office打开失败,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened

时间:2024-04-03 12:30:03

最近收到一个用户反馈,在SharePoint中打开excel文件时弹出下面错误信息“The File is corrupt and cannot beopened.


office打开失败,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened


troubleshooting过程中发现主要原因是Office Applicationsettings设置问题。



  1. 点击File-> Options

office打开失败,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened


  1. 在弹出的设置页面中点击“Trust Center tab”,在详细设置中点击“Trust Center Settings

office打开失败,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened

  1. 点击Protected tab,将列出的三个选项都取消勾选,点击OK保存

office打开失败,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened


  1. 关闭Office Application,在SharePoint中重新点击文件,文件可以正确打开,问题解决。

