When you close a Metro application in Windows 8, its more like it gets paused, rather than completely closes. This allows us to quickly switch between applications (think “resume”) without having to launch the application from scratch. Here’s how we can delete our Metro application history as well as exit any applications running in the background.
在Windows 8中关闭Metro应用程序时,它更像是被暂停了,而不是完全关闭。 这使我们能够在应用程序之间快速切换(认为是“恢复”),而不必从头启动应用程序。 这是我们如何删除Metro应用程序历史记录以及退出在后台运行的所有应用程序的方法。
删除您的申请记录 (Deleting Your Application History)
Press the Windows + I key combination, when the sidebar appears go ahead and click on the “More PC Settings” section.
按Windows + I组合键,当侧边栏出现时,继续并单击“更多PC设置”部分。

When the new “Metro Control Panel” loads you’re going to want to head over to the General Section.

On the right-hand side, a simple click of the Delete button in the App switching section will do the trick.

If you take a closer look at Task manager you will also notice that it closes any 3rd Party Metro applications that were running in the background.
如果您仔细查看任务管理器,您还将注意到它关闭了在后台运行的所有3rd Party Metro应用程序。

Of course, it also removes them from the application switching list, as promised.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/111092/how-to-delete-your-application-history-in-windows-8/