Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

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Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • 利率风险更难控制,因为

    • 每种货币有许多种利率(国债,银行间,借贷,互换),利率互相之间并不完全相关
    • 利率需要一个关于期限的函数来表示,不能是单一的数字,我们把这个函数叫做利率期限结构或者是收益率曲线
  • 零息利率,指利息与本金都是在到期日结束支付,不含有像债券一样的周期性支付coupon

  • 由于持有债券的到期时间不同,对各个时期利率的敏感度不同,导致债券持有人需要对收益率曲线的各种变化予以关注

  • 本章内容:

    • 传统的管理利率风险的方式
    • 描述对金融机构重要的利率
    • 久期duration与曲率convexity的概念,相当于前一章节的delta and gamma
    • 非平行移动利率风险的管理方法(partial durations, the calculation of multiple deltas, and the use of principal components analysis,局部久期,多项delta,主因子分析法)

9.1 The Management of Net Interest Income

  • 确保净息差(net interest margin)稳定是资产负债管理部门的职责。净息差是 is net interest income divided by income‐producing assets

  • 远期与短期的利率预期一致,则存款角度,人们为了增加金融弹性,倾向于短期存款,借款角度,为了避免refinance risk ,倾向于长期借款

  • This creates an asset/liability mismatch for the bank and subjects its net interest income to risks

  • 在上述情况下,利率下降,对银行有利,借款成本下降,收入维持不变,利率上升会产生利息收入的降低

  • 解决资产与负债匹配的办法:

    提高5年期利率,存款及借贷,使得imbalance disappear,这种长期利率要比预期将来的短期利率高的现像, This phenomenon is referred to as liquidity preference theory,流动性偏好理论

9.1.1 Liquidity 流动性

  • mismatch assets and liability 可以导致流动性问题
  • rolling over the deposits,前提不可丧失信心
  • 2007年危机的很大一部分原因在于流动性枯竭
  • 银行监管者吸取教训,知道需要制定监管流动性要求,与资本要求一样

9.2 Type of Rates 利率的种类

9.2.1 Treasury Rates 国债利率

  • *举债的工具,以本国货币计息
  • assume there is no chance that a government will default on an obiligation denominated in its own currency
  • treated as risk - free rates

9.2.2 LIBOR

  • 伦敦同业拆借利率,London interbank offered rate的缩写

  • 分为不同的币种以及借贷期限(从一天到一年)

  • LIBOR is therefore usually assumed to be an estimate of the unsecured borrowing rate for an AA‐rated bank

  • LIBOR的问题在于没有足够的银行间借贷来对借贷利率形成准确的估计

  • 现在,LIBOR报价的币种降为5种,借贷时期降为7个时间段

  • LIBOR作为衍生品交易的标准利率并不理想,因为该利率是银行所定,而不是实际的市场交易产生

9.2.3 LIBOR / Swap Aero Curve

  • LIBOR 的报价如何扩展到一年外?

    • 构造一个长于一年的 AA rated 机构借入资金的利率曲线
    • 构造一个将来某个AA rated 公司在某个时刻短期借入资金的利率曲线
    • 两种方式的区别:
      • 第一种方式,给予了今天的AA rated 远期的短期借入利率
      • 第二种方式,给出了在将来某个时段开始时信用级别为AA的公司借入短期资金的利率
  • Swap rates are used to extend the LIBOR yield curve.Why?

    • because 银行可以通过短期LIBOR 利率来生成互换利率

9.2.4 LIBOR vs Treasury Rates

  • Treasury Rates 太低不适合做无风险利率,原因在于:
    • 银行被监管要求持有一定的国债,因此利率极低
    • 持有国债的资本要求要比其他低风险投资持有的资本要低
    • 国债的税务规定比定息投资更为有利,无须缴纳州税

9.2.5 The OIS Rate

  • overnight indexed swap(OIS) is a swap where a fixed interest rate for a period is exchanged for the geometric average of overnight rates during the period

  • An OIS therefore allows overnight borrowing or lending to be swapped for borrowing or lending at a fixed rate for a period of time. The fixed rate is referred to as the OIS rate

  • 银行的一个重要的压力指标是OIS 与LIBOR 的溢差

  • 后者是一家银行向另一家AA级银行提供三个月期限的无抵押贷款利率

  • 前者是一家银行以美联储基准利率借入资金然后通过利率互换将隔夜利率转换为3个月固定利率

  • 溢差越大,说明银行越因为担心对手信用而不愿相互之间拆借

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

9.2.6 Repo Rates

  • Repo Rates,a financial institution that owns securities agrees to sell the securities for a certain price and to buy them back at a later time for a slightly higher price回购利率
  • repo 存在很小的信用风险,有抵押,最常见的repo 是隔夜repo,term repo回购利率期限,generally a few basis points below the corresponding LIBOR

9.3 Duration

  • Macaulay Duration

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • Δ y is a small change in the bond’s yield and Δ B is the corresponding change in its price

  • 收益率与债券价格反向变化

  • defines duration as a weighted average of the times when payments are made

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • small changes in interest rates are often measureed in basis points,一个基点0.01%

9.3.1 Modified Duration 修正久期

  • 麦考利久期的yield是continuous compounding ,如果复利频率有变化,必须对久期有所调整
  • when y is expressed with a compounding frequency of m times per year, it must be divided by 1 + y / m 我们称之为修正久期

9.3.2 Dollar Duration 金额久期

  • Dollar Duration = 修正久期 * 债券价格,因此可以推导出如下公式:

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • duration relates proportional changes in a bond’s price to its yield

9.4 Convexity 曲率

  • Duration衡量的是yield 小幅波动,当大幅波动的时候,债券表现不同

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • This is the weighted average of the square of the time to the receipt of cash flows

9.4.1 Dollar Convexity 绝对额曲率

  • 定义与金额久期类似,等于曲率与债券价格的乘积

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

9.5 Generalization 推广

  • 首先定义一个zero coupon yield curve ,parallel shift

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • the duration D of a portfolio is the weighted average of the durations of the individual assets comprising the portfolio with the weight assigned to an asset being proportional to the value of the asset,组合的久期是单个资产久期加权平均总和

  • 权重等于构成资产与整体组合价值的比率

  • 组合绝对额久期delta,资产价值和利率之间

  • 曲率与久期的推广普遍一样

  • the convexity of the portfolio is the weighted average of the convexities of the assets with the weights being proportional to the value of the assets,组合的曲率是单个资产曲率的加权平均总和

  • 如果现金流在一个较长时间内有较为均匀的分布,则交易组合曲率会趋向越大而如果现金流都局限在一个点上的时候,曲率趋向最小

  • 组合的金额曲率相当于,资产与利率之间的gamma

9.5.1 Portfolio Immunization 组合免疫

  • 幅度小的利率平行移动,我们可以通过使Duration为0来免疫利率风险
  • 保证曲率与久期都接近于0 可以是组合在大的利率平行移动中,免疫利率风险

9.6 Nonparallel Yield Curve Shift 利率曲线的非平行移动

9.6.1 Partial Duration 局部久期

  • Reitano 1992 收益率曲线一个点移动,其他点不动的情况下

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • 组合的久期相当于所有局部久期之和

  • This means that the portfolio loses (gains) in value when short rates rise (fall). It gains (loses) in value when long rates rise (fall),组合在短期利率上升时损失,在长期利率上升时获利,反之亦然

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • the percentage change in the value of the portfolio arising from the rotation is:

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • 由此可以推断出,局部久期交易组合对于曲线的牛洞的敏感性远大于对平行移动的敏感性

9.6.2 Bucket Deltas

  • partial duration approach is to divide the yield curve into a number of segments or buckets and calculate for each bucket the dollar impact of changing all the zero rates corresponding to the bucket by one basis point while keeping all other zero rates

    Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • Bucket 将利率曲线分为几个段,或者部分

  • 局部久期又称作为GAP management 缺口管理

9.6.3 Calculating Deltas to Facilitate Hedging 计算敏感率用于对冲

  • Often traders tend to use positions in the instruments that have been used to construct the zero curve to hedge their exposure用生成零息收益率曲线的产品来对冲风险头寸
  • 比如用欧洲美元期货来对冲,使用互换来对冲,使用DV01工具

9.7 PCA 主成分分析法

  • Handle risk arising from groups of highly correlated market variables is principal components analysis
  • 是一种统计学工具,define a set of components or factors that explain the movements

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

9.7.1 Using PCA to Calculate Delta

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 9 —— Interest Rate Risk

  • 前两个因子解释了超过97%的方差变化

9.8 Gamma and Vega

  • Vega of a portfolio measures its exposure to volatility changes