在研究大脑,尊重大脑能够work并研究它如何work;但对于deep learning,大家或者希望人为地“设计”一个易于解释的模型,或者希望对已有模型进行分析、解释其中参数的含义、解释其推理的逻辑,否则就不愿意信任模型,认为模型“其实就是记住了pattern,什么都没学到”。我觉得这是很不公平的,deep learning model类似大脑、有非常大的参数量和冗余连接关系,很有可能就是不可解释的,或者无法像大家期待的那样、像解释传统方法一样解释。