Remote Desktop Connection is a useful feature in Windows that allows you to log on and view the desktop of another computer via your internet connection from your own computer. This article will explain how to use your local drives during a Remote Desktop session.
远程桌面连接是Windows中的一项有用功能,它使您可以从自己的计算机通过Internet连接登录并查看另一台计算机的桌面。 本文将介绍如何在远程桌面会话期间使用本地驱动器。
使用本地驱动器 (Using Local Drives)
Within the ‘new’ computer everything will be as it normally is when you log in at school/work. So, in My Computer, the drives will all be the same as you would find normally. However, it only shows the drives on the remote computer as a default, but you may want it to your own drives on your computer – local drives.
在“新”计算机中,一切将与您在学校/单位中登录时的正常情况一样。 因此,在“我的电脑”中,所有驱动器都将与正常情况下的驱动器相同。 但是,它仅将远程计算机上的驱动器显示为默认驱动器,但是您可能希望将其显示在计算机上自己的驱动器-本地驱动器上。
This is quite a simple process, but for some reason it is hidden away within the Remote Desktop options, but here’s how you do it:
1: Open Remote Desktop Connection: Start – All Programs – Accessories – Remote Desktop Connection

2: When the Window pops up, click options

3: Click on the Local Resources Tab

5: A new window will now pop up with another series of check boxes. Here is where you choose whether to show your local drives or not. In the box there is a Drives section, and this is where you choose to show them or not – if you expand it it will show all your currently connected drives, and you can choose whether to show these or not, and also a useful feature; ‘Drives that I connect to later.’ It is worth checking this as well.
5:现在将弹出一个新窗口,其中包含另一个系列的复选框。 在这里,您可以选择是否显示本地驱动器。 在该框中有一个“驱动器”部分,您可以选择在此处显示或不显示它们-如果展开它,它将显示您当前连接的所有驱动器,您可以选择是否显示这些驱动器,并且还有一个有用的功能; “稍后连接的驱动器。” 值得检查一下。
With regards to the other options, check the box saying ‘Supported Plug & Play Devices’ because this will allow any new devices that you plug in (that use Plug & play, like virtually all new USB devices do)
Finally, smart cards will probably already be checked, and you can choose whether you would like these and serial ports to be used in your remote session.
Personally I have everything checked, but this is up to you!

6: Ok, so now that you have enabled all the drives, you have to load up your Remote Desktop Connection and then log in like you normally do.
7: Click on My Computer and you can now see that it has changed.
Before it will have had 1 and possibly 2 sections: Network Location (showing the drive/s on the network computer) and then possibly Devices with Removable Storage (as it says, only on the remote computer, so these are not actually removable to you at home!)
Now there is a third section – Other
The drives listed here are all the drives on your computer. Unfortunately drive names are not carried across, so unless you know the actual drive names you may have to work out which is which by trial and error (tip: the c drive is almost always your system drive)
此处列出的驱动器是计算机上的所有驱动器。 不幸的是,驱动器名称没有保留,因此,除非您知道实际的驱动器名称,否则可能需要反复尝试确定哪个驱动器名称(提示:c驱动器几乎总是您的系统驱动器)
When you open one of the drives it is just like normal – everything will be in the same place, and, of course, if you try to open something it will open on the remote computer!
It should end up having the usual ‘My Computer, but with your own drives at the bottom
They will be called – (computer name) and then drive letter
This process should work, but any problems just leave a forum post.
Good luck!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/168150/using-local-drives-in-remote-desktop-connections/