Clonezilla is a very popular disk cloning and backup solution. Clonezilla provides a lot of different types of cloning capabilities. We can clone our source into SSH, FTP, SMB, WebDAV, or local file systems. In this tutorial, we will look at how to download Clonezilla and clone given partition to the remote file system.
Clonezilla是非常流行的磁盘克隆和备份解决方案。 Clonezilla提供了许多不同类型的克隆功能。 我们可以将源克隆到SSH,FTP,SMB,WebDAV或本地文件系统中。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何下载Clonezilla并将给定的分区克隆到远程文件系统。
Clonezilla功能 (Clonezilla Feature)
As a popular and useful paritition and disk imaging/clonging solution it provides different and beneficial features like below.
- Clonezilla supports a wide range of file systems from different platforms and operating systems like xt2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, reiser4, xfs, jfs, btrfs, f2fs and nilfs2 of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, (5) Minix of Minix, and (6) VMFS3 and VMFS5 of VMWare ESX. This means it can be used with operating systems and platforms like GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Minix, VMWare ESX and Chrome OS/Chromium OS, no matter it’s 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS without any problem. Clonezilla支持来自不同平台和操作系统的各种文件系统,例如GNU / Linux的xt2,ext3,ext4,ReiserFS,reiser4,xfs,jfs,btrfs,f2fs和nilfs2,(2)的FAT12,FAT16,FAT32,NTFS MS Windows,(3)Mac OS的HFS +,(4)FreeBSD,NetBSD和OpenBSD的UFS,(5)Minix的Minix,以及(6)VMWare ESX的VMFS3和VMFS5。 这意味着它可以与GNU / Linux,MS Windows,基于Intel的Mac OS,FreeBSD,NetBSD,OpenBSD,Minix,VMWare ESX和Chrome OS / Chromium OS的操作系统和平台一起使用,无论它是32位(x86 )或64位(x86-64)操作系统没有任何问题。
- Grub1 and Grub2 bootloader can be reinstalled easily. 可以轻松地重新安装Grub1和Grub2引导程序。
- Popular partitioning schemes like MBR, GTP are supported and BIOS or UEFI systems can be booted. 支持流行的分区方案,例如MBR,GTP,并且可以引导BIOS或UEFI系统。
- A single image can be restored into multiple systems easily at the same time in a parallel way. 单个映像可以同时轻松地同时轻松地还原到多个系统中。
- Unattended mode is supported where previously provided and configured boot/clone/image options can be used automatically. 支持无人参与模式,其中可以自动使用先前提供的配置的启动/克隆/映像选项。
- Multicast and Bittorrent are supported for massive deployment which will increase performance and decrease bandwidth usage and installation time. 支持大规模部署多播和Bittorrent,这将提高性能并减少带宽使用和安装时间。
- Image files can be stored, exported, and read in/from the local disk, ssh server, sftp, SCP, NTFS, WebDAV, portable hard drive, etc. 图像文件可以存储,导出以及从本地磁盘,ssh服务器,sftp,SCP,NTFS,WebDAV,便携式硬盘驱动器中读取/读取。
- Image files can be secured with the AES-256 encryption which can be securely transferred or stored. 图像文件可以使用可安全传输或存储的AES-256加密进行保护。
Clonezilla的局限性 (Clonezilla Limitations)
Even Clonezilla is a great solution there are some disadvantages or limitations about it. But these disadvantages or limitations are generally no problem for most of the users.
即使Clonezilla是一个很好的解决方案,它也有一些缺点或局限性。 但是这些缺点或局限性对于大多数用户而言通常都不是问题。
- While cloning from the source to the destination storage the destination should be equal or larger than the source image which is very normal. 从源克隆到目标存储时,目标应等于或大于非常正常的源映像。
- Differential/incremental backup is not supported which can be useful to take multiple clones for a single source and only changes are stored which can make multiple versions available. 不支持差异/增量备份,这对于获取单个源的多个克隆很有用,并且仅存储可以使多个版本可用的更改。
- Online imaging/cloning is not supported which means the partition to be imaged or cloned should be unmounted and not used by others. 不支持在线成像/克隆,这意味着要成像或克隆的分区应该被卸载,并且不被其他人使用。
Clonezilla can be downloaded in various format but the most popular format is 64 bit stable ISO image. We will download ISO image from the following link.
可以以多种格式下载Clonezilla,但最流行的格式是64位稳定的ISO映像。 我们将从以下链接下载ISO映像。
刻录到CD或闪存(USB) (Burn to CD or Flash Storage (USB))
There are different tools to Burn into the CD. In order to burn into the CD, there are different tools for different operating systems. For the Windows CD Tool, Nero can be used. For Linux Brasero or Command Linux can be used.
有多种工具可以刻录到CD中。 为了刻录到CD中,有针对不同操作系统的不同工具。 对于Windows CD工具,可以使用Nero。 对于Linux,可以使用Brasero或Command Linux。
To create bootable USB Flash disk please take to the following tutorials.
从CD或USB引导 (Boot From CD or USB)
In order to start Clonezilla, we should prepare the system we want to backup to boot from USB or CDROM according to our situation.
启动Clonezilla (Start Clonezilla)
We can see in the following screen Clonezilla is starting. There is following options where we can select.
我们可以在下面的屏幕中看到Clonezilla正在启动。 我们可以选择以下选项。
Clonezilla Live
is the mod we will use in this tutorial which will start Clonezilla Live mode which will not save any data into systems.Clonezilla Live
是我们将在本教程中使用的mod,它将启动Clonezilla Live模式,该模式不会将任何数据保存到系统中。 -
Other modes of Clonezilla live
is the mode a list of other detailed live modes will be listed.Other modes of Clonezilla live
是将列出其他详细实时模式的列表的模式。 -
Local operating system in harddrive
will open from installed operating system.Local operating system in harddrive
将从已安装的操作系统打开。 -
Memtest & FreeDOS
will start the memory test of the current system or PC.Memtest & FreeDOS
将启动当前系统或PC的内存测试。 -
Network boot via iPXE
will start from over network withPXE
protocol.Network boot via iPXE

选择语言 (Choose Language)
We will select the interface language we want to use during clone and backup operations. In this case, we select English
and related localization settings.
我们将选择在克隆和备份操作中要使用的界面语言。 在这种情况下,我们选择English

We can see that also following languages and locations settings are provided too.
- Catalan 加泰罗尼亚语
- German德语
- Hungarian匈牙利
- Spanish西班牙文
- French法文
- Italian义大利文
- Japanese日本
- Brazilian Portuguese巴西葡萄牙语
- Russian俄语
- Slovak斯洛伐克文
- Turkish土耳其
- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)中文(简体和繁体)
配置键盘映射 (Configure Keymap)
We may select different keymap provided by the current language. In this situation, we proceed with the language provided keymap which is English
. If you use different keymap than English be sure that you have selected it.
我们可以选择当前语言提供的其他按键映射。 在这种情况下,我们将继续使用提供的语言keymap,即English
。 如果您使用的键盘映射不同于英语,请确保已选择它。

Clonezilla的启动模式(Start Mode Of Clonezilla)
Clonezilla provides two work interaction mode which will provide us different interfaces to use it.
Start Clonezilla
will start a menu-driven interface that can be called a GUI mode. Most of the operations are executed via menus.Start Clonezilla
将启动一个菜单驱动的界面,该界面可以称为GUI模式。 大多数操作通过菜单执行。 -
will enter to the Clonezilla operating system shell. This is designed for advanced users where commands are provided for operations and configuration.Enter_shell
将进入Clonezilla操作系统外壳。 这是为高级用户设计的,在高级用户中提供了用于操作和配置的命令。

选择复印模式(Choose Copy Mode)
Clonezilla provides different copy modes those are like below.
will copy devices and partitions to the image file.device-image
将设备和分区复制到映像文件。 - device-device will copy devices to devices where it is like sync and creating the same device or partition. device-device会将设备复制到需要同步的设备上,并创建相同的设备或分区。
will copy remote remotely located image files into the specified partition of the device.remote-source

设定目的地(Set Destination)
Clonezilla can use different destination units according to copy mode.
can be used to set local storage devices like hard drive, USB drive, external hard disk etc.
is used to select SSH server for storage of the image.
is used to select samba or SMB or a Windows network share to be used storage of the image.
is used to select network file system or NFS storage for images which is popularly used with Linux and Unix systems.
is used to select WebDAV as a storage server for images.
is used to select Amazon S3 storage service for image storage which is a cloud service and requires internet connection.
用于为图像存储选择Amazon S3存储服务,该服务是一种云服务,需要Internet连接。
is used to store images in an OpenStack switch storage service.
will change mode into the command line or shell.
will select the current system memory as storage where it will not persistent and lost after system restart. Also the size can not be enough to store imge.
将选择当前系统内存作为存储,在系统重新启动后该内存将不会持久且不会丢失。 另外,该尺寸不足以存储图像。

网络配置(Network Configuration)
We need to make network configuration if we will use network based source or destinations. We need to set IP address. We have following options.
如果我们将使用基于网络的源或目标,则需要进行网络配置。 我们需要设置IP地址。 我们有以下选择。
will get the IP address automatically from the DHCP server.dhcp
将从DHCP服务器自动获取IP地址。 -
configuration is used to set IP and network addresses manually and statically.static
配置用于手动和静态设置IP和网络地址。 -
is used to configure PPPoE network configuration.pppoe
用于配置PPPoE网络配置。 -
can be used to set IP address in Linux bash shellenter_shell
可用于在Linux bash shell中设置IP地址

挂载远程文件系统(Mount Remote File System)
As we have selected SSH or SSHFS as a remote file system we should set some parameters. We will provide the following parameters.
当我们选择SSH或SSHFS作为远程文件系统时,我们应该设置一些参数。 我们将提供以下参数。
- The IP address of the remote server 远端伺服器的IP位址
- Ssh port numberSSH端口号
- SSHFS file system mount pointSSHFS文件系统挂载点
- SSH connection usernameSSH连接用户名
- SSH connection passwordSSH连接密码

Here we will provide the password for the user root.

选择向导模式 (Choose Wizard Mode)
We have two options to set backup options.
option is used to configure basic settings and will ask fewer questions and configuration parameters.Beginner
选项用于配置基本设置,并且将询问较少的问题和配置参数。 -
option is designed to configure every and detailed option one by one for more optimization.Expert

保存类型(Save Type)
Clonezilla can save the whole disk or selected partitions. We select to save or backup selected partitions. savedisk
will save the selected disk as a whole into a single image file. This can be also called as raw mode.
Clonezilla可以保存整个磁盘或选定的分区。 我们选择保存或备份所选分区。 savedisk
将所选磁盘作为一个整体保存到单个映像文件中。 这也可以称为原始模式。

设置备份名称(Set Backup Name)
We need to set the backup name. Clonezilla will provide the name automatically according to the current date and time.
我们需要设置备份名称。 Clonezilla将根据当前日期和时间自动提供名称。

选择分区(Select Partitions)
We will select the source partitions we want to clone. In this case we select the partition named vda1
which is about 50GB in size with the ext4 file system.
我们将选择要克隆的源分区。 在这种情况下,我们选择名为vda1

选择磁盘完整性检查(Select Disk Integrity Check)
We can check integrity of the source before backup operation. But checking disk integrity operation takes some time so we will skip to check disk integrity in this case. Also -fsck
option can be selected in order to check the source disk file system integrity before starting imaging operation. -fsck-y
option can be used for source disk file system integrity check and repair automatically if there is an error about the file system.
我们可以在备份操作之前检查源的完整性。 但是检查磁盘完整性操作需要一些时间,因此在这种情况下,我们将跳过检查磁盘完整性。 也可以选择-fsck
选项,以便在开始映像操作之前检查源磁盘文件系统的完整性。 -fsck-y

Or we can check saved image file integrity with the following screen.Yes
will also check the created image integrity.
或者,我们可以通过以下屏幕检查保存的图像文件的完整性。 Yes

选择加密(Select Encryption)
We can also encrypt saved image if we need more security. But in this case, we will do not encrypt images. Option -senc
is used to skip encryption and -enc is used to encrypt the created disk image.
如果需要更高的安全性,我们还可以加密保存的图像。 但是在这种情况下,我们将不加密图像。 选项-senc

选择操作复制后执行(Select Action Take After Copy)
We can select the action that will take after the backup operation is completed. - choose
will ask us when the operation is complete. -p reboot
will automatically reboot the system when the operation is completed. -p poweroff
will shut down the system when the operation is complete.
我们可以选择在备份操作完成后将要执行的操作。 - choose
将在操作完成时询问我们。 -p reboot
将在操作完成后自动重新引导系统。 -p poweroff

开始克隆操作(Start Clone Operation)
These screens provides the start of the backup or clone operation.

and then

克隆或备份操作(Cloning or Backup Operation)
The following screen will provide detailed information about the backup process. We will be provided information like
以下屏幕将提供有关备份过程的详细信息。 我们将提供类似的信息
- Elapsed Time经过时间
- Remaining Time剩余时间
- Current Operation目前的运作

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/clone-windows-linux-drives-clonezilla/