
Windows 10’s October 2018 Update has a new Clipboard experience. You can now access a history of items you’ve copied to your clipboard, pin frequently used items, and sync your clipboard across your PCs.
Windows 10的2018年10月更新具有新的剪贴板体验。 现在,您可以访问已复制到剪贴板的项目的历史记录,固定常用项目以及在PC上同步剪贴板。
如何启用新的剪贴板功能 (How to Enable the New Clipboard Features)
To enable these new clipboard features, head to Settings > System > Clipboard. If you don’t see the “Clipboard” option on your system, it’s because you haven’t upgraded to the October 2018 Update yet.
要启用这些新的剪贴板功能,请转到“设置”>“系统”>“剪贴板”。 如果您在系统上没有看到“剪贴板”选项,那是因为您尚未升级到2018年10月更新。
These new features are off by default. To enable the clipboard history, turn “Save Multiple Items” to “On.”
这些新功能默认情况下处于关闭状态。 要启用剪贴板历史记录,请将“保存多个项目”设置为“打开”。

To sync your clipboard data across all your Windows 10 devices—or rather, all your Windows 10 devices running Redstone 5 or newer—set “Sync Across Devices” to “On.”
要在所有Windows 10设备(或更确切地说,在所有运行Redstone 5或更高版本的Windows 10设备)上同步剪贴板数据,请将“跨设备同步”设置为“打开”。
You can also choose an Automatic Syncing preference. When you enable this feature, the default option is to “Automatically sync text that I copy.” Windows 10 will automatically synchronize everything you copy to the clipboard.
您还可以选择“自动同步”首选项。 启用此功能后,默认选项是“自动同步我复制的文本”。 Windows 10将自动同步您复制到剪贴板的所有内容。
To prevent Windows from syncing potentially sensitive data like passwords, select “Never automatically sync text that I copy” instead. You can then choose to manually sync text between your devices whenever you like.
为了防止Windows同步可能敏感的数据(例如密码),请选择“永远不要自动同步我复制的文本”。 然后,您可以选择随时在设备之间手动同步文本。

如何访问剪贴板历史记录 (How to Access the Clipboard History)
To open the new Clipboard tool, press Windows+V in any application. A Clipboard panel will appear.
要打开新的剪贴板工具,请在任何应用程序中按Windows + V。 将出现一个剪贴板面板。
This panel shows a history of items you’ve copied to your clipboard, with the most recently item at the top. Select something on your clipboard by clicking it to paste it in the current application.
此面板显示您已复制到剪贴板的项目的历史记录,最近的项目在顶部。 单击剪贴板上的内容以将其粘贴到当前应用程序中。
You can “pin” items to your clipboard by hovering over the pin icon on the right of the item and clicking it. Windows will keep that item in the Clipboard panel and won’t discard it to make room for new items. It will always be available, so this option is ideal for items you frequently paste.
您可以将项目“固定”在剪贴板上,方法是将鼠标悬停在项目右侧的“固定”图标上,然后单击它。 Windows会将该项目保留在“剪贴板”面板中,并且不会将其丢弃以为新项目腾出空间。 它将始终可用,因此该选项非常适合您经常粘贴的项目。
You can also click the “x” button on an item to remove it from your clipboard immediately.
您也可以单击某项上的“ x”按钮以立即将其从剪贴板中删除。

Currently, this clipboard history supports text, HTML, and images less than 1 MB in size. Larger items you copy won’t be stored in the history.
当前,此剪贴板历史记录支持小于1 MB的文本,HTML和图像。 您复制的较大项目不会存储在历史记录中。
Update: Microsoft has raised this limit to 4 MB, so anything 4 MB or less will be saved to your clipboard history.
更新 :Microsoft已将该限制提高到4 MB,因此任何4 MB或更少的内容都将保存到剪贴板历史记录中。
If you haven’t enabled clipboard history or haven’t copied anything to your clipboard since enabling it, you’ll see a message telling you that you either need to enable the feature or copy something before continuing.
同步如何运作? (How Does Sync Work?)
If you’ve enabled clipboard sync, the contents of your clipboard will be synchronized between your PCs running the October 2018 Update. This works using the same Microsoft Graph technology that powers the Timeline, introduced in Windows 10’s April 2018 Update. You need to sign into both devices with the same Microsoft account for this to work.
如果启用了剪贴板同步,则剪贴板内容将在运行2018年10月更新的PC之间同步。 该功能使用Windows 10的2018年4月更新中引入的与时间轴相同的Microsoft Graph技术工作。 您需要使用相同的Microsoft帐户登录这两个设备,才能正常工作。
By default, the “Automatically sync text that I copy” option will cause Windows 10 to instantly sync anything whenever you copy it to your clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C or clicking the “Copy” option in any application. You don’t need to do anything special—what you copy on one PC will just appear in the Clipboard history on your other PC.
默认情况下,“自动同步我复制的文本”选项将使Windows 10在您将其复制到剪贴板时,通过按Ctrl + C或在任何应用程序中单击“复制”选项,立即同步任何内容。 您不需要做任何特殊的事情-您在一台PC上复制的内容只会显示在另一台PC上的剪贴板历史记录中。
If you select “Never automatically sync text that I copy” instead, you’ll have to manually choose what you want to copy. To do so, open your Clipboard history with Windows+V, hover over an item in your clipboard history, and click the cloud-shaped “Sync to Other Devices” icon.
如果您选择“从不自动同步我复制的文本”,则必须手动选择要复制的内容。 为此,请使用Windows + V打开剪贴板历史记录,将鼠标悬停在剪贴板历史记录中的某个项目上,然后单击云形的“同步到其他设备”图标。

Initially, Windows 10 will only sync data less than 100 KB in size using this feature. Long portions of text and large images may not sync until Microsoft increases this limit.
最初,Windows 10将使用此功能仅同步小于100 KB的数据。 直到Microsoft增加此限制,文本的大部分和大图像才可能同步。
Microsoft has promised that this feature will be able to sync your clipboard data to Microsoft’s SwiftKey keyboard for iPhone, iPad, and Android, allowing you to copy something on your PC and easily paste it into any app on your phone. However, this feature hasn’t been added to the SwiftKey keyboard app yet.
微软已承诺,此功能将能够将剪贴板数据同步到适用于iPhone,iPad和Android的Microsoft SwiftKey键盘,从而使您可以在PC上复制某些内容并将其轻松粘贴到手机上的任何应用程序中。 但是,此功能尚未添加到SwiftKey键盘应用程序中。
如何清除剪贴板历史记录 (How to Clear Your Clipboard History)
If you’d like to clear your entire history—both on your PC and on Microsoft’s servers—head back to Settings > System > Clipboard. Click the “Clear” button under Clear Clipboard Data.
如果您想清除您的整个历史记录-在您的PC和Microsoft的服务器上-请回到“设置”>“系统”>“剪贴板”。 单击“清除剪贴板数据”下的“清除”按钮。
This won’t clear your pinned items, so you’ll have to unpin those or delete them manually.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351978/using-windows-10s-new-clipboard-history-and-cloud-sync/