Many devices—like Wi-Fi cams—get power by being plugged into a nearby outlet through USB. But if you want to place that device somewhere where an outlet isn’t nearby, you can use existing ethernet drops (or run ethernet yourself) to power the camera using a handy adapter.
许多设备(例如Wi-Fi摄像头)都是通过USB插入附近的插座来获得电源的。 但是,如果要将设备放置在插座附近的地方,则可以使用现有的以太网接口(或自己运行以太网)使用方便的适配器为相机供电。
Keep in mind that some devices will already come with ethernet built in, which is used to both power the camera and connect it to your local network or the internet. Others, like Wi-Fi cameras, will only get power from a USB cable that’s plugged into an outlet using a power adapter. But if you have a house wired for ethernet with cables going everywhere, you can free up an outlet and use ethernet instead.
请记住,某些设备已经内置了以太网 ,该以太网既可用于为摄像机供电,也可将其连接到本地网络或Internet。 诸如Wi-Fi相机之类的其他设备,则只能通过使用电源适配器插入插座的USB电缆来供电。 但是,如果您有一所连接以太网的房屋,且电缆随处可见,则可以腾出电源插座,而改用以太网。
Before you get started, you need to make sure your ethernet lines support power over ethernet.
什么是以太网供电(PoE)? (What Is Power Over Ethernet (PoE)?)
As mentioned above, most wired surveillance cameras have ethernet built in, allowing them to take advantage of what’s called “Power over Ethernet” (or “PoE” for short). They can not only transmit video and audio over an ethernet connection, but draw power over that same cable as well.
如上所述,大多数有线监控摄像机都内置有以太网,因此它们可以利用所谓的“以太网供电”(简称“ PoE”)。 他们不仅可以通过以太网连接传输视频和音频,而且还可以通过同一根电缆供电。
However, in order for PoE to work, you need a router or an ethernet switch that supports PoE (they’ll usually have “PoE” written somewhere near the ethernet ports). Otherwise, you can buy what’s called a PoE injector, which will turn a regular ethernet line into a PoE-supported ethernet line. Essentially, you’re turning an ethernet cable from a data-only cable to a cable that can transmit both data and power.
但是,为了使PoE正常工作,您需要支持PoE的路由器或以太网交换机(通常会在以太网端口附近的某处写入“ PoE”)。 否则,您可以购买称为PoE的PoE注入器 ,它将常规的以太网线路转变为PoE支持的以太网线路。 本质上,您是将以太网电缆从仅数据电缆变成可以传输数据和电力的电缆。
如何使用PoE到USB适配器将PoE添加到USB设备 (How to Add PoE to a USB Device with a PoE-to-USB Adapter)
If you have a router that supports PoE but a device that doesn’t (in our case, a Wi-Fi cam that charges over USB), you can power that device over ethernet with a PoE-to-USB adapter (sometimes just called a PoE splitter). You’ll need one that can provide 5 volts and 10 watts of power, which is most of them. This $20 one works great, and it even comes with a female USB connector (in the form of an adapter) that will allow you to plug in any USB cable. Some PoE splitters don’t come with USB connectors, but rather just a generic power connector, so watch out for that if it matters to your setup.
如果您的路由器支持PoE,但设备不支持PoE(在本例中为通过USB充电的Wi-Fi摄像头),则可以使用PoE-USB适配器通过以太网为该设备供电(有时称为PoE分配器)。 您将需要一个可以提供5伏特和10瓦特功率的电源,这是其中的大多数。 这款20美元的耳机效果很好,它甚至带有一个母USB连接器(以适配器的形式),可让您插入任何USB电缆。 某些PoE分离器不带有USB连接器,而是带有通用电源连接器 ,因此请注意对您的设置是否重要。
To install the PoE-to-USB adapter, just locate an ethernet drop that’s closest to your device. More than likely, you probably already have an ethernet cable plugged into it, but that’s no problem.
要安装PoE转USB适配器,只需找到距离您的设备最近的以太网接口即可。 您很有可能已经插入了以太网电缆,但这没问题。
Unplug that cable and then plug in the male ethernet connector from the PoE adapter into the ethernet jack.
Next, take the ethernet cable that you unplugged from the wall and plug it into the female ethernet connector on the PoE adapter.
This will reconnect that ethernet cable to your network, but you’ll now have a separate connector that splits off—you’ll plug your device into that. If there wasn’t already a cable plugged into that ethernet drop, then you can ignore the female ethernet connector on the adapter. But if you ever want to plug in an ethernet cable in the future, you can do so using the female connector on the adapter.
这会将以太网电缆重新连接到您的网络,但是现在您将拥有一个单独的连接器,该连接器可以断开连接,您可以将设备插入其中。 如果尚未将电缆插入该以太网分支,则可以忽略适配器上的母以太网连接器。 但是,如果将来您想插入以太网电缆,则可以使用适配器上的母连接器。
If you don’t have existing ethernet drops but still want to run an ethernet cable to your device, then you’ll plug it into the female ethernet connector on the PoE adapter and ignore the male connector in that situation.
In any case, now that you have the ethernet portion all hooked up, take the female USB adapter and plug it into the generic power connector on the PoE adapter.
Then take the USB cable from your device and plug it into the female USB connector.
Your device should automatically power on and act like it was plugged into a regular outlet all along. Unfortunately, our Wi-Fi camera isn’t able to get an internet connection from the ethernet cable, so we still needed to connect it to our Wi-Fi network as usual—and make sure it was in range of our router. But power over ethernet worked well.
您的设备应该会自动开机,并且就像一直插入常规插座一样。 不幸的是,我们的Wi-Fi摄像机无法通过以太网电缆建立Internet连接,因此我们仍然需要照常将其连接到Wi-Fi网络,并确保它在路由器的范围内。 但是以太网供电效果很好。
Image from Netgear/Amazon
图片来自Netgear / Amazon
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/294628/how-to-power-a-usb-powered-device-over-ethernet/