==UserString 模块== (2.0 新增) ``UserString`` 模块包含两个类, //UserString// 和 //MutableString// . 前者是对标准字符串类型的封装, 后者是一个变种, 允许你修改特定位置的字符(联想下列表就知道了). 注意 //MutableString// 并不是效率很好, 许多操作是通过切片和字符串连接实现的. 如果性能很对你的脚本来说重要的话, 你最好使用字符串片断的列表或者 ``array`` 模块. [Example 2-17 #eg-2-17] 展示了 ``UserString`` 模块. ====Example 2-17. 使用 UserString 模块====[eg-2-17] ``` File: userstring-example-1.py import UserString class MyString(UserString.MutableString): def append(self, s): self.data = self.data + s def insert(self, index, s): self.data = self.data[index:] + s + self.data[index:] def remove(self, s): self.data = self.data.replace(s, "") file = open("samples/book.txt") text = file.read() file.close() book = MyString(text) for bird in ["gannet", "robin", "nuthatch"]: book.remove(bird) print book *B*... C: The one without the ! P: The one without the -!!! They've ALL got the !! It's a Standard British Bird, the , it's in all the books!!! ...*b* ```