A Flash Drive is a small device that provides portable storage for IT systems. Flash drives are very practical to connect into a computer or a laptop because mainly they are using the USB port. Flash drives become very popular in the last 15 years. Flash drives also named thumb drives because of their size and shape which is similar to the human thumb.
闪存驱动器是一种小型设备,可为IT系统提供便携式存储。 闪存驱动器连接到计算机或笔记本电脑非常实用,因为它们主要使用USB端口。 闪存驱动器在过去15年中变得非常流行。 由于闪存驱动器的大小和形状类似于人的拇指,因此也称为拇指驱动器。
Flash drives provide easier usage according to the hard disk drives and CD-ROM for storage. Flash disk drives can be connected to a computer or laptop in 2 seconds and can be used instantly to store or copy files. Also, flash drives can be removed easily in 2 seconds.
根据硬盘驱动器和CD-ROM的不同,闪存驱动器的使用更加简便。 闪存驱动器可以在2秒内连接到计算机或笔记本电脑,并且可以立即用于存储或复制文件。 同样,可以在2秒钟内轻松卸下闪存驱动器。
闪存驱动器连接 (Flash Drive Connections)
Flash drives are mainly using USB type connections because of its simplicity, performance, etc. But there are some alternative connection types provided by the flash drives. This type of alternative connection type is added as an extra to the flash drives which means there is also a USB on these flash drives.
闪存驱动器由于其简单性,性能等特点,主要使用USB类型的连接。但是,闪存驱动器提供了一些替代连接类型。 这种替代连接类型是闪存驱动器的附加功能,这意味着这些闪存驱动器上还有一个USB。
USB 2.0 (USB 2.0)
USB is a very popular connection type and protocol mainly used for data transfer. USB version 2.0 is the most used version of the USB. USB 2.0 provides a fast transfer speed of about 60 MB per second which is very high for most of the flash disk drives.
USB是一种非常流行的连接类型和协议,主要用于数据传输。 USB版本2.0是USB使用最多的版本。 USB 2.0提供每秒约60 MB的快速传输速度,对于大多数闪存驱动器而言,这是非常高的。
USB 3.0 (USB 3.0)
USB 3.0 is the new USB protocol version which provides a lot higher data transfer speed. USB 3.0 can transfer 640 MB per second. USB 3.0 is using blue as a color in the port.
USB 3.0是新的USB协议版本,可提供更高的数据传输速度。 USB 3.0每秒可以传输640 MB。 USB 3.0在端口中使用蓝色作为颜色。
USB 3.1 (USB 3.1)
USB 3.1 is the newest version of the USB and is a minor improvement to the USB 3.0
USB 3.1是USB的最新版本,是对USB 3.0的较小改进。
闪电 (Lightning)
Lightning is a connection type that is developed by Apple is similar to the USB Type-C but a bit smaller than it.
苹果公司开发的Lightning是一种连接类型,与USB Type-C相似,但比它小一些。
微型USB (Micro USB)
The micro USB port is generallt used in mobile phones. This type of flash disks can be used with phones to connect a flash drive.
微型USB端口通常用于手机中。 这种类型的闪存盘可用于手机以连接闪存驱动器。
USB Type-C (USB Type-C)
Type-C is a next-generation mobile phone USB port. These ports are newer and provide a higher level of data transmission.
Type-C是下一代手机USB端口。 这些端口较新,并提供更高级别的数据传输。
闪光灯尺寸 (Flash Sizes)
Flash disk sizes started with 4 MB and increased over time. Currently, flash drive sizes start from 2GB and can be up to 1 TB. As you expect 1TB flash drive prices are very higher for per GB lower size flash disk.
闪存磁盘大小以4 MB开始,并且随着时间的推移而增加。 当前,闪存驱动器的大小从2GB开始,最大可以达到1 TB。 如您所料,每GB较小尺寸的闪存盘1TB闪存驱动器的价格会非常高。