Icons were invented as a quick way to visually identify information on a computer, but sometimes a Windows 10 shortcut icon is so generic that it doesn’t feel useful. In that case, Windows makes it easy to customize the icon. Here’s how to do it.
图标的发明是一种在视觉上识别计算机上信息的快速方法,但是有时Windows 10快捷图标是如此通用,以至于感觉不到用处。 在这种情况下,Windows使自定义图标变得容易。 这是操作方法。
First, locate the shortcut with the icon you’d like to change in File Explorer or on your Desktop. Right-click the shortcut, and select “Properties.”
首先,在文件资源管理器或桌面上找到您要更改的带有图标的快捷方式。 右键单击快捷方式,然后选择“属性”。

In Properties, make sure you’re on the Shortcut tab, then click the “Change Icon” button.

A “Change Icon” window will pop up containing a field of icons that you can use with the shortcut. By default, these come from a Windows system file called “imageres.dll.”
将弹出一个“更改图标”窗口,其中包含可用于快捷方式的图标字段。 默认情况下,这些文件来自Windows系统文件“ imageres.dll”。
If you’d like to use a different icon than the ones listed by default, you can click “Browse” and select either an EXE file, a DLL file, or an ICO file. (You can use any image you like—you just have to convert it to ICO format first.) Once the file is loaded, you will see the possible icons you can use in the box below.
如果要使用默认图标以外的其他图标,则可以单击“浏览”,然后选择EXE文件,DLL文件或ICO文件。 (您可以使用任何喜欢的图像-您只需要先将其转换为ICO格式即可。)加载文件后,您将在下面的框中看到可以使用的图标。
Whether you’re using the default selection or a custom file, select one of the icons, and click “OK.”

In the Properties window, you will notice that the icon has changed to the one you selected. Click “OK” to close Properties and to save the settings.
在“属性”窗口中,您会注意到该图标已更改为您选择的图标。 单击“确定”关闭“属性”并保存设置。

Congratulations—your shortcut has a brand new icon! Feel free to customize any shortcut icon you’d like. It’s a great way to add personality to your Windows installation.
恭喜,您的快捷方式带有一个全新的图标! 随意自定义您想要的任何快捷方式图标。 这是在Windows安装中增加个性的好方法。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687014/how-to-change-the-icon-of-a-shortcut-on-windows-10/