mac 桌面图标锁定

If you have a new Mac, you may have noticed the words “Out of Space” under many of your Desktop icons and documents. Don’t worry, your computer’s hard drive isn’t actually out of space—your iCloud Drive is.
如果您使用的是新Mac,则可能已经在许多桌面图标和文档**意到“空间不足”字样。 不用担心,您的计算机的硬盘驱动器实际上并没有空间—您的iCloud驱动器已经用完了。
什么是iCloud Drive? (What is iCloud Drive?)
iCloud is Apple’s cloud storage service, and it keeps your photos, contacts, and just about everything synced within Apple’s ecosystem. iCloud Drive and “Optimized Storage” are relatively new additions to the iCloud lineup, letting you store some of your files in iCloud and saving space on your Mac’s hard drive.
iCloud是Apple的云存储服务,它可以使您的照片,联系人以及Apple生态系统中的几乎所有内容保持同步。 iCloud Drive和“ Optimized Storage”是iCloud阵容中相对较新的新增功能,可让您将某些文件存储在iCloud中并节省Mac硬盘上的空间。
Here’s the problem: That storage space is shared with the rest of iCloud and your other Apple devices—like iPhones and iPads—and you get a measly 5 GB on the free plan. If you have a lot of photos, your iCloud drive might already be full. If you see the “Out of Space” message on icons, you’ve probably also noticed notifications like the one shown below, sent to you every few hours.
这就是问题所在:该存储空间与iCloud的其余部分以及您的其他Apple设备(如iPhone和iPad)共享,而您的免费套餐只有5 GB。 如果您有很多照片,则您的iCloud驱动器可能已满。 如果您在图标上看到“空间不足”消息,则可能还注意到每隔几个小时发送一次的通知,如下所示。

These are caused by the same issue and will go away once the problem is fixed.
You can upgrade to 50 GB of iCloud space for just a dollar per month, and you can boost that all the way to 2 TB for $9.99 per month. But if you don’t want to be nickeled and dimed, you can get rid of iCloud Drive altogether.
您可以每月仅需1美元就可以将50 GB的iCloud空间升级到2 TB,每月只需9.99美元。 但是,如果您不想被淘汰或变灰,则可以完全摆脱iCloud Drive。
摆脱iCloud Drive (Getting Rid of iCloud Drive)

You can disable iCloud Drive under iCloud settings in System Preferences. You’d think all you have to do is click the checkbox next to “iCloud Drive,” but there’s a pretty big catch. By default, Apple will remove a lot of files that are stored in iCloud from your Mac, and they only become available if you turn it back on again. You’re going to want to make sure to click “Keep a Copy” instead of just clicking the “Remove From Mac” button.
您可以在“系统偏好设置”中的“ iCloud设置”下禁用“ iCloud Drive”。 您可能会想做的就是单击“ iCloud Drive”旁边的复选框,但是有很大的收获。 默认情况下,Apple将从您的Mac中删除很多存储在iCloud中的文件,并且只有在您再次将其重新打开后,它们才可用。 您将要确保单击“保留副本”,而不是仅单击“从Mac删除”按钮。

This next window tries to upload the rest of your files to iCloud, but since that can take ages, it’s best just to click “Stop Updating and Turn Off.”

This will finally turn off iCloud drive, but it will also move all your Desktop icons and Documents to a new folder in your home directory. So don’t worry if you see them go missing—you’ll just have to move them back manually.
这最终将关闭iCloud驱动器,但也会将您的所有桌面图标和文档移动到主目录中的新文件夹中。 因此,如果您看到它们丢失了,请不要担心-您只需要手动将它们移回即可。
如果我仍然没有空间怎么办? (What If I’m Still Out of Space?)
Once iCloud Drive is disabled or upgraded to a more reasonable size, the “Out of Space” notifications should start going away. But, if your hard drive is filled up, you’ll get a different notification saying “Disk Space Full.” If your physical drive is out of space, you can’t do much except clean up some of the large files you don’t need or move them up to an external drive.
一旦禁用iCloud Drive或将其升级到更合理的大小,“空间不足”通知应开始消失。 但是,如果硬盘驱动器已装满,则会收到另一条通知,提示“磁盘空间已满”。 如果物理驱动器空间不足,除了清理一些不需要的大文件或将其移至外部驱动器之外,您将无能为力。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368923/why-do-my-mac’s-desktop-icons-say-“out-of-space”/
mac 桌面图标锁定