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When you send an email to an Outlook contact group (formally known as a distribution list), you might want to hide the email addresses in the group from the recipients. Here’s the easiest way to protect people’s private information.
当您将电子邮件发送到Outlook联系人组(通常称为通讯组列表)时,您可能希望对收件人隐藏该组中的电子邮件地址。 这是保护人们的私人信息的最简单方法。
什么是联络小组? (What’s a Contact Group?)
In Office 365 (O365), Microsoft’s subscription version of Office, two separate groups have replaced distribution lists:
在Office 365(O365)(Microsoft的Office订阅版)中,两个单独的组替换了通讯组列表:
O365 Groups: Designed for on-the-fly collaboration among a group of people, these groups include a shared mailbox, calendar, file store, Planner, and OneNote Notebook. These are great for small project teams, organizing your local theater group’s rehearsals, or any other scenario where you need quick and simple collaboration tools.
O365组:专为一群人之间的即时协作而设计,这些组包括共享邮箱,日历,文件存储,计划程序和OneNote笔记本。 这些对于小型项目团队,组织当地剧院小组的排练或任何其他需要快速简便的协作工具的场景非常有用。
Contact Groups: These are a bunch of email addresses added to a group. Instead of having to add each of them individually to an email, you can email the group name, and everyone in that group will be added as a recipient. If you think this sounds exactly like a distribution list, you’d be right, with one notable exception: By default, distribution lists (and O365 Groups) appear in your organization’s global address book for everyone to see. Contact groups are personal to you.
联系人组:这些是添加到组中的一堆电子邮件地址。 您可以通过电子邮件发送组名称,而不必将每个组单独添加到电子邮件中,并且该组中的每个人都将添加为收件人。 如果你觉得这听起来完全像一个通讯组列表,你是对的,但有一个明显的例外:默认情况下,通讯组列表(和O365群)出现在您的组织的全局地址簿给大家看。 联系人组对您来说是个人的。
If you don’t have O365 and are using a stand-alone version of Office without web apps, you might still have distribution lists available to you. We’ll be showing you how to hide the names of the recipients in a contact group, but the same steps work for distribution lists.
如果您没有O365,并且正在使用不带Web应用程序的Office的独立版本,则可能仍然可以使用通讯组列表。 我们将向您展示如何隐藏联系人组中收件人的姓名,但相同的步骤适用于通讯组列表。
为什么要在联系人组中隐藏姓名? (Why Would You Hide the Names in a Contact Group?)
Sometimes it’s just common courtesy. Your friends might be okay with you contacting them by email, but they likely don’t want their contact information shared with everyone you send mass emails to.
有时只是出于礼貌。 您的朋友可能会同意您通过电子邮件与他们联系,但他们可能不希望与您向其发送大量电子邮件的所有人共享联系信息。
Plenty of data protection and compliance issues provide good reasons to hide someone’s email address. If you deal with any sensitive information, especially financial or medical, you’re probably obliged to keep people’s identity private.
大量的数据保护和合规性问题为隐藏某人的电子邮件地址提供了充分的理由。 如果您处理任何敏感信息,尤其是财务或医疗信息,则可能有义务使人们的身份保密。
Email addresses are often easy to link to a real person as they are considered “individually identifiable information” by both HIPAA in the United States and GDPR in Europe. So if you’re emailing a support group, for example, you shouldn’t be sharing the recipient’s contact information.
电子邮件地址通常很容易链接到真实的人,因为美国的HIPAA和欧洲的GDPR都将电子邮件地址视为“个人身份信息”。 因此,例如,如果您要向支持小组发送电子邮件,则不应共享收件人的联系信息。
如何隐藏联系人组中的姓名? (How Do You Hide the Names in a Contact Group?)
The good news is that hiding the names by using the BCC option when you create your email is simple.

BCC stands for blind carbon copy. You’ve almost certainly used the CC (carbon copy) option when you want to include someone who’s not the primary recipient of an email. BCC works exactly as CC does, except that BCC recipients see only the name of the sender and the name of the person in the “To” field.
密件抄送代表盲抄。 当您要包括不是电子邮件主要收件人的人时,几乎可以肯定使用了CC(抄送)选项。 BCC的工作方式与CC完全相同,只是BCC收件人在“收件人”字段中只能看到发件人的姓名和人名。
People who’ve been BCC’d also don’t see if anyone has been CC’d and don’t receive any replies if someone clicks “Reply All.”
The BCC field is not visible by default when you create a new email, but accessing it is easy. Open a new mail in Outlook and click Options > BCC.
创建新电子邮件时,默认情况下,“密件抄送”字段不可见,但访问起来很容易。 在Outlook中打开新邮件,然后单击选项>密件抄送。

This will display the BCC field in the new mail.

You have to do this once only. In the future, all emails will show the BCC option. If you want to hide the BCC field, click Options > BCC from any email, and it won’t appear again.
您只需要这样做一次。 将来,所有电子邮件都将显示“密件抄送”选项。 如果要隐藏“密件抄送”字段,请从任何电子邮件中单击“选项”>“密件抄送”,它将不再出现。
Now that it’s visible, enter your name in the “To” field and your contact group in the “BCC” field.

Everyone in the contact group will get the email, but they’ll be able to see only the person who sent it (you) and the person in the “To” field (also you).
The first time you do this, consider putting a note in the email explaining to people you’re using BCC to protect their privacy. This will stop your less tech-savvy recipients from wondering why they’re getting an email that looks like it’s from you to you!
第一次执行此操作时,请考虑在电子邮件中添加注释,以向使用BCC保护他人隐私的人解释。 这将使您对技术的了解程度降低,收件人不知道他们为什么会收到一封看起来像是发自您的电子邮件!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437435/how-to-hide-email-addresses-in-an-outlook-contact-group/
outlook 关闭 隐藏