6.16 re模块
正则就是用一些具有特殊含义的符号组合到一起(称为正则表达式)来描述字符或者字符串的方法。或者说:正则就是用来描述一类事物的规则.(在Python中)它内嵌在Python中,并通过 re 模块实现。
模式 | 举例 | 解释 | 结果 |
\w | print ( re.findall ('\w','ab 12+- *&_') ) | 匹配字母数字下划线 | ['a', 'b', '1', '2', '_'] |
\W | print ( re.findall ('\W','ab 12+- *&_') ) | 匹配非字母数字下划线 | [' ', '\', '+', '-', ' ', '*', '&'] |
\s | print(re.findall('\s','ab \r1\n2\t+- *&_')) | 匹配任意空白字符 [\r\n\t\f] | [' ', '\r', '\n', '\t', ' '] |
\S | print(re.findall('\S','ab \r1\n2\t+- *&_')) | 匹配任意非空字符 | ['a', 'b', '1', '2', '\', '+', '-', '*', '&', '_'] |
\d | print(re.findall('\d','ab \r1\n2\t+- *&_')) | 匹配任意数字 [0-9] | ['1', '2'] |
\D | print(re.findall('\D','ab \r1\n2\t+- *&_')) | 匹配任意非数字 | ['a', 'b', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t', '\', '+', '-', ' ', '*', '&', '] |
\A | print(re.findall('\Aalex','abcalex is sb')) | 匹配字符串的开始 | [ ] |
^ | print(re.findall('^alex','alex is salexb')) | 相当于\A | ['alex'] |
\Z | print(re.findall('sb\Z','alex is alexbsb')) | 匹配字符串的结尾 | ['sb'] |
$ | print(re.findall('sb$','alex is alexbsb')) | 相当于\Z | ['sb'] |
\n | print(re.findall('a\nc','a\nc a\tc a1c')) | 匹配一个换行符 | ['a\nc'] |
. | print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aaca\nc')) | 除了换行符外的任意一个字符 | ['abc', 'a1c', 'aac'] |
re.DOTALL | print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aaca\nc',re.DOTALL)) | 匹配包括换行符的任意一个字符 | |
? | print(re.findall('ab?','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb')) | 左边一个字符重复0次或1次 | ['a', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab'] |
* | print(re.findall('ab*','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb')) | 左边一个字符出现0次或无穷次 | ['a', 'ab', 'abb', 'abbb', 'abbbb', 'abbbb', 'a'] |
+ | print(re.findall('ab+','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb')) | 左边一个字符出现1次或无穷次 | ['ab', 'abb', 'abbb', 'abbbb', 'abbbb'] |
{m,n} | print(re.findall('ab{0,1}','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb')) | 左边一个字符出现m次到n次 | ['a', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab'] |
.* | print(re.findall('a.*c','ac a123c aaaac a *123)()c asdfasfdsadf')) | 匹配任意长度,任意的字符 贪婪匹配 | ['ac a123c aaaac a *123)()c'] |
.*? | print(re.findall('a.*?c','a123c456c')) | 非贪婪匹配 | ['a123c'] |
() | print(re.findall('(alex)_sb','alex_sb asdfsafdafdaalex_sb')) | 匹配括号内的表达式 | ['alex', 'alex'] |
print(re.findall('^ebn$','ebn1')) #[] print(re.findall('href="(.*?)"','<li><a id="blog_nav_sitehome" class="menu"href="http://www.cnblogs.com/">博客园</a></li>') ) #['http://www.cnblogs.com/'] print(re.findall('a[0-9][0-9]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a11c a-c acc aAc'))#[]:匹配一个指定范围内的字符(这一个字符来自于括号内定义的) #['a11c'] print(re.findall('a[-+*]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc')) #当-需要被当普通符号匹配时,只能放到[]的最左边或最右边 ['a+c', 'a*c', 'a-c'] print(re.findall('a[a-zA-Z]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc')) #['acc', 'aAc'] print(re.findall('a[^a-zA-Z]c','a c a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc'))# []内的^代表取反的意思 #['a c', 'a1c', 'a+c', 'a2c', 'a9c', 'a*c', 'a-c'] print(re.findall('([a-z]+)_sb','egon alex_sb123123wxxxxxxxxxxxxx_sb,lxx_sb'))#['alex', 'wxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'lxx'] print(re.findall('compan(ies|y)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company')) #| :或者 ['ies', 'y'] print(re.findall('compan(?:ies|y)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company')) #(?:):代表取匹配成功的所有内容,而不仅仅只是括号内的内容 ['companies', 'company']
print(re.findall('alex|sb','123123 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))#['alex', 'sb', 'alex', 'sb'] print(re.search('alex|sb','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group())#只到找到第一个匹配,然后返回一个包含匹配信息的对象 #alex print(re.search('^alex','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))# None 匹配不成功返回None而不是[] print(re.search('^alex','alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group()) #alex print(re.match('alex','alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group()) #alex print(re.match('alex','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon')) #None #search+^可以代替match info='a:b:c:d' print(info.split(':')) #['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] print(re.split(':',info)) #['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] info=r'get :a.txt\3333/rwx' print(re.split('[ :\\\/]',info)) #['get', '', 'a.txt', '3333', 'rwx'] print('egon is beutifull egon'.replace('egon','EGON',1)) #EGON is beutifull egon #123 egon is beutifull EGON 123 print(re.sub('(.*?)(egon)(.*?)(egon)(.*?)',r'\1\2\3EGON\5','123 egon is beutifull egon 123')) #(123)(egon)( is beutifull )(egon)(123) print(re.sub('(lqz)(.*?)(SB)',r'\3\2\1',r'lqz is SB'))# SB is lqz #(lqz)(is)(SB) print(re.sub('([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z]+)',r'\5\2\3\4\1',r'lqzzzz123+ is SB')) #SB123+ is lqzzzz #(lqzzzz)(123+ )(is)( )(SB) pattern=re.compile('alex') print(pattern.findall('alex is alex alex')) #['alex', 'alex', 'alex'] print(pattern.findall('alexasdfsadfsadfasdfasdfasfd is alex alex')) #['alex', 'alex', 'alex']
6.17 hashlib模块
1 只要传入的内容一样,得到的hash值必然一样(用于明文传输密码、文件完整性校验) 2 不能由hash值返解成内容=======》把密码做成hash值,不应该在网络传输明文密码 3 只要使用的hash算法不变,无论校验的内容有多大,得到的hash值长度是固定的
import hashlib m=hashlib.md5() m.update('hello'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('world'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('egon'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #3801fab9b8c8d9fcb481017969843ed5 import hashlib m=hashlib.md5() m.update('h'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('e'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('lloworld'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('egon'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #3801fab9b8c8d9fcb481017969843ed5
import hashlib m=hashlib.md5() with open(r'C:\Users\Desktop\上节课复习','rb') as f: for line in f: m.update(line) hv=m.hexdigest() print(hv) #98416536bdf1f0dc0776629f501ae469
import hashlib m=hashlib.md5() pwd='alex3714' m.update('天王盖地虎'.encode('utf-8')) m.update(pwd.encode('utf-8')) m.update('小鸡炖蘑菇'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #ab44c43ea02e8c1083346ca707a6f572
import hashlib m=hashlib.md5() m.update('helloworld'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0 m=hashlib.sha256() m.update('helloworld'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #936a185caaa266bb9cbe981e9e05cb78cd732b0b3280eb944412bb6f8f8f07af m=hashlib.sha512() m.update('helloworld'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest()) #1594244d52f2d8c12b142bb61f47bc2eaf503d6d9ca8480cae9fcf112f66e4967dc5e8fa98285e36db8af1b8ffa8b84cb15e0fbcf836c3deb803c13f37659a60
hmac 模块 ,它内部对我们创建 key 和 内容 进行进一步的处理然后再加密
import hmac m=hmac.new('天王盖地虎,小鸡炖模块'.encode('utf-8')) m.update('alex3814'.encode('utf-8')) print(m.hexdigest())