Have you been wanting an easy way to set KeePass Password Safe 2 up on your Linux systems? Then get ready to rejoice. Now you can get that KeePass goodness on your Ubuntu or Debian-Based Linux system using a PPA, the Command Line, or manual installation files.
您是否想要一种简单的方法来在Linux系统上设置KeePass Password Safe 2? 然后准备欢喜。 现在,您可以使用PPA,命令行或手动安装文件在基于Ubuntu或Debian的Linux系统上获得KeePass优势。
To add the new PPA open the Ubuntu Software Center, go to the Edit Menu, and select Software Sources. Access the Other Software Tab in the Software Sources Window and add the first of the PPAs shown below (outlined in red). The second PPA will be automatically added to your system.
要添加新的PPA,请打开Ubuntu软件中心 ,进入“ 编辑”菜单 ,然后选择“ 软件源” 。 访问“ 软件来源”窗口中的“ 其他软件”选项卡 ,并添加下面显示的第一个PPA( 以红色概述 )。 第二个PPA将自动添加到您的系统中。

Once you have the new PPAs set up, go back to the Ubuntu Software Center and click on the PPA listing for KeePass 2 on the left (highlighted with red in the image). There will be a single listing in the right pane…click Install.
设置完新的PPA后,请返回Ubuntu软件中心 ,然后单击左侧的KeePass 2的PPA列表(图中红色突出显示 )。 右窗格中将显示一个清单...单击安装 。

After the installation is complete you can find KeePass2 waiting for you in the Accessories sub-menu.
安装完成后,您可以在“ 附件”子菜单中找到KeePass2在等您。
All that is left to do is get your new password database up and running!
Command Line Installation
For those of you who prefer using the command line for installation use the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install keepass2
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor / keepass sudo apt-get更新sudo apt-get install keepass2
Download KeePass Password Safe for your Debian-Based Linux System [Debian.org] *Note: Manual installation files.
为基于Debian的Linux系统下载KeePass Password Safe [Debian.org] *注意:手动安装文件。
Learn more about the Debian/Ubuntu Releases of KeePass Password Safe [KeePass Password Safe Forums]
了解有关KeePass密码保险箱的Debian / Ubuntu版本的更多信息 [KeePass密码保险箱论坛]
Visit the KeePass Password Safe Homepage
You can download the wallpaper shown in the screenshots above here:
Hanging the Laundry Out to Dry [Photobucket]
将衣物晾干 [Photobucket]