The Explorer 2D Game Kit is a collection of mechanics, tools, systems and assets to hook up gameplay without writing any code. We’ve also created a game example using these systems, so you can see how they work together in Unity.
Explorer 2D游戏工具包是各种机制,工具,系统和资产的集合,无需编写任何代码即可连接游戏。 我们还使用这些系统创建了一个游戏示例,因此您可以看到它们如何在Unity中协同工作。
Unity Brighton’s Content Team – who brought you learning projects Survival Shooter, Adventure Game and Trash Dash – are now unveiling their latest creation: a 2D Gamekit for anyone who want to learn hands-on how to build a game in Unity. This game kit includes everything you need to hook up gameplay without writing any code. Download the kit and you’ll get a collection of art, gameplay elements, tools and systems, and, to show how these elements can be used, we’ve also created a game example using these systems. If you’re an artist, designer or anything in between, this is a great way to get your creative teeth into Unity.
Unity Brighton的内容团队(为您带来了学习项目Survival Shooter , Adventure Game和Trash Dash )现在宣布了他们的最新作品:一个2D Gamekit,适用于任何想动手学习如何在Unity中构建游戏的人。 该游戏套件包含无需编写任何代码即可连接游戏的一切。 下载该工具包 ,您将获得艺术品,游戏元素,工具和系统的集合,并且为了展示如何使用这些元素,我们还使用这些系统创建了一个游戏示例。 如果您是艺术家,设计师或介于两者之间的任何人,这是使您的创意融入Unity的好方法。
不仅是宝贵的资产,而且还有银河背景 (Not just great assets but a galactic backstory to boot)
Meet Ellen – our Principal Engineer. She has crash-landed her ship on a mysterious planet and has to make her way through the hazardous remains of an ancient alien civilisation, fighting tiny acid spitting creatures, deadly crystal spikes and bubbling murky pools to discover what is hidden in the deep, long forgotten crypts of this overgrown island… sounds good right?
认识Ellen –我们的首席工程师。 她已经将飞船撞上了一个神秘的星球,不得不穿越一个古老的外星文明的危险遗迹,与微小的酸喷溅生物,致命的水晶尖峰和冒泡的黑潭搏斗,以发现深长的深处隐藏的东西。被长满的岛屿遗忘的地穴……听起来不错吧?
With some seriously lush environments using loads of sprite assets, the Content Team have included some platformer classics in the kit including moving platforms, pushable boxes, switches and magical glowing keys for giant alien stone doors. Plus of course, some adorable (and some not so adorable) enemies to defeat.
在某些使用大量Sprite资产的严重郁郁葱葱的环境中,内容团队在工具包中加入了一些经典的平台游戏,包括移动平台,可推动式盒子,开关和用于巨型外星石门的神奇发光钥匙。 另外,当然还有一些可爱的敌人(有些不是那么可爱)可以击败。
使用Tilemap创建平台游戏级别 (Create platformer levels with Tilemap)
Open the Unity engine and navigate to Scenes in the Project window. From there you will find the pre-made levels 1-5 as well as a Template scene. This template scene shows Ellen standing on a single platform. Add more ground and platforms using Tilemap, throw in some doors and some vegetation sprites, a few little snapping creatures to defeat and bam – you’ve got yourself a miniature level. Get creative with spikes, acid water, teleporters and more.
打开Unity引擎,然后在“ 项目”窗口中导航到“ 场景 ”。 在这里,您将找到1-5级的预制层以及一个Template场景。 该模板场景显示了Ellen站在一个平台上。 使用Tilemap添加更多的地面和平台,扔一些门和一些植被精灵, 击杀一些小怪物以破坏它们-你已经拥有了一个微型的关卡。 利用尖峰,酸性水,传送器等发挥创意。
To start making your own 2D platformer, check out the Getting Started guide. If you’re interested in learning about how each component works, you’ll find the Reference Guide super helpful. You can also find all the supporting documentation in the project’s Documentation folder. Use it as a glossary, a step by step or simply as a reference if you get stuck.
要开始制作自己的2D平台游戏,请查看《 入门指南》。 如果您有兴趣了解每个组件的工作原理,则会发现《 参考指南》非常有用。 您还可以在项目的“文档”文件夹中找到所有支持文档。 如果遇到困难,可以将其用作词汇表,逐步操作或仅作为参考。
There are a few ways to access 2D Game Kit. Head to our Learn site or the Asset Store. You can also access the Asset Store from within the Unity engine itself and search for ‘2D Game Kit’.
有几种方法可以访问2D游戏套件。 前往我们的学习网站或资产商店 。 您还可以从Unity引擎本身内部访问资源商店,然后搜索“ 2D游戏套件”。
Watch the recording of our live training session on the Game Kit featuring the Content Team’s Producer Aurore Dimopoulos below. You can also discuss the project on our dedicated forum thread.
在以下内容包中观看我们现场培训课程的录音,其中包括内容团队的制作人Aurore Dimopoulos。 您也可以在我们专用的论坛主题中讨论该项目 。
Stay tuned! The Content Team also have another trick up their sleeve. If you’re excited about the 2D Game Kit you might be pleased to know their next project is going to be a 3D Game Kit with the same theme but all in a 3D environment.
敬请关注! 内容小组还另辟trick径。 如果您对2D游戏套件感到兴奋,您可能会很高兴知道他们的下一个项目将是具有相同主题但都在3D环境中的3D游戏套件。
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/02/13/introducing-2d-game-kit-learn-unity-with-drag-and-drop/