Microsoft promised Windows 10 was getting PowerToys, and they’re finally here! The first preview release includes a Windows key shortcut overlay and a desktop window manager that will let you go beyond simple 2×2 snapping.
微软承诺Windows 10将使用PowerToys ,它们终于来了! 第一个预览版本包括Windows键快捷方式覆盖和桌面窗口管理器,可让您超越简单的2×2捕捉 。
You can download the PowerToys from GitHub—choose the PowerToysSetup.msi file. They’re free and open-source!
您可以从GitHub下载PowerToys-选择PowerToysSetup.msi文件。 它们是免费和开源的!
After you download and install the PowerToys, you’ll see a PowerToys logo in your notification area. Click it to open the PowerToys Settings window.
下载并安装PowerToys之后,您会在通知区域看到PowerToys徽标。 单击它以打开“ PowerToys设置”窗口。
Unlike the old PowerToys for Windows XP, these aren’t separate downloads. There’s one big PowerToys package you download and install. You can choose which PowerToys are enabled from the settings window.
与用于Windows XP的旧PowerToys不同,这些不是单独的下载。 您下载并安装了一个大型PowerToys软件包。 您可以从设置窗口中选择启用哪些PowerToys。

The Shortcut Guide provides contextual help with Windows key shortcuts. To activate it, press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard for a moment. You’ll see an overlay showing which Windows key shortcuts you can use. For example, numbers appear above your application icons on the taskbar. You can press Windows+1 to activate the first taskbar shortcut as if you had clicked it.
快捷方式指南提供了Windows键快捷方式的上下文帮助。 要**它,请按住键盘上的Windows键一会儿。 您会看到一个覆盖图,显示可以使用的Windows键快捷方式。 例如,数字显示在任务栏上您的应用程序图标上方。 您可以按Windows + 1来**第一个任务栏快捷方式 ,就像您单击它一样。
These keyboard shortcuts are available all the time, but the PowerToy provides an easier way of discovering them as you use Windows without reading about them online first.

FancyZones lets you create a window layout and quickly assign windows to that layout. Do you want three windows side by side on your screen? Windows 10’s normal snap feature won’t help with that, but FancyZones can.
FancyZones允许您创建窗口布局并快速将窗口分配给该布局。 您要在屏幕上并排放置三个窗口吗? Windows 10的常规快照功能对此无济于事,但FancyZones可以。
You can configure it from the FancyZones section in PowerToys Settings. Click the “Edit Zones” button or press Windows+~ (tilde) to open it.
您可以从PowerToys设置的FancyZones部分配置它。 单击“编辑区域”按钮或按Windows +〜(波浪号)将其打开。
For easier arranging of windows, you can enable the “Hold Shift key to enable zones while dragging” option and then hold the Shift key while dragging windows around on your screen to quickly snap them into your chosen zones.

This is the first preview release of the new PowerToys. They seemed fine to us, but you may encounter some issues. For example, FancyZones doesn’t yet work well if you have multiple monitors.
这是新PowerToys的第一个预览版本。 它们对我们来说似乎很好,但是您可能会遇到一些问题。 例如,如果您有多台显示器,FancyZones不能很好地工作。
Microsoft will be improving on these PowerToys and adding more PowerToys in the future, so stay tuned.
Here’s the video demo Microsoft links to from the FancyZones setting screen:
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/439749/free-download-microsofts-powertoys-for-windows-10/