The Windows Store in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is full of third-party preview apps. They’re not complete, but they give us a taste of what we can expect from Metro and Windows in the future.
Windows 8 Consumer Preview中的Windows Store充满了第三方预览应用程序。 它们还不完整,但是它们使我们对未来的Metro和Windows有所期待。
All of these apps share a minimal interface with a focus on content and graphics, pushing traditional interface elements into the background. Whether you love Metro or not, Microsoft has decided that these sort of apps are the future of Windows.
所有这些应用共享一个最小的界面,重点放在内容和图形上,从而将传统的界面元素推向后台。 不管您是否喜欢Metro,Microsoft都认为这类应用程序是Windows的未来。
安装应用程序 (Installing Apps)
If you’re using Windows 8, you can tap the Windows Store tile on the Start screen to browse the store and install apps.
如果您使用的是Windows 8,则可以在“开始”屏幕上点击Windows应用商店磁贴,以浏览应用商店并安装应用。
You can also search for apps directly from the Start screen. Just start typing and select the “Store” category when the search screen appears.
您也可以直接从“开始”屏幕搜索应用程序。 只需开始输入并在搜索屏幕出现时选择“存储”类别即可。

食谱 (Cookbook)
Cookbook is a slick recipe application. Its presentation, with its minimal interface and focus on mouth-watering pictures, is beautiful. You can browse by category or search for specific items from a catalog of over 200 000 recipes from BigOven. Even the recipe pages aren’t cluttered, like many recipe websites are.
Cookbook是一个精美的食谱应用程序。 它的演示文稿具有最小的界面,专注于令人垂涎的图片,非常漂亮。 您可以按类别浏览,也可以从BigOven的20万多个食谱目录中搜索特定项目。 像许多食谱网站一样,即使食谱页面也不会混乱。
割绳子 (Cut the Rope)
Cut the Rope is a Metro version of the popular mobile physics-based puzzle game, which you can also play for free in your browser. In fact, the browser version and Metro versions are basically the same — developers can use HTML5 to write these apps.
《割绳子》是流行的基于移动物理的益智游戏的Metro版本,您也可以在浏览器中免费玩。 实际上,浏览器版本和Metro版本基本相同-开发人员可以使用HTML5编写这些应用程序。
Cut The Rope shows the potential of HTML to create powerful, first-class Windows apps that are also cross-platform.
Cut the Rope展示了HTML创建跨平台强大,一流的Windows应用程序的潜力。
工房 (Kobo)
The Kobo app turns Windows into an eReader. It definitely feels like a tablet eReader app and it’ll be right at home on a Windows tablet. It’s also a way to read books on your PC without a taskbar or other interface elements distracting you.
Kobo应用程序将Windows变成了电子阅读器。 绝对感觉像是平板电脑的电子书阅读器应用程序,它将在Windows平板电脑上在家中使用。 这也是在PC上读书的一种方式,而无需任务栏或其他界面元素分散您的注意力。
Other eBook stores are sure to follow Kobo’s example. In fact, there’s already a Kindle app.
其他电子书商店肯定会遵循Kobo的榜样。 实际上,已经有一个Kindle应用程序。
Ashampoo ImageFX (Ashampoo ImageFX)
Ashampoo ImageFX can quickly apply a variety of effects to image files. It can also capture images directly from your webcam.
Ashampoo ImageFX可以快速将各种效果应用于图像文件。 它还可以直接从网络摄像头捕获图像。
It’s a basic app with few features at the moment, but this is the kind of simple image editor we’re sure to see more of in the future.
Vimeo (Vimeo)
It’s unsurprising that Windows 8 doesn’t offer a YouTube app yet, since YouTube is owned by Google. There’s a Vimeo app, though, and it’s a showcase for the kind of interface video apps are sure to have. Click one of the video tiles and you’ll get a full-screen player.
Windows 8尚未提供YouTube应用程序并不奇怪,因为YouTube由Google拥有。 不过,有一个Vimeo应用程序,它确实展示了这类视频应用程序的界面。 单击其中一个视频图块,您将获得一个全屏播放器。
新闻* (News Republic)
News Republic is a news reader app that allows you to search for and select your favorite topics. It offers a preview of the kind of news readers we’re likely to see — ones with a focus on content that push navigation to the background.
News Republic是新闻阅读器应用程序,可让您搜索并选择自己喜欢的主题。 它提供了我们很可能会看到的新闻阅读器的预览,它们的重点是将导航推送到后台的内容。
Slapdash播客 (Slapdash Podcasts)
Slapdash Podcasts is an application for discovering, downloading, and listening to podcasts. It’s got the same sort of interface the other applications here have, with a heavy focus on graphics and content.
Slapdash Podcasts是用于发现,下载和收听Podcast的应用程序。 它具有与此处其他应用程序相同的界面,重点放在图形和内容上。
留声机 (Grantophone)
Grantophone is clearly designed for touch interfaces, but you can also use it with a mouse. It turns your tablet — or PC, rather — into a musical instrument. You can adjust tons of settings and tap or click the buttons to play sounds.
Grantophone显然是为触摸界面设计的,但是您也可以将其与鼠标配合使用。 它可以将您的平板电脑(或PC)变成一种乐器。 您可以调整大量设置,然后点击或单击按钮播放声音。

印象笔记 (Evernote)
Like other Evernote applications, Evernote’s Metro app synchronizes online with your Evernote account. The current Evernote preview is limited to text input, but it will show images already attached to notes. The preview shows where Evernote is going with its interface.
与其他Evernote应用程序一样,Evernote的Metro应用程序可与您的Evernote帐户在线同步。 当前的Evernote预览仅限于文本输入,但是它将显示已经附加到便笺上的图像。 预览显示Evernote界面的去向。

海盗爱雏菊 (Pirates Love Daisies)
Pirates Love Daisies is another featured game on the Windows Store. Like Cut the Rope, it’s an HTML 5 game that you can also play in your browser. It’s a tower defense game where you control pirates that try to protect… daisies.
盗版爱情雏菊是Windows应用商店中的另一款特色游戏。 就像《割绳子》一样,这是一个HTML 5游戏,您也可以在浏览器中玩 。 这是一款塔防游戏,您可以在其中控制试图保护雏菊的海盗。
Well, it’s certainly an original concept.
There are other great apps that weren’t listed here. In particular, I couldn’t find the Kindle, Slacker Radio, or SigFig apps in the store, probably because they’re region locked.
这里没有列出其他优秀的应用程序。 特别是,我在商店中找不到Kindle,Slacker Radio或SigFig应用程序,可能是因为它们已被区域锁定。
Feel free to explore the Windows 8 Store yourself — new apps are being added regularly.
随时自行探索Windows 8 Store-定期添加新的应用程序。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108404/10-apps-that-show-metros-potential-from-the-windows-store/