outlook 数据文件
If you are using Microsoft Outlook, all of your email is stored in a Personal Folders file (.pst), which tends to build up in size over time. If you want to save a little bit of hard drive space and maybe speed up Outlook, you can compact that file easily.
如果您使用的是Microsoft Outlook,则所有电子邮件都存储在“个人文件夹”文件(.pst)中,该文件的大小会随着时间的推移逐渐增加。 如果您想节省一点硬盘空间并可能加快Outlook的速度,则可以轻松压缩该文件。
Of course this tip isn’t very useful for experienced Outlook users, but we like to cover everything helpful even if it’s fairly basic.
Compacting Outlook Data Files
From the Outlook main window, choose Data File Management from the File menu.

The Account Settings dialog will open up on the Data Files tab. Highlight Personal Folders, which should be located on the local drive, then click on the Settings button.
“帐户设置”对话框将在“数据文件”选项卡上打开。 突出显示应位于本地驱动器上的“个人文件夹”,然后单击“设置”按钮。

Now with the Personal Folders dialog box open, click on Compact Now.

A message indicating compacting is taking place will pop up then disappear when done. Now we can close out of the remaining windows.
将显示一条消息,提示正在压缩,完成后消失。 现在我们可以关闭其余窗口。

This will work in both Outlook 2007 and 2003. If you notice Outlook becoming slow try out this quick fix.
这将在Outlook 2007和2003中都可以使用。如果您发现Outlook变慢,请尝试此快速修复。
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80056/quick-tip-easily-compact-outlook-data-files-2/
outlook 数据文件