IDA PRO ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library. 解决方法

时间:2024-04-03 13:22:31

    在吾爱下载了一个绿色版 IDA Pro 反调试工具, 内置了一些插件keypatch,由于需要依赖python环境,配置好环境变量即可。


1、使用 pip install keystone下载依赖时报 pip Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using

运行 python -m pip install --upgrade pip 即可

2、打开IDA 报 ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library.   ImportError: ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library.

看了下是keystone.dll 动态库加载失败,由于该keypatch插件已在github上开源(。

  • On Windows, if you get an error message from IDA about "fail to load the dynamic library", then your machine may miss the VC++ runtime library. Fix that by downloading & installing it from
  • On other *nix platforms, the above error message means you do not have 32-bit Keystone installed yet. See appendix section below for more instructions to fix this.
说得到微软下载一个vc++运行时环境, 根据上面链接,下载安装,重新打开IDA,正常加载插件。

IDA PRO ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library. 解决方法

IDA PRO ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library. 解决方法