笔记本电脑外接显示器 卡
If you use a MacBook, you can add an external display to give yourself more screen real estate. A second display can really help your productivity and make everything feel a little less cramped.
如果您使用的是MacBook,则可以添加一个外接显示器,以便为自己提供更多的屏幕空间。 第二个显示器确实可以帮助您提高工作效率,并使一切都变得狭窄。
Before you can connect your Mac to an external monitor, however, you have to know what kind of cable to use. If you’re unsure, it’s pretty easy to Google it or use the MacTracker app to find out. If your MacBook or MacBook Pro was manufactured after 2015, then you will need a USB-C (Thunderbolt 3) cable that goes to VGA, DVI, or HDMI. The other end will be determined by your monitor–so double check its available ports to see which it offers. If you have a choice, HDMI and DVI are preferable to VGA, which is an older analog standard.
但是,在将Mac连接到外接显示器之前,您必须知道要使用哪种电缆。 如果不确定,可以通过Google轻松进行操作,也可以使用MacTracker应用查找。 如果您的MacBook或MacBook Pro是2015年以后生产的,则需要USB-C(雷电3)电缆连接 VGA,DVI或HDMI。 另一端将由您的显示器确定-因此请仔细检查其可用端口以查看其提供的端口。 如果可以选择,HDMI和DVI优于VGA,后者是较旧的模拟标准。

Pre-2015 MacBooks will most likely sport a Thunderbolt 1 or 2 connector or Mini DisplayPort connector. The connector for all three of these is the same, so finding a cable to attach to your older MacBook shouldn’t be an issue.
2015年之前的MacBook最有可能使用Thunderbolt 1或2连接器或Mini DisplayPort连接器。 所有这三个接口的连接器都相同,因此寻找连接到旧版MacBook的电缆不是问题。
Once you have your monitor connected to your MacBook, it’ll likely show your Mac’s screen immediately. But there are several configuration options you should know about.
将显示器连接到MacBook后,它可能会立即显示Mac的屏幕。 但是,您应该了解几个配置选项。
Head to System Preferences > Displays on your Mac.
If your Mac’s desktop doesn’t appear on your second monitor, make sure it is detecting it. Newer monitors typically have two or more display connections. While most will autodetect your Mac with few problems, you may have to manually press the “source” (or similar) button on your monitor until you reach the right one—kind of like you do on your HDTV. Read through your monitor’s product manual for more information if the problem persists, and also make sure to check your cable’s connection, to assure it hasn’t come loose.
如果Mac的桌面未出现在第二台显示器上,请确保它正在检测到它。 较新的显示器通常具有两个或多个显示器连接。 尽管大多数人会自动检测到Mac,但几乎没有问题,但是您可能必须手动按显示器上的“ source”(或类似)按钮,直到找到正确的按钮为止(就像在HDTV上一样)。 如果问题仍然存在,请通读显示器的产品手册以获取更多信息,并确保检查电缆的连接,以确保电缆没有松动。
You can also hold the “Option” key and the preference pane’s Gather Windows button will transform to Detect Displays, which may do the trick if your display’s input source is correctly configured and the cable is tightly connected.
您也可以按住“ Option”键,并且首选项窗格的“收集Windows”按钮将转换为“检测显示器”,如果正确配置了显示器的输入源并且电缆连接牢固,则可以解决此问题。
You’ll have two preference panels: once for your built-in display, and one for your external.
If you don’t see both preference panels, the other one is probably on the other display. You can click “Gather Windows” to make both preference panels appear on the current display.
如果您没有同时看到两个首选项面板,则另一个面板可能在另一个显示屏上。 您可以单击“收集Windows”,使两个首选项面板都出现在当前显示屏上。
You can adjust the resolution on your displays to default or scaled. The top-most resolution listed is the optimal one, anything below that will render noticeably inferior results.
您可以将显示器的分辨率调整为默认或缩放比例。 列出的最高分辨率是最佳分辨率,低于此分辨率的任何分辨率都会使结果明显变差。

The arrangement of your displays is important for navigating from one to the other. For example, if your external is to the left of your MacBook and your arrangement has it on the right, it will be confusing because every time you mouse right, the pointer will hit the screen edge instead of continuing onto the next display.
显示器的布置对于从一个导航到另一个导航很重要。 例如,如果您的外部设备在MacBook的左侧,而您的设备在其右侧,则将造成混乱,因为每次您用鼠标右键单击时,指针都将碰到屏幕边缘,而不是继续显示下一个显示器。
Click on the Arrangement tab and then drag your displays into the desired position. You can also click and drag the little white menu bar to relocate it to your preferred display.
单击排列选项卡,然后将您的显示拖到所需的位置。 您也可以单击并拖动白色的小菜单栏,将其重新定位到您的首选显示器。

You can also choose to mirror your displays. When you check this box, both displays will show the same thing. You will have the option to optimize it for either the built-in or external, or you can scale both monitors so the resolutions match on each.
您也可以选择镜像显示。 选中此框时,两个显示都将显示相同的内容。 您可以选择针对内置显示器还是外部显示器对其进行优化,或者可以缩放两个显示器,使每个显示器的分辨率均匹配。
Mirroring is well suited for doing presentations, whereas extending your desktop (non-mirroring) is better for day-to-day work.

If you look at your second monitor’s preferences, you’ll have two tabs for display and color. Unlike the built-in display’s preferences, you won’t be able to adjust brightness, nor will there be an AirPlay option, but you can rotate it (90, 180, 270 degrees) if the display’s stand will accommodate rotating.
如果查看第二台显示器的首选项,将有两个选项卡用于显示和颜色。 与内置显示器的首选项不同,您将无法调整亮度,也不会有AirPlay选项,但是如果显示器的支架可以旋转,则可以旋转(90、180、270度)。

The last option is the color panel. While the options here are beyond the scope of this article, you can learn more about color profiles and calibrating your display if you feel you aren’t seeing colors correctly.
最后一个选项是颜色面板。 尽管此处的选项不在本文讨论范围之内,但如果您感觉未正确看到颜色,则可以了解有关颜色配置文件和校准显示器的 更多信息 。

Probably the most challenging aspect of this process is getting the cable. Beyond that, macOS makes it a cinch and once you understand how to adjust the preferences, you will have everything arranged so it best works for you.
此过程中最具挑战性的方面可能是电缆。 除此之外,macOS令人难以置信,一旦您了解了如何调整首选项,便会安排好一切,使其最适合您。
Connecting a second (or even third) monitor to your MacBook can open up new possibilities and alleviate the logjam of various windows and apps that typically crowds your built-in display. It allows you to better dictate and organize your workflow, possibly increasing your productivity, making you a more efficient and happy worker.
将第二个(或什至第三个)显示器连接到MacBook可以开辟新的可能性,并缓解各种窗口和应用程序的混乱现象,这些窗口和应用程序通常会使您的内置显示器拥挤。 它使您可以更好地支配和组织工作流程,从而可能提高生产率,使您成为效率更高,更快乐的员工。
Image Credit: Maurizio Pesce/Flickr
图片来源: Maurizio Pesce / Flickr
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/281233/how-to-add-and-configure-an-external-display-to-your-mac-laptop/
笔记本电脑外接显示器 卡