Are you a music fan who wants an easy way to get the music you love with a simple application on your desktop? Today we bring you a list of some of the cooler music themed desktop gadgets for Vista and Windows 7.
您是音乐迷吗?您想通过一种简单的应用程序在台式机上轻松获取喜欢的音乐吗? 今天,我们为您带来了一些适用于Vista和Windows 7的更酷的音乐主题桌面小工具列表。 Radio
Check out new artists and bands emerging on the music scene with the gadget. It allows you to control playback, volume, and songs. You can can pick from a wide variety of music genres including Ska, Rock, Rap, and much more.
使用UnsignedBandWeb.com小工具,查看音乐界新出现的艺术家和乐队。 它使您可以控制播放,音量和歌曲。 您可以从各种各样的音乐类型中进行选择,包括Ska,Rock,Rap等。
Download Radio Desktop Gadget
iTunes Accessory Gadget
This cool gadget allows you to control playback of tracks and other settings in iTunes without having to open up the entire iTunes application.

Download iTunes Accessory Gadget
ChroniX MetalRadio
ChroniX MetalRadio
If you’re a fan of heavy metal, one of the coolest online metal stations is ChroniX Radio. This handy gadget lets you stream and control playback of their three channels–Aggression, Metal, and Grit–where each has a different flavor of hard rock and metal.
如果您是重金属爱好者,那么ChroniX Radio是最酷的在线金属站之一。 这个方便的小工具可让您流式传输和控制其三个频道(侵略,金属和沙粒)的播放,每个频道具有不同的硬石和金属口味。
Download Chronix MetalRadio Gadget
下载Chronix MetalRadio小工具
iClassical Radio Player
For fans of classical music this gadget lets you stream classical music from a variety of online classical stations. The only controls are stop and play but being able to select from a wide variety of stations on your desktop make this a excellent app for the classical music connoisseur.
对于古典音乐迷来说,这个小工具可以让您从各种在线古典电台播放古典音乐。 唯一的控件是停止播放,但是可以从桌面上的各种电台中进行选择,因此对于古典音乐鉴赏家来说,这是一款出色的应用程序。

Download the iClassical Radio Player Gadget
下载iClassical Radio Player小工具
Media Player Gadget
This ties into your Windows Media Player library and allows you to easily search it. It also will display album artwork, track information, and give you visualizations when playing a song. It is a lot easier to navigate than opening the full WMP application.
这与您的Windows Media Player库相关联,使您可以轻松地对其进行搜索。 它还会显示专辑插图,跟踪信息,并在播放歌曲时为您提供可视化效果。 与打开完整的WMP应用程序相比,浏览起来容易得多。

Download Media Player Gadget
If you are a fan of Music and desktop gadgets you might want to give these a try. We would like to know about some of your favorite Windows Desktop Gadgets just leave a comment below.
如果您是“音乐”和台式机小工具的爱好者,则可能需要尝试一下。 我们想知道一些您最喜欢的Windows桌面小工具,请在下面留下评论。