使用 SAS Software 9.4 Utility 更新 License
启动 SAS Deployment Manager:
如果 “Renew SAS software” 选项可用, 使用方法1更新,若不可用使用方法2更新。
- 使用 SAS Software 9.4 Utility 更新.
- 使用 SAS Setup Utility 更新.
我这里的 “Renew SAS software” 选项并不存在, 所以我使用的是方法2.
使用 SAS Setup Utility 更新 License
停止所有正再运行的 SAS 进程。
启动 SAS Setup Utility “!SASROOT/sassetup”。
输入1选择 Renew SAS Software, 按回车确认。
# /SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/sassetup
Welcome to SAS Setup, the program used to renew your SAS software.
Some conventions used throughout SAS Setup are:
* indicates which menu selection is the default choice
( ) indicates the default response to a prompt
! starts a sub-shell on your system
h displays help for a menu selection or prompt
g goes back to a previous menu selection or prompt
q quits SAS Setup at any point
Setup Utilities Menu
* 1. Renew SAS Software
g: Go back q: Quit h: Help
Action? (1) 1
SAS Installation Data (SID) is a text file required to install a customized
version of SAS. The SID was e-mailed to your SAS Installation Representative. If
you would like to receive the SID via e-mail now, please use URL to retrieve it
before continuing the installation.
Specify the file containing SAS Installation Data.
SAS Installation Data retrieved successfully.
Applying SAS Installation Data
Please wait...
SAS Installation Data application is complete.