TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

时间:2024-04-07 17:04:50

1.   简介

With the help of this plugin you can add any HTML, JS or CSS to various pages of TeamCity UI.

Plugin configuration files are located under .BuildServer/config/_static_ui_extensions.

Use static-ui-extensions.xml to change the settings, see static-ui-extensions.xml.dist for template settings.

Since build 58 (, there is ability to serve static files: the files located under _static_ui_extensions/pages/<relative path> are available via URLs http://<teamcity_url>/app/static_content/<relative path>.

The files are available to any (including unauthenticated) users.

2.   下载插件


TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

3.   安装插件

上传刚刚下载的zip并重启teamcity,这时插件就会出现在External plugins一栏

TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI




4.   Shakeout



TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI


TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI