activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc

时间:2024-04-11 21:49:03

在安装解压完active-mq 启动后发现

(you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc)

INFO: Invoke the following command to create a configuration file
/apache-activemq-5.10.2/bin/activemq setup [ /etc/default/activemq | /root/.activemqrc ]

INFO: Using java '/jdk/jdk1.8.0_161/bin/java'
INFO: Starting - inspect logfiles specified in and to get details

INFO: pidfile created : '/apache-activemq-5.10.2/data/' (pid '16600')


杀死pid 提示没有这个进程

查看vim /apache-activemq-5.10.2/data/activemq.log  也没有日志输出

进入 cd /apache-activemq-5.10.2/bin/ 看见生成了几个日志文件

activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc

果断访问进去:大概的意思就是 启动所占用的空间不足了。

activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc

free 看一下内存空间

activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc

由于我的服务器是最基础的(一个月才20多快钱activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc)。上面跑了一台 redis,一台nginx,2台tomcat, 一个svn,实在是跑不动了。

果断杀死一个to'mcat 然后启动。


activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc


activemq启动时候:you can configure options in one of these file: /etc/default/activemq /root/.activemqrc