
时间:2022-03-23 05:09:18

I've uploaded a python module to pypi and locally installed the module with:


pip install microarray_quantilenorm

pip install microarray_quantilenorm

I'm trying to run the module on commandline with pass-through arguments.


When I call the python script directly from site-packages, everything works fine.


python /site-packages/microarray_quantilenorm/microarray_quantilenorm.py *csv

But calling:

python -m microarray_quantilenorm.__main__ *csv


python -m microarray_quantilenorm *csv

Results in:

/anaconda/bin/python: No module named microarray_quantilenorm.__main__

I cannot track down to whether there is an issue in setup.py, my __init__.py or elsewhere. Thanks.

我无法追踪setup.py,my __init__.py或其他地方是否存在问题。谢谢。

1 个解决方案


The whole point of __main__.py is that it's the file that's run when the package is run as a module. In other words, just do python -m microarray_quantilenorm, not python -m microarray_quantilenorm.__main__.

__main__.py的重点是,当程序包作为模块运行时,它是运行的文件。换句话说,只需要做python -m microarray_quantilenorm,而不是python -m microarray_quantilenorm .__ main__。

However, usually, there's an even better solution. Assuming you're using setuptools rather than trying to do the whole mess manually, use a console_scripts entry point. This will make the setup process automatically create a script named microarray_quantilenorm and install it in your bin or scripts directory that does the right thing to load the package and run its main code (or, if you prefer, some other code within it).



The whole point of __main__.py is that it's the file that's run when the package is run as a module. In other words, just do python -m microarray_quantilenorm, not python -m microarray_quantilenorm.__main__.

__main__.py的重点是,当程序包作为模块运行时,它是运行的文件。换句话说,只需要做python -m microarray_quantilenorm,而不是python -m microarray_quantilenorm .__ main__。

However, usually, there's an even better solution. Assuming you're using setuptools rather than trying to do the whole mess manually, use a console_scripts entry point. This will make the setup process automatically create a script named microarray_quantilenorm and install it in your bin or scripts directory that does the right thing to load the package and run its main code (or, if you prefer, some other code within it).
