Android SVG动画PathView源代码解析与使用教程(API 14)

时间:2023-03-05 12:42:08



* Default constructor.
* @param context The Context of the application.
public PathView(Context context) {
this(context, null);
} /**
* Default constructor.
* @param context The Context of the application.
* @param attrs attributes provided from the resources.
public PathView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
} /**
* Default constructor.
* @param context The Context of the application.
* @param attrs attributes provided from the resources.
* @param defStyle Default style.
public PathView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
getFromAttributes(context, attrs);


" data-snippet-id="ext.8372b925ab36c18fbcb3da24aa7ee54f" data-snippet-saved="false" data-codota-status="done"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<declare-styleable name="PathView">
<attr name="pathColor" format="color"/>
<attr name="pathWidth" format="float"/>
<attr name="svg" format="reference"/>


* Get all the fields from the attributes .
* @param context The Context of the application.
* @param attrs attributes provided from the resources.
private void getFromAttributes(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.PathView);
try {
if (a != null) {
paint.setColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.PathView_pathColor, 0xff00ff00));
paint.setStrokeWidth(a.getFloat(R.styleable.PathView_pathWidth, 8.0f));
svgResourceId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.PathView_svg, 0);
} finally {
if (a != null) {


 paths = new ArrayList(0);
* This is a lock before the view is redrawn
* or resided it must be synchronized with this object.
private final Object mSvgLock = new Object();
* Thread for working with the object above.
private Thread mLoader; /**
* The svg image from the raw directory.
private int svgResourceId;
* Object that build the animation for the path.
private AnimatorBuilder animatorBuilder;
* The progress of the drawing.
private float progress = 0f; /**
* If the used colors are from the svg or from the set color.
private boolean naturalColors;
* If the view is filled with its natural colors after path drawing.
private boolean fillAfter;
* The width of the view.
private int width;
* The height of the view.
private int height;" data-snippet-id="ext.6985d4eda27e815a561fa0bc34510cee" data-snippet-saved="false" data-csrftoken="us74Km0s-ioacrN5aDh_lQUMQoPh1qeiAfqM" data-codota-status="done">/**
* Logging tag.
public static final String LOG_TAG = "PathView";
* The paint for the path.
private Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
* Utils to catch the paths from the svg.
private final SvgUtils svgUtils = new SvgUtils(paint);
* All the paths provided to the view. Both from Path and Svg.
private List<SvgUtils.SvgPath> paths = new ArrayList<SvgUtils.SvgPath>(0);
* This is a lock before the view is redrawn
* or resided it must be synchronized with this object.
private final Object mSvgLock = new Object();
* Thread for working with the object above.
private Thread mLoader; /**
* The svg image from the raw directory.
private int svgResourceId;
* Object that build the animation for the path.
private AnimatorBuilder animatorBuilder;
* The progress of the drawing.
private float progress = 0f; /**
* If the used colors are from the svg or from the set color.
private boolean naturalColors;
* If the view is filled with its natural colors after path drawing.
private boolean fillAfter;
* The width of the view.
private int width;
* The height of the view.
private int height;


 paths) {
for (Path path : paths) {
this.paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
synchronized (mSvgLock) {
} /**
* Set path to be drawn and animated.
* @param path - Paths that can be drawn.
public void setPath(final Path path) {
paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
synchronized (mSvgLock) {
* If the real svg need to be drawn after the path animation.
* @param fillAfter - boolean if the view needs to be filled after path animation.
public void setFillAfter(final boolean fillAfter) {
this.fillAfter = fillAfter;
* Animator for the paths of the view.
* @return The AnimatorBuilder to build the animation.
public AnimatorBuilder getPathAnimator() {
if (animatorBuilder == null) {
animatorBuilder = new AnimatorBuilder(this);
return animatorBuilder;
* Get the path color.
* @return The color of the paint.
public int getPathColor() {
return paint.getColor();
} /**
* Set the path color.
* @param color -The color to set to the paint.
public void setPathColor(final int color) {
} /**
* Get the path width.
* @return The width of the paint.
public float getPathWidth() {
return paint.getStrokeWidth();
} /**
* Set the path width.
* @param width - The width of the path.
public void setPathWidth(final float width) {
} /**
* Get the svg resource id.
* @return The svg raw resource id.
public int getSvgResource() {
return svgResourceId;
} /**
* Set the svg resource id.
* @param svgResource - The resource id of the raw svg.
public void setSvgResource(int svgResource) {
svgResourceId = svgResource;
* If the real svg need to be drawn after the path animation.
* @param fillAfter - boolean if the view needs to be filled after path animation.
public void setFillAfter(final boolean fillAfter) {
this.fillAfter = fillAfter;
* Animate this property. It is the percentage of the path that is drawn.
* It must be [0,1].
* @param percentage float the percentage of the path.
public void setPercentage(float percentage) {
if (percentage 1.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setPercentage not between 0.0f and 1.0f");
progress = percentage;
synchronized (mSvgLock) {
}" data-snippet-id="ext.1be3027e509316e9e2378a76aa3aa94e" data-snippet-saved="false" data-csrftoken="SeP2anif-STH2gPOCQWUpbGDdCh2FrxssGrM" data-codota-status="done"> /**
* Set paths to be drawn and animated.
* @param paths - Paths that can be drawn.
public void setPaths(final List<Path> paths) {
for (Path path : paths) {
this.paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
synchronized (mSvgLock) {
} /**
* Set path to be drawn and animated.
* @param path - Paths that can be drawn.
public void setPath(final Path path) {
paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
synchronized (mSvgLock) {
* If the real svg need to be drawn after the path animation.
* @param fillAfter - boolean if the view needs to be filled after path animation.
public void setFillAfter(final boolean fillAfter) {
this.fillAfter = fillAfter;
* Animator for the paths of the view.
* @return The AnimatorBuilder to build the animation.
public AnimatorBuilder getPathAnimator() {
if (animatorBuilder == null) {
animatorBuilder = new AnimatorBuilder(this);
return animatorBuilder;
* Get the path color.
* @return The color of the paint.
public int getPathColor() {
return paint.getColor();
} /**
* Set the path color.
* @param color -The color to set to the paint.
public void setPathColor(final int color) {
} /**
* Get the path width.
* @return The width of the paint.
public float getPathWidth() {
return paint.getStrokeWidth();
} /**
* Set the path width.
* @param width - The width of the path.
public void setPathWidth(final float width) {
} /**
* Get the svg resource id.
* @return The svg raw resource id.
public int getSvgResource() {
return svgResourceId;
} /**
* Set the svg resource id.
* @param svgResource - The resource id of the raw svg.
public void setSvgResource(int svgResource) {
svgResourceId = svgResource;
* If the real svg need to be drawn after the path animation.
* @param fillAfter - boolean if the view needs to be filled after path animation.
public void setFillAfter(final boolean fillAfter) {
this.fillAfter = fillAfter;
* Animate this property. It is the percentage of the path that is drawn.
* It must be [0,1].
* @param percentage float the percentage of the path.
public void setPercentage(float percentage) {
if (percentage < 0.0f || percentage > 1.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setPercentage not between 0.0f and 1.0f");
progress = percentage;
synchronized (mSvgLock) {


* This refreshes the paths before draw and resize.
private void updatePathsPhaseLocked() {
final int count = paths.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SvgUtils.SvgPath svgPath = paths.get(i);
svgPath.measure.getSegment(0.0f, svgPath.length * progress, svgPath.path, true);
// Required only for Android 4.4 and earlier
svgPath.path.rLineTo(0.0f, 0.0f);


protected void onSizeChanged(final int w, final int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); if (mLoader != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected error", e);
if (svgResourceId != 0) {
mLoader = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() { svgUtils.load(getContext(), svgResourceId); synchronized (mSvgLock) {
width = w - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
height = h - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
paths = svgUtils.getPathsForViewport(width, height);
}, "SVG Loader");
} @Override
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (svgResourceId != 0) {
int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
setMeasuredDimension(widthSize, heightSize);
} int desiredWidth = 0;
int desiredHeight = 0;
final float strokeWidth = paint.getStrokeWidth() / 2;
for (SvgUtils.SvgPath path : paths) {
desiredWidth += path.bounds.left + path.bounds.width() + strokeWidth;
desiredHeight += + path.bounds.height() + strokeWidth;
int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int measuredWidth, measuredHeight; if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
measuredWidth = desiredWidth;
} else {
measuredWidth = widthSize;
} if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
measuredHeight = desiredHeight;
} else {
measuredHeight = heightSize;
} setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
} @Override
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
super.onDraw(canvas); synchronized (mSvgLock) {;
canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop());
final int count = paths.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final SvgUtils.SvgPath svgPath = paths.get(i);
final Path path = svgPath.path;
final Paint paint1 = naturalColors ? svgPath.paint : paint;
canvas.drawPath(path, paint1);
} /**
* If there is svg , the user called setFillAfter(true) and the progress is finished.
* @param canvas Draw to this canvas.
private void fillAfter(final Canvas canvas) {
if (svgResourceId != 0 && fillAfter && progress == 1f) {
svgUtils.drawSvgAfter(canvas, width, height);




onDraw()方法主要完毕绘制,事实上非常easy,就是在Canvas上绘图。遍历全部Path,画在画布上,画完后调用了fillAfter方法,假设设置了svg资源,以及fillAfter 成员变量为true。动画已完毕,则会保持动画


* Object for building the animation of the path of this view.
public static class AnimatorBuilder {
* Duration of the animation.
private int duration = 350;
* Interpolator for the time of the animation.
private Interpolator interpolator;
* The delay before the animation.
private int delay = 0;
* ObjectAnimator that constructs the animation.
private final ObjectAnimator anim;
* Listener called before the animation.
private ListenerStart listenerStart;
* Listener after the animation.
private ListenerEnd animationEnd;
* Animation listener.
private PathViewAnimatorListener pathViewAnimatorListener; /**
* Default constructor.
* @param pathView The view that must be animated.
public AnimatorBuilder(final PathView pathView) {
anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(pathView, "percentage", 0.0f, 1.0f);
} /**
* Set the duration of the animation.
* @param duration - The duration of the animation.
* @return AnimatorBuilder.
public AnimatorBuilder duration(final int duration) {
this.duration = duration;
return this;
} /**
* Set the Interpolator.
* @param interpolator - Interpolator.
* @return AnimatorBuilder.
public AnimatorBuilder interpolator(final Interpolator interpolator) {
this.interpolator = interpolator;
return this;
} /**
* The delay before the animation.
* @param delay - int the delay
* @return AnimatorBuilder.
public AnimatorBuilder delay(final int delay) {
this.delay = delay;
return this;
} /**
* Set a listener before the start of the animation.
* @param listenerStart an interface called before the animation
* @return AnimatorBuilder.
public AnimatorBuilder listenerStart(final ListenerStart listenerStart) {
this.listenerStart = listenerStart;
if (pathViewAnimatorListener == null) {
pathViewAnimatorListener = new PathViewAnimatorListener();
return this;
} /**
* Set a listener after of the animation.
* @param animationEnd an interface called after the animation
* @return AnimatorBuilder.
public AnimatorBuilder listenerEnd(final ListenerEnd animationEnd) {
this.animationEnd = animationEnd;
if (pathViewAnimatorListener == null) {
pathViewAnimatorListener = new PathViewAnimatorListener();
return this;
} /**
* Starts the animation.
public void start() {
} /**
* Animation listener to be able to provide callbacks for the caller.
private class PathViewAnimatorListener implements Animator.AnimatorListener { @Override
public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
if (listenerStart != null) listenerStart.onAnimationStart();
} @Override
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
if (animationEnd != null) animationEnd.onAnimationEnd();
} @Override
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { } @Override
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) { }
} /**
* Called when the animation start.
public interface ListenerStart {
* Called when the path animation start.
void onAnimationStart();
} /**
* Called when the animation end.
public interface ListenerEnd {
* Called when the path animation end.
void onAnimationEnd();




* Init the SVGUtils with a paint for coloring.
* @param sourcePaint - the paint for the coloring.
public SvgUtils(final Paint sourcePaint) {
mSourcePaint = sourcePaint;


* Loading the svg from the resources.
* @param context Context object to get the resources.
* @param svgResource int resource id of the svg.
public void load(Context context, int svgResource) {
if (mSvg != null) return;
try {
mSvg = SVG.getFromResource(context, svgResource);
} catch (SVGParseException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not load specified SVG resource", e);





" data-snippet-id="ext.1e55dba08b347498987ce9f5e8814add" data-snippet-saved="false" data-csrftoken="vzOQfhuW-PjhzjgF9jblnzZGyN0JgbLTGUgE" data-codota-status="done">    <com.eftimoff.androipathview.PathView


PathView mPathView= (PathView) findViewById(;
.interpolator(new BounceInterpolator())
.listenerStart(new PathView.AnimatorBuilder.ListenerStart() {
public void onAnimationStart() {
Log.e("TAG", "start");
.listenerEnd(new PathView.AnimatorBuilder.ListenerEnd() {
public void onAnimationEnd() {


Android SVG动画PathView源代码解析与使用教程(API 14)




Android SVG动画PathView源代码解析与使用教程(API 14)




Path path=new Path();
path.moveTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo(length / 4f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo(length, height / 2.0f);
path.lineTo(length / 4f, height);
path.lineTo(0.0f, height);
path.lineTo(length * 3f / 4f, height / 2f);
path.lineTo(0.0f, 0.0f);


 paths = new ArrayList();
//to do paths.add(path)
mPathView.setPaths(paths);" data-snippet-id="ext.bbf20c1365e0d132851cfceab79afdd5" data-snippet-saved="false" data-csrftoken="4Ep2pzXU-TCk-4L9GymtrqhT8iG_nnud_1Do" data-codota-status="done">List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>();
//to do paths.add(path)




  • M: move to 移动绘制点
  • L:line to 直线
  • Z:close 闭合
  • C:cubic bezier 三次贝塞尔曲线
  • Q:quatratic bezier 二次贝塞尔曲线
  • A:ellipse 圆弧


  • M (x y) 移动到x,y
  • L (x y) 直线连到x,y,还有简化命令H(x) 水平连接、V(y)垂直连接
  • Z。没有參数。连接起点和终点
  • C(x1 y1 x2 y2 x y),控制点x1,y1 x2,y2,终点x,y
  • Q(x1 y1 x y),控制点x1,y1,终点x,y
  • A(rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)

    rx ry 椭圆半径

    x-axis-rotation x轴旋转角度

    large-arc-flag 为0时表示取小弧度。1时取大弧度

    sweep-flag 0取逆时针方向,1取顺时针方向

    Android SVG动画PathView源代码解析与使用教程(API 14)

