Thanks to the underlying WebKit-based engine Blink they both share, it’s surprisingly easy to take Chrome extensions and use them on Opera (and, less practical but still as cool, do the reverse and use Opera extensions in Chrome). Read on as we show you how to port your favorite extensions effortlessly across the browser barrier.
由于它们都共享基于WebKit的底层引擎,因此使用Chrome扩展程序并在Opera上使用它们非常容易(并且虽然不那么实用,但仍然很酷,但是相反的做法是在Chrome中使用Opera扩展)。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在浏览器障碍中移植您喜欢的扩展。
这到底是如何工作的? (How Exactly Does This Work?)
Back in 2013 Google announced a pretty significant shift in Chrome development: they ditched the WebKit rendering engine for an engine derived from WebKit, Blink. The Opera development team was onboard with the shift toward Blink and they, too, ditched WebKit for Blink.
早在2013年,Google宣布Chrome开发发生了相当大的转变:他们放弃了WebKit渲染引擎,转而使用源自WebKit Blink的引擎。 Opera开发团队开始转向Blink,他们也放弃了WebKit for Blink。
Years later they’re still using the same shared rendering engine so, beneath all the browser chrome and customizations, the two browsers share the same heart, if you will. As such, it’s pretty darn easy to shift extensions across the barrier between the two of them. So easy in fact that as soon as you complete some minor configuration on the respective browsers you can install extensions without any modification; it’s a straight select and install affair.
多年后,他们仍然使用相同的共享渲染引擎,因此,如果愿意,在所有浏览器镶边和自定义项下,这两个浏览器具有相同的优势。 因此,在两个扩展名之间移动扩展是很容易的。 实际上非常容易,只要您在各自的浏览器上完成一些小的配置,就可以安装扩展而无需进行任何修改。 这是直接选择并安装的事务。
Let’s take a look at the process for both Chrome and Opera, starting with Chrome because, no offense Opera extension developers, there are a lot more people looking to grab one of the many numerous Chrome extensions and bring them over to Opera than the reverse.
在Opera中安装Chrome扩展程序 (Installing Chrome Extensions in Opera)
For the Opera fans who want to do a little cheating with Chrome extensions, the process is easy peasy. The first step is to open Opera and head over to the Opera Add-Ons repository to install the “Download Chrome Extensions” extension.
对于想要对Chrome扩展程序有点作弊的Opera歌迷来说,这个过程很容易。 第一步是打开Opera并转到Opera插件存储库以安装“ Download Chrome Extensions ”扩展。

Once the add-on is installed, the next stop is the Chrome Web Store to pick out some Chrome extensions. Let’s say, for example, that you really liked the Netflix improvements we highlighted in our review of Flix Plus but you were disappointed it was a Chrome extension and unavailable for Opera.
安装插件后,下一站是Chrome Web Store,以挑选一些Chrome扩展程序。 举例来说,假设您真的很喜欢我们在Flix Plus评论中强调的Netflix改进,但您对它是Chrome扩展程序而不适用于Opera感到失望。
That’s no longer a problem, if you head to the Chrome store page for Flix Plus while using Opera with Download Chrome Extensions installed you’ll see this.
这不再是问题,如果您在使用安装了Download Chrome Extensions的Opera时访问Flix Plus的Chrome商店页面,将会看到此信息。

By the magic of convergent rendering engines, all the extension bounty of the Chrome Web Store is now yours. Go forth and pillage the extensions.
借助融合渲染引擎的魔力,Chrome Web Store的所有扩展功能现在都属于您。 出去掠夺扩展。
在Chrome中安装Opera扩展 (Installing Opera Extensions in Chrome)
Installing Opera extensions in Chrome isn’t quite as straight forward but it’s still pretty simple. If you can save files, rename them, and drag and drop them, you’re in business.
在Chrome中安装Opera扩展并非一帆风顺,但仍然非常简单。 如果您可以保存文件,重命名它们并拖放它们,那么您就在做生意。
Like you’d imagine, you need to navigate over to the Opera Add-ons repository to find the an extension you’d like to use. We tried our darndest to find a extension we wanted that wasn’t also in the Chrome store (and wasn’t an Opera-only extension that, say, specifically edited an Opera-only feature) but the list of extensions for Chrome is so much longer our search was slow going and fruitless. Regardless, we’re still here to show you how to do it.
就像您想象的那样,您需要导航到Opera附加组件存储库以找到您要使用的扩展。 我们尽最大的努力找到了我们想要的扩展程序,但该扩展程序不在Chrome商店中(并且不是仅限Opera的扩展程序,例如专门编辑了仅限Opera的功能),但Chrome扩展程序列表却是如此我们的搜索持续了很长时间并且毫无结果。 无论如何,我们仍然在这里向您展示如何做。
The first step is to find an extension in the Opera Add-on repository you want. For the purposes of this tutorial we’re installing AlienTube from Add-on repository. To do so, simply navigate in Chrome (you don’t even need Opera installed) to the page of the extension you want.
第一步是在所需的Opera附加存储库中找到扩展。 出于本教程的目的, 我们从附加存储库安装AlienTube 。 为此,只需在Chrome(无需安装Opera)中导航至所需扩展程序页面即可。

Right click on the “Add to Opera” button, as seen above, and select “Save link as…”; the file will have the name extensions name.version.nex. Save the file and swap out the .NEX part with .CRX (the default file extension for Chrome browser extensions).
右键单击“添加到Opera”按钮,如上所示,然后选择“将链接另存为...”; 该文件将具有扩展名name.version.nex 。 保存文件,然后将.NEX部分替换为.CRX(Chrome浏览器扩展程序的默认文件扩展名)。
After renaming the file return to Chrome and navigate to the Extensions page via the browser menu (Menu -> More Tools -> Extensions) or by typing chrome://extensions/ in the address bar. Drag and drop the freshly saved and renamed file right back onto your Chrome browser window. Chrome will prompt you with a simple permission check like so.
重命名文件后,请返回Chrome并通过浏览器菜单(菜单->更多工具->扩展程序)或在地址栏中输入chrome:// extensions /导航至扩展程序页面。 将新保存并重命名的文件拖放回Chrome浏览器窗口。 Chrome会像这样提示您进行简单的权限检查。

If the requested permissions are acceptable to you, click “Add” and you’re all done.
Thanks to the underlying shared architecture you’re never more than a few clicks away from adding Chrome extensions to Opera or vice versa.