以38523 -1 -g30协议为参考,先看一下NG-RAN单模的PLMN选择用例,章节号:
- 在RPLMN\HPLMN\UPLMN\OPLMN都有效,而且RPLMN有限场景中,终端回到覆盖区,应该优先选择RPLMN,并发起注册。
with { UE in Automatic network selection mode and RPLMN, HPLMN, UPLMN and OPLMN NR cells availableand UE is fitted with a USIM indicating RPLMN should be selected }ensure that {when { UE is switched on or return to coverage }then { UE selects a cell of the RPLMN and UE attempts Registration on the selected cell }}
- 当驻留在VPLMN时,高优先级的PLMN可用时,应该周期性去搜索高优先级小区。
with { UE camped on an NG-RAN VPLMN cell and cells of a higher priority NG-RAN PLMN available }ensure that {when { higher priority PLMN search timer T expires }then { UE selects and camps on a cell of the highest priority PLMN and UE attempts Registration with mobility on the selected cell }}
- 自动选网时,按照优先级顺序依次选网
with { UE in Automatic network selection mode and HPLMN, UPLMN and OPLMN NG-RAN cells available andUE is fitted with a USIM with Access Technology data files for each PLMN and there are no equivalent HPLMNs defined}ensure that {when { UE is switched on or return to coverage }then { UE selects a cell of the highest priority PLMN and UE attempts Registration with mobility on the selected cell }}
- 在VPLMN时,如果HPLMN可用,需要T周期内驻留到HPLMN
with { UE camped on an NR VPLMN cell and cells of a NG-RAN HPLMN available }ensure that {when { higher priority PLMN search timer T expires }then { UE selects and camps on a cell of HPLMN and UE attempts Registration on the selected cell }
[TS 23.122, clause]The MS selects and attempts registration on other PLMN/access technology combinations, if available and allowable, inthe following order:i) either the HPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is not present or is empty) or the highest priority EHPLMN that isavailable (if the EHPLMN list is present) ;ii) each PLMN/access technology combination in the "User Controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology" data file in the SIM (in priority order);iii) each PLMN/access technology combination in the "Operator Controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology"data file in the SIM (in priority order);iv) other PLMN/access technology combinations with received high quality signal in random order;v) other PLMN/access technology combinations in order of decreasing signal quality
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