You can install Add-In software to most Office 2007 applications. Microsoft bundled add-in software with this release of Office. The software is included with 2007 but is not automatically installed. Here I am going to demonstrate how to complete the process with Excel 2007.
您可以将加载项软件安装到大多数Office 2007应用程序中。 Microsoft在此版本的Office中捆绑了附加软件。 该软件包含在2007中,但不会自动安装。 在这里,我将演示如何使用Excel 2007完成该过程。
Click on the Microsoft Office Button Excel Options Add-Ins You can highlight the various add-Ins to get a brief description of what it does.
单击Microsoft Office按钮Excel选项加载项您可以突出显示各种加载项以简要了解其功能。

Make sure you have Manage: Excel Add-ins selected and click the Go… button and select the available Add-in from the resulting screen.

Click Yes to the confirmation screen.

Now just wait while Office installs the selected Add-Ins. When finished you can click the Add-Ins tab on the Ribbon to start using them.
现在,只需等待Office安装选定的加载项。 完成后,您可以单击功能区上的“加载项”选项卡以开始使用它们。

There are also third-party Add-Ins as well. What are some of your favorites?
也有第三方加载项。 您最喜欢什么?
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79837/office-2007-install-add-ins/